Current Track: Blabb

Isaac closed his notebook; he had been working on it since he had gotten home. The college student stretched out and stood up; he grabbed his notebook and put it on the counter. He had come to Egypt as a part of his major; he had decided that he would be a cultural anthropologist. But instead of being the regular type he would study ancient civilizations as he had always loved ancient cultures. Egypt had called out to him it was the reason he had been able to catch a ride with a professor at his college.
            Professor Mikaelson had told Isaac that they were planning on going to Egypt and had said that it would be a great experience for him. Isaac had been more than delighted to take him up on his offer; out of all the cultures Egyptian was especially fascinating. As soon as they landed in Egypt the Professor and another student who had tagged along went off to an archaeological dig while Isaac had taken out his notebook and started questioning people about ancient culture.
            As the time progressed Isaac had become increasingly happy, the information he was learning about ancient Egypt was far more diverse than he had first hypothesized. He had tried to get in contact with the Professor multiple times but for some reason the man never picked up, he must’ve been extremely busy with the dig. Isaac glanced out his hotel window and smirked, he was glad that Professor Mikaelson understood that he didn’t want to sleep in the sand.
            Isaac glanced at his watch; he realized that the time had slipped away from him during the time that he had been studying his research. After grabbing his notebook he walked into the bedroom, he threw the notebook onto a side table and jumped into bed. Isaac quickly fell asleep, as he slept multiple feathered forms slipped into the town.
            Isaac woke up to a pounding at his door, “C… coming…” He pulled himself from his bed and went to the door; he opened the door and found himself face to face with a desperate looking man. The man pushed a picture of a girl into Isaac’s face and started to talk rapidly in Egyptian, “I’m sorry I don’t speak Egyptian.” Isaac tried to close the door but the man was trying his best to get Isaac’s attention, after a few minutes of pushing on the door Isaac was finally able to close the door but not before the man threw the picture into the room.

            Isaac sighed in irritation, “Why can’t people understand when someone doesn’t understand their language…” He bent down and picked up the picture, “What’s so important about this girl anyways?” Isaac looked at his watch and realized that it was eleven in the morning, “Crap, I wanted to get up early this morning…” He grumbled as he grabbed his notebook from the bedroom and slipped out of his room, as he passed the front desk of the hotel he saw multiple people speaking in rapid Egyptian to the clergy. They all seemed as distressed as the man earlier, in fact the man from earlier was in the crowd.
            Thankfully before anybody noticed Isaac he was able to slip out, as he walked around the roads he noticed people posting up pictures of people all over town. “What is going on?...” As he walked down the road he tried to talk to people but they were in too much of a hurry posting up signs, after a few minutes he noticed a man reading a newspaper sitting on a bench. “Excuse me sir can you speak English?" The man looked up at Isaac, “Indeed I can or I doubt I would be talking back to you right now.”
            Isaac was put off by the man’s odd comment, “Uh huh… I was just wondering why all these people are in such a panic.” The man looked around as if just noticing all of the people, “I don’t know, maybe you should try asking one of them.” Isaac wanted to smack the man, “Well I can’t really speak Egyptian…” The man’s face turned into that of confusion, “You can’t speak Egyptian? What are they teaching kids these days…”
            Isaac decided enough was enough, “I’m sorry sir, it’s obvious that you’re very busy sorry for bothering you.” As he turned around though the man was standing right in front of him, “Well that was awfully rude, you didn’t even give me a chance to respond. What if I hadn’t wanted to end the conversation, what if I was going to ask you how was your day?” Isaac was gaping, he looked back at the bench where the man had been sitting just a second before and then he looked back in front of him. “H… how did you do that?”
            The man laughed, “Oh it was simple magic, but what is some complicated magic going on right now is some dark stuff indeed.” Now Isaac knew why this man was so eccentric, it’s because he was out of his flipping mind. “Uh huh… magic…” The man’s eyes took on a steely glint, “Don’t think that I’m messing with you boy, I am completely being honest and if you don’t believe me look over there.” The man pointed in a direction, Isaac glanced behind him and his jaw practically dropped to the ground.
            In the direction that the man had pointed was now a complete desert, as if they hadn’t been standing in the middle of a city just a second before. “Wha… whe… how?....” He stuttered, “It’s called magic young man.” The man behind him said, Isaac swung around to face the man and found himself back in the city. “How did you do that?!” He shouted earning the glare of nearby citizens, “Well it might be because I’m a god…” The man muttered, all gears stopped in Isaac’s head for a second.
            “A… god?...” The man nodded, “Yup a pretty important one too if I do say so myself and I do.” Isaac looked around to see if he was being pranked, “Are you being put up to this? Because I am seriously not in the mood to be pranked.” The man looked offended, “Pulling a prank? How childish do you think me to be young mortal?” Isaac decided to just run away, and run he did right back into the man. “Now that wasn’t very kind either, not only did you leave in the middle of the conversation again might I add. But you ran right into me, which could’ve gotten me pushed over.”
            Isaac was completely flabbergasted, “A.. are you seriously a god?...” The man clapped his hands together and the whole city froze in an instant, “Well I just froze a whole city of people so I think so.” He said nodding, “Well if you’re a god then who are you and why are you here?” Isaac sputtered out the question incredulously; the man took off his hat and two jackal ears sprouted from his head. “Well I believe you humans know me as Anubis, but I prefer to be called Mark it sounds much more modern.”
            The name clicked into Isaac’s head, Anubis the god of the dead. The jackal headed Egyptian god who was feared by many, not only was he standing in front of him but he wanted to be called… Mark. Isaac tried to speak but found that he couldn’t form any words, “Well if you don’t believe me little human I believe this will prove it to you.” Suddenly the god dropped all pretenses of being a human and became a huge jackal looking creature, “This is my true form.” Isaac suddenly saw a veil of black surround his vision, “I… think I’m just going to take a little na…” Before he could finish he passed out.

