Current Track: Blabb

\n Out of all of my stories this is probably very mediocre to some other I have done in the past. I didn't feel their an interesting enough plot to keep the reader involved and depending on how much you know of Ironclaw you might not understand some of the words and undertones that were being exchanged in this store.

\n This was suppose to be apart of the "Wild Nights" Conbook but due to unseen circumstances it did not make the cut.

NOTE: This story derived out of a Role playing game. Rithan is a character I am playing and I wanted to write a short story that explains a little bit about his past. Though this takes place in an Iron Claw setting the DM wanted to add a little mystery to the game by introducing a continent much like Africa, plus the game is somewhat different than whats the book outlines. So please forgive if I get a few details wrong.


\n *************************


\n Everything was in place. The valley, the stream, the river, the weather was calm and the wind seemed to be in their favor, everything seemed perfect. His tail now raised, his nose sweating, he could not wait any longer; he wanted to let it go. He wanted to release his anger and finally gain revenge. His body stayed silent as his eyes kept watch, affirming his faith in his pack; Rithan, Thabo, and Kato. They were all painted dogs of the highest caliber, and they knew what had to be done. Looking down at the scars, his soul burned with anger once more as he griped the pendant that hung around his neck. Faintly he could hear the screams of his brother’s voice. Then he heard it, his eyes shot across the stream as a short yip echoed in the distance, Kato then threw himself out of the bushes and started running. Drew was finally relieved that the wait was over. Getting into position, the wolf readied his bow.


\n In the distance he could see a figure of a painted dog running fast. Drew kept a close eye on the scenery behind him watching for his prey. Then Kato stopped as he stood in the middle of the stream. The painted dog could only stare as he slowly turned to watch the tall body of a gazelle materialize in the distance. Drew’s fur stood on end as his emotions stirred, he could hear the bastard’s heartbeat moving closer and closer. Then he saw his eyes, those thick long horns, his white fur and his black arms. There was no mistake now, he raised his bow and took aim. The herd animal didn’t seem to be afraid but determined as he approached the dog. Then, with one swift movement and no warning Drew released the tension on his bowstring, firing the arrow. The gazelle didn’t know what hit him as he felt the arrow pierced part of his chest. The creature just staggered as he looked at his wound, then just as suddenly as the first arrow appeared, another arrow flew out of nowhere striking him in the back, sealing his fate.


\n “Namasu, it’s your time to die!” Drew said loudly as he jumped down from his tree, and began to charge at the defenseless creature. Namasu had only a look of horror as he saw the wolf’s face and felt the knife that plunged itself deep into his body. Drew, filled with rage, brought the dagger down upon the creature over and over again, thinking of every transgression that this bastard did to him. The beating he took, the humiliation he endured and ultimately the death of his little brother. Kato smiled, a bit more relieved than satisfied. Rithan, being the lookout, had to close his eyes and look away. He was very uneasy about the whole situation, but Drew was his best friend. 


\n Kato’s hand quickly grabbed Drew’s as he was about to swing his knife for the fourth time. The Painted dog had a concerned look in his face as Drew’s eyes were focused. “Enough Drew!” the dog stated.


\n “No! I can’t” Drew said as his voice cracked.


\n “Let it go” Rithan said opening his eyes as he got up from his position and began to ease himself down the hill. “You’ve had your vengeance, it’s time to leave.” Drew just looked fiercely at his prey as he gave a long deep sighs as Kato released his hand.


\n “Rithan, stay up on the hill!” Kato yelled angrily.


\n “Shut up, both of you” Drew immediately responded, a little agitated “Fine I’ll quite but we’ll need to start skinning the body” Drew said as he took the knife and began to guide his hand in a more practical manner.


\n “Drew is that necessary? Doesn’t he deserve a proper…”


\n “HE DERSEVES NOTHING!” Drew yelled interrupting Rithan. Rithan’s mouth immediately closed.


\n “Look, Drew, take all the time you need… But how much I hate to admit it, Rithan has valid reason to be concerned. We can’t stay here too long conducting business” Kato responded.


\n “Namu!” Was the only the words that the group herd from the little gazelle as everyone just turned quickly around to see who it was. The girl just stood their in silence, as she watched the group of painted dogs and one lone wolf with blood spattered all over his body. Her eyes opened widely as she screamed out in horror turning around and running in the other direction. Thabo spared no time as his instincts took over and aimed for the girl. The arrow soon pierced her right leg instead of her body, incapacitating her only, yet her screams were loud and painful. Rithan quickly moved to his feet. Drew also took flight after the girl. Without warning Kato sprang forward aiming himself at Rithan. Without knowing what hit him, Rithan felt someone grab on to his legs, dragging him to the ground. He saw Drew take a hold of the girl, raised his arm and with one quick movement silenced her forever. Rithan couldn’t help but watch as the little girl’s screams were erased from existence.


\n “Rithan, weren’t you suppose to be in charge of watch?!” Kato yelled.


\n “Yes but we were…” Rithan began to explain.


\n “IT WAS YOUR DUTY to watch our pack Rithan, yours and not anyone else’s” Kato yelled at Rithan cutting him off.


