The silence of the firing range was deafening. Kasa's target was too far away for any detail to be made out with the naked eye, but her scope made up for that. Most snipers preferred optical implants, or view screens. She preferred a classic scope though.
She watched the movement of her target, he was on a predictable path, which made life a lot easier. She judged his speed, once again the old fashioned way, chose her reference points, and waited.
Her target reached the first reference point, she pulled the trigger to the first notch, her rifle began to hum as it charged.
He reached the second reference point, she pulled the trigger all the way down. The humming intensified, it took one full second for the rifle to fire, then there was no sound. She watched through her scope, two seconds passed, the target lined up perfectly, and fell as the steel dart slightly smaller than a pencil punched straight through his skull.
With that, the firing range closed the program out, the walls reappearing. In truth these firing booths were only about ten feet in any direction, created to replicate any conditions needed, and interface with the users gun, so as to work with its specifications.
Her scores popped up, she had only been detected on one scenario, and caught on none, with a 100% kill ratio.
Then the screen changed, an emergency broadcast.
"We have determined the identity of the individual who attacked the squad of six soldiers in the utility corridor, killing two." The security chief was saying, as the screen switched over to a picture of Maximus. "This man, Maximus. Employed by Ion Tech. We are not sure what his intentions are, or where he is currently hiding.
"If you see him, by no means try to apprehend him on your own, immediately contact security and we will send an armed response unit to detain him.
"As well, there are special lock down orders in effect as of now." The screen switched back to the security chief. "The station is being put on high alert, all non-PDD personnel are to remain in their designated dormitories, unless accompanied by at least two security officers. This is for your own protection.
"There will be no non-PDD traffic out of the port until further notice. All ships in port are subject to a detailed inspection. Refusal to allow your ship to be inspected will result in your arrest and the confiscating of your ship and everything in it.
"All inbound ships will be thoroughly searched on arrival, and will be grounded until further notice.
"We are sorry for any inconveniences these measures may cause." The security chief concluded. "They are, however, for your protection and that of the station."
".... Lies and bullshit." Kasa growled, grabbing her rifle and taking off at a run. She hoped she could make it to where Maximus was staying before someone else made the call.
As she neared the civilian district, she realized she was too late. There was already an armed response unit there, ten strong, armed and armored for just about anything. All had their weapons drawn and leveled at Maximus.
"Sir, surrender your blade and come quietly." The commander of the ARU ordered.
"I will gladly come quietly, as I have no desire for bloodshed." Maximus said calmly, as if he didn't have eight bolter pistols and four rifles aimed at him. "But I will not surrender my blade. It is the weapon of my ancestors."
"I don't care if it's a pre-war relic." The commander said with a growl, "You will either surrender it, or we will attack. We have been authorized to use deadly force, and we have been ordered to take you in."
"Have you been ordered to take me in unarmed?" Maximus asked with a smile. One would think he was talking to old friends.
"That is something of a given." The commander replied. "Does it make any sense to you to allow a prisoner to keep his weapon?"
"Clearly you men outnumber me." Maximus said. "And I will offer my word that I will not draw it unless it is in self defense. I will calmly attend my trial, at which point I am sure I will be found innocent. No harm done."
"And we are to take the word of .. who exactly?" The commander laughed. "A cold blooded killer who massacred a squad of our comrades?"
"I did no such thing." Maximus said. "I was not even on the station when that event happened, as I had to go through increased security measures to board because of it."
"Sure." The commander said. "You could have easily boarded before then, and just gone through security after the fact. But that is entirely beside the point, I will offer you one lass chance to surrender your blade, or we will be forced to take it from you."
"You can have my blade." Maximus said, drawing his sword. "When you pry it from my cold, dead hands."
"How cliche." The commander sighed. "Well, you heard him, take him down."
Shots began to ring out, Kasa could only watch in amazement. Maximus' reflexes were beyond that of any fighter she had ever seen. Every bolt fired at him either found it's mark no longer in its path, was deflected, or simply bounced off one of his many artificial limbs.
After the third volley, they finally realized that that tactic was not going to work. The four with rifles began to spread out, the six with pistols holstered them to switch to melee weapons. That's when things just got chaotic.
