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The Gayest Little Pirate
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Get yourself a dragon GF who guards your feelings the way Dagmar guards an ill-gotten barrel of rum. :3
Silly little doodle to prove I'm still alive - which I then forgot to upload here.
Dagmar is, for those who aren't aware, the medieval incarnation of Rohanna, an ancient demigoddess whose origin story is one of being summoned to flesh and bound in her mortal skin by a blood ritual. Dagmar isn't aware that she has a sliver of the divine in her, but it always seems that she's at the centre of whatever action's unfolding - dramatic events gravitate to her like moths to a flame.
Silly little doodle to prove I'm still alive - which I then forgot to upload here.
Dagmar is, for those who aren't aware, the medieval incarnation of Rohanna, an ancient demigoddess whose origin story is one of being summoned to flesh and bound in her mortal skin by a blood ritual. Dagmar isn't aware that she has a sliver of the divine in her, but it always seems that she's at the centre of whatever action's unfolding - dramatic events gravitate to her like moths to a flame.
3 years ago
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