\n “Shut up you two!” Drew yelled “We all were idiots, we can’t pin the blame on Rithan alone” Kato just gave a low growl as he stared harshly at the painted dog.


\n “You’re too soft on him Drew.” Kato said as he stood up, standing over Rithan who was lying down on the ground whimpering. Drew got up and grabbed a hold of the young gazelle’s limp body and dragged it across the ground. Thabo rushed toward Rithan and knelt next to him.


\n “Rithan” Thabo said softly.


\n “I killed her” Rithan responded.


\n “No…No you…” Thabo stated immediately but was overpowered by Rithan’s emotions.


\n “I killed her…If I had only done my job, If I had not been distracted” Rithan began to say hysterically.


\n “Shut up Rithan” Drew said as he started to quickly skin the two dead carcasses. “Don’t do this to yourself, not now. We have more pressing matters to attend too. Emotions can come later, the pack must come first” Drew stated consolingly.


\n “She’s a young girl, she didn’t anything wrong” Rithan responded.


\n “I know” Drew said irritated.


\n “We have to do something, we have to...” Rithan stated as he got up and moved himself toward Drew.


\n “SHUT UP RITHAN!” Drew yelled again at him as he finished skinning the gazelles. “Look we don’t have time for this, get your self together, we need to head out!”


\n Drew stood back and gave a heavy sigh as the boat and the bodies were engulfed in fire. It was a harsh, stressful journey, more stressful than anticipated due to some unforeseen setbacks. He had ensured their escape, dressed the scene and masks their scent. Smiling a bit, Drew knew he had accomplished the task he wanted. He had led his pack to victory and had completed the ceremony.


\n “Drew, your assistance is needed” Kato said as he came up behind him. The wolf turned around.


\n “It isn’t Rithan, is it?”


\n “Yes, I’m worried about his loyalty”


\n “Trust me, Rithan may think differently than we do, but a traitor and a snitch he is not,” Drew said with complete confidence.


\n “I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again you’re too easy on him my alpha. He is too weak and has a heart which has the consistency of the soil after a fresh morning rain.” Kato said in complete disdain as he looked at Drew’s back. Drew just stopped, and stood there for a moment before turning to Kato with an irritated look.


\n “No, my friend that’s where you are wrong, His good heart is his greatest asset. If the passions had been kind to me, then maybe I would be in the same position as him.”


\n “Are you saying that he is stronger than us?” Kato said with a twinge of anger in his eyes. Drew just turned and sighed, uttering only the thing that came to his mind.


\n “I don’t know, that depends on where the passions take us in life”


\n Rithan kept himself separated from the pack; even Thabo remained distant due to his friend’s demeanor. Drew only stood there for a moment before he began to move closer to the canine. Rithan didn’t have to look to know who it is as he continued to remain silent.


\n Giving me the silent treatment I see” Drew said very curiously as he approached the painted dog, but Rithan gave no acknowledgement of his existence. “Look, lets just get this over with, because I hate having to do this routine with you.” Drew said as he crossed his arms and looked at the painted dog sternly.


\n “Then you know what we have to do” Rithan said in a very soft tone.


\n “Yes we stay silent” Drew responded.


\n “DREW! You know that’s not what I…”


\n “WELL THAT’S WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO!” Drew yelled back, interrupting him.


\n “We killed a girl!” Rithan exclaimed


\n “I had to” Drew responded


\n “No! There had to be another way, there’s always another way!” Rithan stated as he got up and turned around to face him with the same stern gaze. “She didn’t do anything wrong!”


\n “She saw us, that was enough”


\n “WOW! So you killed a girl so WE wouldn’t get caught.” Rithan said indignantly. Drew snarled and in one quick moment the wolf leapt and pounced on Rithan, pinning the weak canine to the ground, his hand over his throat.


\n “DON’T ever accuse me of being selfish, you little twerp! I protected you, your family, my family, the whole entire village. There was more on the line than just our skins” Rithan had to stay quite for a minute. He didn’t want to admit it but he saw the truth in Drew’s word, though his mind could not grasp this outcome as the only true possible outcome.


\n “What if ..?” Rithan began to say very seriously


\n “This is not the time for what if’s Rithan…Lets just say I will do anything to protect my pack or my house” Drew stated as he tilted his head to look at the ground.      “So you carry no regrets with you” Rithan said with some irritation.


\n “One, but it’s not about the girl. Look, Rithan there will be times in life where sometimes doing what’s necessary isn’t always doing what’s right. The faster you learn that lesson the better off you are” Drew said in different tone, as if he was giving advice to a relative more than a friend. He sighed, turned around and started to walk away. The painted dog could only watch Drew; he didn’t know how to feel about him and his mind was filled with confused mixed emotions.


\n “Rithan” Drew said as he stopped for moment. Rithan just stood there. “Don’t mention a word of this to anyone, and I mean that. Anyone! Not even your parents. You got that.” Drew could only hear silence but he knows the painted dog. He only had to wait.


\n “You have my word” Rithan calmly said as a tear slowly trickled down the painted face.