The first two to reach Maximus were a pair of tigers, one armed with a stunner blade, the other an impact hammer. Maximus idly sidestepped the stunner blade, and then met the impact hammer with the flat of his blade, casually guiding it right in to the back of the tiger with the stunner blade, then brought his left elbow in to the face of the one with the hammer.
As those two fell, the four with rifles took carefully aimed shots, hoping to catch Maximus off guard. It didn't work. Maximus ducked in to a crouch, avoiding two of the darts, the third was slapped aside by Excalibur, the four he snatched from the air with his left hand, and flipped around to stab in to the knee of the tiger with the stunner blade as he began to try and get up.
"Men, stand down!" The commander ordered, drawing his twin curved blades, Kasa wasn't sure what they were, but believed them to be falchions. "You are a skilled warrior, lion. I do not doubt you will be able to take down the rest of my squad without taking a scratch.
"But you and I," The commander continued. "Have much in common. I do not wish to endanger my men, and you seem to not wish to kill them. I sense you are a man of honor, but none the less I am required to do my job."
"I understand this." Maximus said calmly. "What do you suggest we do about this situation then?"
"I will challenge you," The commander said. "Warrior to warrior. If you win, my men will end their pursuit of you. If I win, you will surrender your blade and come with us, if you survive."
"I accept these terms." Maximus said. "On one condition. I must know who I face."
"Fair enough." the commander said. "Men, if I lose this battle, you will turn a blind eye to where this man retreats to. You will not give chase, you will not alert anyone else as to what has happened here."
In sequence, all his men nodded their understanding. With that, the commander, a panther smaller than Maximus, but just as covered in scars, stood up straight and crossed his twin blades, bowing to Maximus.
"I am Commander Jaxx Ironfang, Master of the Twin Fangs, last of the Ironfang clan." He drew his blades apart, electricity crackled between them as he did so. "And these, are the Twin Fangs. Bloodlust and Reaver."
"I have heard of you." Maximus said with a smile. "It will be an honor to face you."
"Perhaps, you will do me the same honor?" Jaxx asked.
"As you wish." Maximus nodded, bringing Excalibur to his chest, "I am Maximus Alexander Fireheart, son of Joseph Alexander Fireheart. Direct descendant of the legendary commander Alexander Fireheart of the 1001st infantry division, and inheritor of his blade, Excalibur."
"This is indeed an honor." Jaxx said. "I know of your lineage, and your blade."
"Shall we then?" Maximus asked, sliding in to a defensive stance.
"Indeed." Jaxx replied, flipping the Twin Fangs around, also taking a defensive stance.
For a moment, neither moved, each watching the other. Each waiting for the other to make the first move. Each hoping to find an opening, a sign of a weak spot. Then they began to circle each other. Hunter stalking hunter.
Jaxx made the first move. Flinging Reaver towards Maximus, and following right behind, only to leap over him, flipping around in midair, landing with Bloodlust poised to Strike.
Maximus watched the motions, he knew this trick. He had seen it used before, and he knew exactly where Jaxx was going to land, he rolled forward, under Reaver, and rose bringing Excalibur down in a high arc cleaving strike aimed right for Jaxx's head.
Jaxx, caught slightly off guard by the speed with which Maximus dodged and then attacked, barely had the time to catch Reaver and bring both blades up to block, which earned him a solid kick to the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards.
"I'm impressed," Jaxx said, regaining his footing as the two resumed circling. "you're fast for your size."
"I have to be." Maximus said smiling. "Where I grew up you were fast or you were dead."
"A child of the arena?" Jaxx asked, flipping Reaver around.
"Aye." Maximus nodded. "Yourself too, I would guess. You're a bit flashy of a fighter."
"You caught me." Jaxx laughed. "It's been more than ten years, and I still fight for a crowd."
"I don't think it ever goes away." Maximus said.
"No, it doesn't." Jaxx said as he darted forward again. Reaver swinging down to be striking to Maximus' right side, while Jaxx feinted to the left, bringing Bloodlust around for a strike to the legs.
