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Hueroc reference (by Fortuna)
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Fortuna was nice enough to do this new reference sheet for Hueroc today, and boy does it look good. ^^ Character information below:
Hueroc is a young adult male dragon, full-grown and of average height and wingspan for his species but somewhat underweight due to a very quick metabolism; this makes him a very fast flier, though he is not as strong as others of his kind. He lives with his mate and offspring and her clan in the Appalachian mountains. He hunts primarily deer but will generally hunt any prey animal large enough to be worthwhile eating.
He is very independent, always making sure it's clear that he can take care of himself, and generally aloof, but he doesn't avoid his friends in the clan. While usually kind to those he trusts (which is limited to his clan and a very small number of humans), he has a very short temper and is prone to violent outbursts, some of which have resulted in his injuring other dragons--and killing humans. As a result a human judge and his clan elder ordered that he wear a muzzle whenever he is around humans, for their safety; the muzzle keeps him from opening his mouth (thus keeping him from biting and breathing fire) but does not gag him, but he still avoids humans as much as he can so he won't have to wear it (though as he dislikes humans he generally avoids them anyway).
The muzzle is constructed from black leather straps cored with steel cable, ensuring it is too strong for him to pull apart, and the buckles were designed so that he wouldn't be able to use his claws to open them. This means he cannot put on or take off the muzzle on his own, and such a lack of control over it makes him hate it even more.
His forepaws have four claws and a dewclaw (not visible on the drawing); his hind paws have four claws. He is a heterosexual male, with a mate (Ellora) and three hatchlings (Taran, Neth, Loria); the collar he wears was given to him by his mate, and the tag is inscribed with the words "Mate of Ellora" (not shown).
Hueroc is a young adult male dragon, full-grown and of average height and wingspan for his species but somewhat underweight due to a very quick metabolism; this makes him a very fast flier, though he is not as strong as others of his kind. He lives with his mate and offspring and her clan in the Appalachian mountains. He hunts primarily deer but will generally hunt any prey animal large enough to be worthwhile eating.
He is very independent, always making sure it's clear that he can take care of himself, and generally aloof, but he doesn't avoid his friends in the clan. While usually kind to those he trusts (which is limited to his clan and a very small number of humans), he has a very short temper and is prone to violent outbursts, some of which have resulted in his injuring other dragons--and killing humans. As a result a human judge and his clan elder ordered that he wear a muzzle whenever he is around humans, for their safety; the muzzle keeps him from opening his mouth (thus keeping him from biting and breathing fire) but does not gag him, but he still avoids humans as much as he can so he won't have to wear it (though as he dislikes humans he generally avoids them anyway).
The muzzle is constructed from black leather straps cored with steel cable, ensuring it is too strong for him to pull apart, and the buckles were designed so that he wouldn't be able to use his claws to open them. This means he cannot put on or take off the muzzle on his own, and such a lack of control over it makes him hate it even more.
His forepaws have four claws and a dewclaw (not visible on the drawing); his hind paws have four claws. He is a heterosexual male, with a mate (Ellora) and three hatchlings (Taran, Neth, Loria); the collar he wears was given to him by his mate, and the tag is inscribed with the words "Mate of Ellora" (not shown).
13 years ago
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