Current Track: Blabb

I flew though the halls, wearing the silliest grin ever seen on a raccoon. I had heard the most wonderful new. Our very own coach, Boreas Chaconas, was gay. The happiness I felt was lifting me off my feet. Maybe I should explain before everyone gets the wrong idea.

My name is Dura and I am a raccoon. You know how raccoons have a reputation of being the ‘bad guy’ or criminal, I do nothing to help disprove that. My hobbies are watching people and gathering info. Most people look for me if they want something ‘dirty’ on someone and I am happy to get it. As for my orientation, I prefer girls really. If I am straight, why am I happy to find our coach gay? Simple, since Chaconas being gay helps me with my current job.

Now back to reality, I was gliding through the halls to a certain room; coach Chaconas office. The door was unlocked, a carless mistake, and I went on in. the room was nothing special really. If I were a secret, where would I be? I checked one of the desk drawers and found it.

It had photos of naked men and some hidden shots of some of the students. I could easily blackmail the coach for months on this stuff, but that is not part of the plan. I took the photos and pulled out one at random. I then left a note:

If you want these back, come to the diner on Hoptin after school at 5:30 p.m.

If he was desperate, he would come. I skipped out of his office, holding the folder in clear view of anyone to see, heading off to my next class. I still needed to do one more thing, but it could wait till after my next class to do it.

When the bell ringed for the class to end, I rushed out, I already wasted enough time. I made a side stop to my locker to collect my bag to leave afterwards. “What’s in the folder, Dura?” Maria asked.

Maria was a rat, a literal one mind you. She was the same height as me, 5’8, and has a chest smaller then A. most days she portray little emotions beside irritation and boredom. “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.”

“Bullshit,” her favorite word,”that has something to do with someone.”

“Since you figured it out, then yes, this folder does have content belonging to someone else.” Why lie when it is the truth.

“Who does it belong to?”

“My job was to get it, then leave a note saying x and come to y at z.”

“You’re blackmailing someone again?”

“Blackmail is such an ugly term. I prefer giving motivation to the reluctant.”

“Legally it is blackmail” she pulled her bag over her shoulder, “just send me the pics if you get your ass whooped again.”

“Will do,” I waved as we went separate ways. I got to my last class and approached my teacher, “Mr. Roker, there is something I need to tell you.”

Mr. Roker turned to me, “Dura, can this wait until class is over?” What a rude goat.

“Actually no, I was asked to give you a message as soon as possible.”

“What is it?” try not to be too enthusiastic.

“Well, I ran into Coach Chaconas earlier and he asked me to give you a message.”

The dismissal Mr. Roker gave me earlier was replaced with curiosity, “what did he ask?”

“Well, he asked if you wanted to have dinner with him tonight.”

The ram immediately went red, “w-w-what did you say?”

“Well, I think coach Chaconas wanted to ask you on a date. He said he would be at the diner on Hoptin at around 5:30. He just asked me to deliver the message.” I left before Mr. Roker asked any questions and sat in my seat. My message must have thrown him though a loop, he was fumbling the entire class period, I wish I recorded it.

Was Mr. Roker gay? Yes. Did he have a crush on Coach Chaconas? Yes. It was perfect. Two gay teachers go on a date, fall in love, and stop eyeing the students. I always notice their eyes wonder on the male student body when certain types come by. For Roker, it is chubby people, which make sense he has a crush on that boar.

How would I know that Coach won’t do anything to Roker when they meet? Simple, the contents are sensitive. If a person caused trouble to get it, the police would naturally confiscate it. They would see the shots of teenagers and he would go to jail. So if he wants them back, Chaconas has to play carefully to avoid the police. However, if Chaconas asked for the photos straight out, it won’t take long to figure out that Roker had nothing to do with it and Roker to realize that the coach didn’t ask him on a date.

These were my favorite plans, the fact that it could all fall apart by a simple thing, gives me a tingly feeling all over. It like in the lottery, the difference between winning and losing is a single number nobody can control. It gave me a rush every time I thought about it.

When the final bell rang I ran out of the class and the school. The meeting was only an hour and a half from now, what was I going to do to kill time? I can go to an internet café and troll people. I could also spread rumors around about something stupid as see how many people buys it. So many ways to kill time.

It was now around 5:25; I parked my bike and chained it to a pole. I still had my backpack with the folder in it. I did say the Coach had to come here to get it and that is what I plan to do.

The diner was a nice cozy one, the kind you can have a first date on. The Owner is openly gay, so naturally gay couples also end up here. The food is good too, especially the steak and fries. I entered and took a seat on the west side. At around 5 till 6 p.m., the sun rays come directly thought the windows, so most patrons go to the east side at this hour. If he wants to be discreet as possible, he would choose the west side.

Not long after a placed my order, coach Chaconas walked in. he sat where I expected him to, as far as possible from the other patrons. When my order arrived, so did Mr. Roker. He went to the same table as Chaconas and sat there.

I stick a fry in my mouth. Let the show begin.