Maximus easily parried Reaver with Excalibur, and just let Bloodlust strike his right leg, tearing through the artificial fur covering the cybernetic limb as he brought his left hand down, his claws raking across Jaxx's scalp.
"First blood." Jaxx said, bringing Bloodlust up under Maximus' left arm, slicing in to his chest, only to stop dead at his armored rib cage. "Gods man, how much of you is metal?"
"Too much." Maximus laughed, backhanding Jaxx away and flipping Excalibur around for his left shoulder.
"You'll have to do better than that though." Jaxx said, easily parrying Excalibur with Bloodlust.
"As you wish." Maximus replied with a smile as Excalibur passed through Bloodlust like it wasn't even there, and cut deep in to Jaxx's left shoulder.
Jaxx howled in both pain and shock, dropping Bloodlust from his now useless hand, stumbling back. ".. How.. the hell..?"
"Magic." Maximus grinned.
"In that case..." A dark smile crossed Jaxx's face. "Sing for me, Reaver."
Electricity began to crackle over Reaver as Jaxx flared it through the air, an arc of electricity branching off of it, connecting with Maximus, the smell of burning fur and flesh filling the air.
"Impressive." Maximus grunted. "But it's about time for this fight to end."
Maximus charged forward, Excalibur swinging up arching from right to left, it was too easy to dodge, and Jaxx fell for it, leaning away from it, only too late he realized his folly. Excalibur vanished from Maximus' right hand, reforming in his left, stabbing right in to Jaxx's chest, piercing one lung.
Jaxx stared up at Maximus in shock for a brief moment before passing out.
"Well fought, Jaxx Ironfang." Maximus said, rising. "You men, call a medical team for you commander. He'll not last long."
With that Maximus took off at a run, keeping a weary eye for pursuit, but none came.
Maximus came to a halt when he heard footsteps from a hall behind him, then sniffed the air, he turned around with a growl. "You should have shot me when you had the chance, Kasa. I don't particularly want to hurt you..."
"I'm not here to take you in, Maximus." Kasa said. "I know the accusations are bullshit. I was one of those attacked... Besides, I would have to be at least a kilometer away from you to stand a chance."
"Saw the fight I take it." Maximus asked, watching her.
"Yeah." Kasa nodded. "You're .. impressive. How did change hands so fast?"
"Magic." Maximus laughed. "Anyways. I need to find someplace to hide myself until I figure out a way off this god forsaken floating pit. Any suggestions?"
"Currently the only place they're not searching is crew quarters."
"Well, do you know of any crew members I can trust?" Maximus asked.
"Do you trust me yet?"
"... Do I have much choice?" Maximus replied with a crooked smile.
"Not really, no." Kasa said. "Follow me."
"Tell me, Kasa," Maximus said as the two slipped through the corridors, avoiding other search parties. "What makes you help me, instead of just going about your daily life and forgetting about it?"
"I believe in honesty." Kasa said, shaking her head. "I believe that the government should be a legitimate and honest group. And frankly, if whatever reason you're here is enough that it makes them lie to have you arrested, then I think it's important enough for you to get it done."
"Interesting outlook," Maximus laughed. "A people should not fear it's government, a government should fear its people?"
"That's about the size of it." Kasa nodded. "So, can you tell me why you're really here?"
"I already did." Maximus said. "I am here to deliver a message to Nathaniel Ericson. That is it entirely. Dr. Redding would like to meet him."
"That's all?" Kasa asked. "Then .. why this mess?"
"Someone in charge probably wants Nathaniel dead." Maximus said. "And they see me, a skilled fighter looking for him without hostile intent, and view me as an ally to him, and thus I have to be taken out of the picture, too."
"That's.. Stupid."
"That's a government." Maximus laughed.
"What of you, Maximus?" Kasa asked. "Why then will you risk your life to deliver a message to a man who you've never met?"
"A good question." Maximus replied. "I suppose it is because at heart, I am still a fighter, above and beyond all else. It honestly feels good to be able to fight again. I truly wish that the fight against Jaxx Ironfang could have lasted longer, he was an interesting foe."
"Well, try to avoid getting in to too many more fights here." Kasa said with a chuckle. "The more people you injure the more they're going to be looking for you."
