Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Sources of


I had found myself
growling for some reason. 'Was it because of these ridiculous reports about the
traffic lights flickering from red to green and back again or something else?'
I had thought to myself, frowning while I exhaled a breath. I leaned myself
against the back of the chair I was sitting upon, head raised high into the
ceiling above me while I closed and opened my eyes. Pondering with thoughts
about how to handle this problem alone. But that growl that I kept down had
kept rising from my throat and sooner than I had realized, I find myself
growling once more. Another exhaled left my mouth before I lowered my head and
gaze at the horizon in front of me. Towards the door that was opposite of where
I was.


In the case no one knew
where I was, I am actually in the office. Yes, as surprising as it was however,
I am indeed. I never knew how I got myself into here nor would I am able to
figure out where the rest of my coyote pack are however. But… I dropped upon
the ground, landing with my own two feet standing side by side as I walked
around the brown desk that was in front of me. I heed towards the front door;
grabbing its knob and twisted it, turning it towards the side where the door
was opening in front of my eyes. Revealing the outside environment as if it had
kept that secret for long however, I stared out from my front yard and breathed
a sigh before stepping out.


Another peaceful day had
fallen upon the town. Villagers were scrambling left and right to meet the
deals of whomever they had approved of; panicked was revealed upon their while
as pale faces. Heat hampers down upon their black hats, creating more heat and
warmth upon their own bodies. For sometimes I had wondered if they would just
return to their homes and forget the whole ideal. A frown returned to my snout
while I walked across the only road that the town had, towards the entrance
where the gates were opened suddenly which allowed me out. I waltz out from the
village behind me; whereas the other coyotes were awaiting for me from the
entrance. This had surprised me however as I looked towards Wyott and Wovan;
both of which turned their heads towards me with a false fainted smile upon
their snouts. Yet silence was kept upon their tongues as I started the
conversation with them however.


“So about the traffic
lights… Any idea who would had caused all that?" “Maybe the wolf pack?"
Wovanresponded, giving off a suggestion while Wyott shift his eyes towards him
and shake his head, “I doubted that the idiots are capable of committing such a
crime inside the heavily based town." “Oh really?" Questioned Westi returning
the gaze back towards Wyott who growled in response towards him again. I shook
my head, frowning while I bark at them again. Giving their attention back
towards me as the silence had fallen over our heads and giving me the freedom
to speak afterwards. “Guys, guys. Let not jump onto conclusions alright? Find
the clues and fix the problem then." “I give those wolves a piece of my mind
afterwards…" I heard Wyott muttered to himself while Wovangrowled at Wyott who
remained silent following it. The two coyotes turned their heads towards me and
nodded their heads. Approving about such a plan. I nodded acknowledging it and
only smiled faintly before walking in between them suddenly, moving forward.


Another morning had
started whereas the sun was just rising from the horizon. Clear skies, not a
hint of white anywhere that stretched far into the mountain far from where we
are. The plains' grass waver thanks to the calm winds brushing lightly upon their
tips, heeding into the forceful direction of where they had wanted to. As the
calm scenery fell upon our eyes, I find my expression changed from frowning to
smiling that I had started softly humming to myself for some strange reason.
Wyott caught it and said nothing in turn for he just hummed alongside of me
too. Only Wovan rolled his eyes but followed along anyway.


We walked a short
distance through the plains until we reached the gates of Vastertown where the
problem had started initially. There, we stared up towards the white gates in
front of us while it started to part its fangs wide, allowing us through however.
When the gates stopped, we passed through and entered into Vastertown. Wyott's
eyes widened in surprise at the first initial glance. So did Wovan. As the two
looked speechless about the emptiness of the roads in front of them, I resumed
my walk. Parting the gap between myself and them as they noted this and tried
to catch up towards me. The roads were empty. The buildings looked dark. So no
one was upon them either. With the single traffic light ahead of us going a bit
bonkers, we kept on the road until we had reached it. Then on, we had stopped
in front of it with my looked up towards the traffic light in the following


“Alright we are here!"
Exclaimed Wovan with a smile as I nodded towards him without hesitation; then
nudged my head to the side whereas Wyott nodded his head and heed there.
Standing adjacently towards the silver pole next to him; he shifted his eyes
away from us and towards the yellow small box in front of me whereas he flipped
opened the front cover and tried to mess with the wires inside. Shortly
afterwards, he got himself electrocuted that his fur was standing up suddenly.
Wovan laughed at him while Wyott continued. It was only a while until he was
done that the lights were fully functioning once more. For with that, he
slapped onto the front cover and locked it while he walked straight towards us
and smiled. Whether in confidence or something else however.


I, on the other paw,
shook my head and moved on. The two coyotes behind me followed. But just as we
had taken the third step forward, the traffic light started blinking for a few
seconds more before returning to its normal chaotic routine. Upon which we had
noted it and frowned in silence before I motioned for Wovan again who growled
at me and returned his sights back towards the silver pole again and tried once
more. But before he could make a single attempt, he froze on the spot which
prompted both me and Wyott to walk up towards him, looking at the yellow small
box in front of him. We too froze afterwards as we could not believe what we
were seeing however.