            Anubis looked at the small human, “Well I guess they don’t make humans like they used to.” He tutted quietly and went back into his human form, “I guess I’m going to have to take care of him until he wakes up…” A few hours later Isaac opened his eyes to see that he was in a hotel room, “Urg… what happened?” As he sat up he nearly threw up as the room span around him, after a few moments the dizziness passed and he was able to sit up straight.
            Anubis/Mark walked into the room holding a tray of food, “Ah you’re awake, that’s wonderful. I was afraid that you had gone and died on me.” Anubis sat the food down and cheerfully grinned at the human, “So I’m sure you have a lot of questions like how there are gods and such.” He said, Isaac looked the god in the face and punched him. Anubis flipped off of the bed and landed on his back, “Ouch… why would you do that to me?” Isaac glared down at the god, “That’s for not leaving me alone earlier.”

            After helping Anubis back up the pair got to talking, “The main question I have is why are you here right now? Don’t you have a job to do?” Isaac asked as he ate a biscuit, “Actually I am doing my job, usually in my line of work I do more than one job. Sometimes I help with death duty but I also help with banishments, the reason I am here is because someone has come back from a very special banishment.” Isaac cocked his head to the side, “Who is it?” Anubis grimaced, “I guess you know him as Ra.” Isaac gaped at him, “Ra the god of the sun? Why would he be banished?”
            Anubis shook his head sadly, “In the past he did many awful unforgivable things.” Isaac frowned, “So he’s back now?” Anubis nodded, “Not only is he back but he’s not wasting any time, he’s building up an army as we speak.” Isaac looked at the god, “What do you mean?” Anubis waved his hand and a poster appeared in his hand, “This is a missing poster, the missing person on this poster just went missing last night. He’s actually not missing, he’s been found by Ra.”

            Isaac connected the dots in his head, “Ra is making people into his army?” Anubis clicked his fingers, “Exactly, and the other gods say that humans are Btakaa.” Isaac cocked his eyebrow, “Btakaa? What does that mean?” Anubis blushed, “I don’t think I should tell anybody under the age of five hundred…” After a moment they pair looked at each other, “Well I think I’d better get going.” Isaac suddenly stood up, “Why the sudden need to go?” Anubis questioned, “Well I need to get home so I can start to pack.”
            Anubis looked at the human with interest, “So you’re leaving then?” Isaac nodded, “If what you’re saying is true then I’d rather not be caught up in this mess. It sounds like a war between gods more than humans.” Anubis thought it over for a moment, “It’s sound thinking, well then I hope you stay safe human.” Isaac slipped out of the room, as he went into the hallway he quickly realized that he was in his hotel. He quickly ran to the elevator and pressed the button, as he waited for the elevator he thought over what Anubis had said. “An army… so if Ra has an army will Anubis need one two?...”

            After a moment he decided he would go help Anubis, but as he started to walk away the elevator pinged. Isaac felt a pair of hands grab him and drag him into the elevator, “Hello there little human.” Isaac shivered as he heard a cold voice; slowly he turned his head from side to side to see his captors. Two tall falcon men were holding him up, he tried to shake the pair off but they were far too powerful. The falcons suddenly turned the human around who found himself face to face with a falcon headed man, “Human you smell like an old colleague of mine, I believe you know him as Anubis.”
            Isaac suddenly realized that the evil god Ra was standing in front of him, “I… I have no idea what you’re talking about…” Ra scoffed, “Human I know that you’ve been in contact with Anubis because if you hadn’t you wouldn’t be reacting to me as normal as you are.” Isaac cursed under his breath, Ra suddenly smacked the human. Isaac gasped as the pain spread through his whole body, “Now human tell me where Anubis is.” Isaac decided at that moment that he wouldn’t give up the god, “No I won’t.”
            Ra laughed manically, “Fine human you leave me no choice, I guess that you don’t value your life as a human so you shall join my army as a falcon warrior.” Isaac recoiled his head as Ra suddenly touched his forehead, he felt a burning energy emanating from the point of contact. “Holy shit!” He screamed in pain as the burning reached an awful level, as the pain increased he saw that he was changing.
            Behind Ra the elevator wall was a giant mirror, Isaac was able to watch in horror as he changed from human into one of the falcon creatures. In a brief minute he was at the height of the falcon warriors who held him, his clothes started to rip off as plumage grew from his skin and he grew more muscular. After a few minutes Isaac saw that he had become a falcon warrior, he suddenly heard a booming voice in his head. “Human you shall in a brief moment be a mindless falcon soldier but before that I believe you have information that I need.”
            Isaac felt a presence digging through all of his memories, after a brief minute Ra found what he wanted. “Ah so Anubis is in the last room on the right, good to know. Now that your usefulness as a thinking person is finished lets finish this up.” Suddenly Isaac felt like a claw was raking away his memories; all of his life was being torn away by the god. All that he had been was taken away in a minute; now instead of a free thinking there was now a completely obedient mindless falcon warrior.
            “Now soldiers follow me to see Anubis.” The trio of warriors followed Ra to the last door, as Ra gloated about his cornering of Anubis he didn’t notice the flash of light from below the door. The god suddenly made the door explode, “Anubis I have found you, now come out and let me end you!” After a brief moment Ra realized he couldn’t feel the other god’s aura. “How could he get away?! I shall get that damned Jackal sooner or later!”

            As the four of them looked through the room Anubis stood on the pavement outside of the hotel, “I’m so sorry Isaac… if it hadn’t been for me you might still be human…” The god frowned as he turned around and walked down the street, “I think it’s time for me to take the offensive…” The jackal muttered to himself.