"I'll try." Maximus laughed. "Not like I've exactly started any of them."
"True enough." Kasa said, the stopped dead in her tracks, ears twitching. "Down."
She didn't even wait to see if he listened, Spinning around and dropping to one knee, her rifle coming off her back in one fluid movement, the magnets charging up as she sighted in and fired, in less time than it would take most to realize what happened.
Maximus heard it too, the distinctive sound of a bolter rifle from about a hundred paces. He pulled away enough to avoid a lethal shot to the head, instead taking the bolt through the left ear. Excalibur was in his hand, though he never drew it, as he spun to face where the shot came from, only to see the doctor, Kurz, fall with a small bolt between the eyes.
"Remind me to never piss you off." Maximus said, looking down to Kasa.
"I think you've pissed enough people off." Kasa replied, returning her rifle to its proper place on her back. "Seems Kurz really wanted you dead. You OK?"
"It stings a bit." Maximus replied, sheathing Excalibur while poking the hole through his ear. "Oh well, I was considering another piercing anyways. I suppose I should thank you. Although, they are likely to be after you, too now."
"Maybe." Kasa shrugged continuing on. "If they can trace the bolt, shouldn't be able to. 'sides, Kurz is a known womanizer, I can make something up and no one will question it."
"No one will question the death of someone on this station?" Maximus asked, shaking his head and following her.
"More common than you think." Kasa sighed. "Under Kilin's rule, this is probably the most violent non-combat post there is. I worry what's going to happen with Kilin as Admiral."
"Was the commander of this station, recently got promoted to Admiral with the assassination of Admiral Darkmoon." Kasa said, "Very violent individual, often seems as though he has some alternate agenda, not really caring about proper PDD affairs.
"The panther you fought, Mayhem. She's one of his private cronies. If not for the fact that she's always been in his protection, she would probably ended up on Phobos by now. Does a lot of his dirty work."
"Ahh. Military politics." Maximus laughed. "Life is so much easier in the arena."
"I believe it." Kasa said. "Now you know why I want to get out of the PDD."
"Yeah." Maximus nodded.
The two continued to Kasa's apartment in silence.
* * *
The Valkyrie was silent as a tomb, the silence only gave Tiera time to reflect on everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks. She knew what Nathan had said was true, she came on to him like a cat in heat, showing no real interest in him beyond.. what he was.
She had also come to the realization that what he said at the orphanage, wasn't true. After cooling down and thinking it through, she realized exactly what he was trying to do.
She wanted to go talk to him, but knew she couldn't. She couldn't let him know she saw through him, and she couldn't talk to him now, not without seeming hollow, anyways.
The sound of footsteps brought her back to reality. They were soft, the scent that accompanied them was familiar, but she couldn't place it. Oddly, she couldn't even place a gender to go with it. She slipped one of her knives free, turning slowly to see Loki, who had stopped about two paces back with one hand on the hilt of a sword.
For a moment the two just stood watching each other, neither sure of the other's intentions.
"Look at us." Loki laughed, lowering her hand. "Didn't mean to startle you like that."
Tiera eyed her for a moment, then returned her knife to its spot in her sleeve. "Yeah. It's fine."
"Piece of advice though." Loki said. "Don't draw your blades on board. No one really trusts you, but we're not going to do anything."
"The feeling is mutual." Tiera muttered. "Did you need something?"
"Not really, no." Loki said. "Odin just told me to keep an eye on you, was hoping maybe for some conversation or something.. Anything would beat sitting on my tail watching you brooding over here."
"I'm not brooding." Tiera said, sitting back down. "Just thinking."
"Something is obviously eating at you though." Loki said.
"Yeah," Tiera growled, "I'm stuck on board a pirate ship. Nothing to be worried about there."
"You think you've got something to be worried about?" Loki snapped. "We're risking our hides taking you and the human on board. Not to mention heading in to hostile territory, when we could just turn you in to the PDD for a rather sizable reward."
"So why don't you?" Tiera smirked.
"Two reasons." Loki said. "First and foremost, Aerix saved our hides several years back, so we kinda owe him. And, no one on board is any real fan of the PDD, so we prefer to do what we can against them. But therein lies the problem. You're PDD."
