The Strawberry thief
Once again summer has arrived,
The air was thick with pollen and insect cries.
Perching on the fence, I spread my wings,
Bathing myself in the sun’s warm rays.
I do this for minutes, hours, possibly more,
Waiting for this three-legged old giant,
Stumbling, to move on.
Summer is the best time for me as the strawberry,
Plump and red,
Sweeter than nectar when it arrives in the mid-July bloom.
I hop and flutter across the rocky ground to those berries,
Seeing the mixture of dwarf green and bold red fruit.
No manners are needed as I start to peck the seeds,
Teasing that soft flesh as the juice flowed into my beak.
Oh yes! This magnificent taste!
I peck off more, defacing the perfect skin of these berries fair,
The sweet redness staining my chocolatey feathers.
I peck more and more,
Hearing that dragging of a window being open.
The giant has come back! Shushing me away!
I couldn’t help but take one last peck,
Spreading my wings and fluttering in the sky.
Free as he can’t reach me, must he try.
Yes, oh yes!
Tomorrow we shall return!
The flock will enjoy the fruits of the labour of giants of this world.
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The Strawberry Thief
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Also had inspiration hit me and I've ended up writing a wee poem inspired by the prints of William Morris, the Strawberry Thief. I hope everyone enjoys and fel free to drop comments ect.^^
1 year ago
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