"Probably not anymore." Tiera said. "When they catch up with me, I'll be lucky if I'm just discharged. If I live to be discharged.."
"So why the jump pad?" Loki asked. "Why not just vanish on Europa, or Deimos?"
"The only way to get to Earth." Tiera replied.
"Why Earth? It's nasty there." Loki said. "Destroyed landscapes, poisons in the water, and weird creatures."
"... Wait, you've been there?" Tiera asked.
"Yeah." Loki nodded. "On a few occasions we've done scavenging runs to the surface. As long as you steer clear of major power centers, the radiation has faded. Honestly, some parts could be habitable given PDD technology. Don't know why they haven't done so yet."
"They say it's still uninhabitable." Tiera said, shaking her head. "Say you need hazard suits to leave the ship."
"... More lies, no surprise." Loki said. "Speaking of Earth.. Where did the human come from, anyways? They're supposed to be extinct."
"Nathan," Tiera said, "came from Texas. About five hundred years ago."
"... Huh?"
"Nathan was part of the crew of the first manned deep space mission." Tiera explained. "The ship was supposed to return to Earth 50 years after launch, it never did. We're not sure what happened exactly but it just recently returned, Nathan's cryopod was the only on that remained intact. Sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie, I know."
"More or less answers the question as to why you're heading to Earth." Loki said. "But opens a new one. Why does the PDD want him?"
"Because he's human." Tiera replied.
"And, here's the big one. Why are you and Aerix risking your jobs and lives for him?" Loki asked.
"Aerix is doing it for me." Tiera said. "I.. .. He's human."
"Soft spot, huh?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Eh, everyone has their quirks." Loki said with a smirk. "Question is, what does he think about it?"
"That's .. complicated." Tiera sighed.
"Can't get him to stop wanting to do it 'doggy style', huh?" Loki grinned.
"If only it were that simple." Tiera said. "I think... I think he's lost. Feels he doesn't have a place in this world, and doesn't want to let himself get close to anyone... And I came on way too strong."
"Yeah," Loki said, "People need time to adjust to abnormal things. And from what I understand, human courtship rituals were strange."
"You don't know the half of it." Tiera laughed.
"Yer gonna want to hear this." Thor's voice came over the speakers. "We're being hailed by a PDD vessel."
"Valkyrie," The voice on the speaker changed. "This is Captain Firestorm of the Planetary Defense Department under orders of Admiral Fleshraker to search your vessel. Please lower your ships defenses and prepare for boarding, else you will be considered hostile and appropriate measures will be taken."
"Thor, stall them for a moment." This time the voice belonged to Odin. "Frekki, Gerri, get the human in to the weapons locker. Loki, get Tiera and Aerix out of uniform. We don't want this getting hostile, but be prepared if it does."
"Not good at all." Loki said. "This could get interesting. They'll usually accept that we can't open the weapons locker.. How good are you at fighting in zero-g?"
"Fair." Tiera responded, "Why?"
"They disengage our gravity first." Loki said. "Then they come across with mag boots, they assume they'll be at the advantage that way. We specialize in zero-g fighting. Anyways, come on, we got to get you in to something less .. obvious."
".. I don't have anything but my uniform." Tier said.
"I may have something that'll fit you." Loki said with a grin. "Unless you want to run about naked."
"No place to hide my knives that way." Tiera smirked.
".. I can think of two, offhand."
So concludes 13. 14 will pick up pretty much right where 13 leaves off. But it's a bit of a perspective switch, and besides.. It's a fair enough point to stop. And my rabid fans were waiting.. *cricket chirp* ... okay, so that's a bit of an exaggeration (I just now learnt how to spell that thar werd.)
Yeah. It's summer, I have time to write again.. Time that doesn't cut in to my City of Heroes/Villains time. :)
Coming soon, in addition to #14, will be 13.5 (I'll let people guess where the focus of 13.5 is). And the first chapter in another bit of inanity from my fucked up brain. Basically imagine what you would get if the people who brought us Slayers decided to write furry pr0n. And oddball fantasy series that I'll be writing when I am in a silly mood.
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Only Human, part 13
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16 years ago
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