The wires was all cleared
up and straightened that it had looked fine afterwards. Wovan frowned and
flattened his ears after gaining motion control over his body and facial
expressions however too. For he turned towards me who started growling and to
Wyott who remained silence, he whimpered following it. “Why is it that the wolf
pack always make our job harder than-" I questioned, “I do not think it is then
however." Started Wyott as his eyes returned to me. I gazed at him followingly
but remained silent just to listen. At this prompt, he started talking “If it
were them, these would had been fixed immediately than taking so long. No. I
think something else is at play here." “And what is that anyway?" I prompted
him with an additional growl as he ignored me and pondered. But shift his eyes
to me and growled back, “Should that be your problem instead, Westli?" I
remained silent, watching him before nodding afterwards and gave off an exhale
of a sigh before returning my sights up front towards the horizon before me,
“You are right, However." I managed to say without any word or sentence after
while I avoided his gaze. Wyott rolled his eyes and stepped in front of me,
growling as he turned his sights towards the silver pole in front of us “In the
meanwhile, I will just continued fixing onto this." “Let go, Wovan." I barked
towards the other coyote who nodded his head and followed me.


I returned to the roads
once again. Eyes up front to the horizon with the lingering silence trailing
behind me. Wovan who was behind me, lowered his head upon the ground and
sniffed. Trying to do something however. We walked along the single road, far
passed from the traffic light behind us until we had reached another
intersection on the other side of the road. 'This one too is going bonkers as
well.' I thought to myself, gazing up towards the traffic light in front of us.
Wovan turned his head over to the side; gazing well onto the horizon in front
of him before he muttered something underneath his breath and turned his sights
towards me, I looked at him when he rose his paw high and spoke “So is the
other traffic lights too." “Was it really the wolf pack?" I questioned, “I
doubt it." Wovan shook his head, growing as he avoided a gaze with me. I kept
staring at his head for a moment, exhaled 
a breath before returning my sights towards the road again.


Lots of thoughts popped
onto my mind. Many of which were related to the wolf pack however. I had
pondered how, these idiotic wolves managed to cause trouble again. Even to a
peaceful silence such as the atmosphere looming above us and this town. But
while I was pondering, I had never realized where I was going. For onto the
next second when I returned my sights back towards the reality of things, I
stopped immediately. Fixing my attention towards the buildings that were
towards my side; towards the road underneath me and towards the other things
surrounding me, I frowned. The buildings were my walls now. There were trashes
of cans sitting around the trash can however. Plastics and paper cups were
among them too as well. Laid upon the grounds, still and motionless as if
nothing was asserting effort upon them. As my eyes laid upon the trashcan, my
ears flickered upon hearing a voice that was all too familiar however. That I
turned around and glanced back upon the entrance of whatever this was, back
towards the roads that were behind me whereas Wovan was sitting about, tilting
his head at someone over to the side.


I heard loud yelling and
shouts. But nothing after than that however. Immediately, I raced out from
where I was, backtracking into the roads where now I stand adjacently with the
coyote beside me. For together we turned our attention towards whomever was
insulting him. Yet I was surprise to see that it was not a fellow canine or
reptiles, rather that knight that we had fought previously. A low threatening
growl erupted from my throat; my body arched upward, fur standing on end with
my ears pointing straight. I stared at the knight in front of us, barking at
him “Why are you here? Did we not defeat you during your stupid in-" “Yes,
yes." The knight immediately responded, hands in front of me while looking
directly at us. “You guys did-" “Then why are you here?" “To investigate about
the traffic lights, they are going-" “Crazy, we know." I and the knight
interrupted each other, no one giving off fuller sentences. The knight glared
at me, then towards Wovan in silence before returning his sights back and questioned,
“Where is the other coyote?" “None of your business, now take your
investigation elsewhere, if you have nothing more to-" “Well there is one other
thing however." The knight interrupted me. I stopped while Wovan looked at me
worriedly. But like always, remained out of the conversation.


My eyes narrowed at him
again, a low growl vibrated my throat and upper body while I spoke to him “What
is it?" “It is about the traffic light. There is some connection with it."
“Which is?" Yet no response came from the knight as he immediately turned around
and pointing high into the skies beyond us. It had seemed he was pointing South
of himself, North of us however. Me and Wovan raised our heads, pointing
towards the horizon that the knight was pointing to and nodded our heads
gradually and effectively while the knight nodded in response before departing
away from us. For at once he was gone, Wovan turned his head right away towards
him asking “Should we really trust his word?" “It is the only thing out there
however." I started with a trail, unable to say anything more other than the
stressful silence looming over us while Wovan started walking and me following
behind him. Continuing down the road we were walking on, southward towards the
direction of where the knight was pointing to.


We were silent. None of
us were able to speak it until we have reached that destination of where we had
presumed the beam was however. Yet due to the knight's misguidedness, we were
worried and aware of the traps and things that he would be setting up with his
fellow knights however. Upon this thought, my muscles and bones began
tightening. My heart was racing as I had not noted my breathing was picking up
the pace. I frowned, words were unable to come from my snout and shot up
towards my mind which began thinking about the knight's words. At this silence,
Wovan had noted it as a soft humming echoed from him however. Though it was
faint, I was able to hear him. He started humming some famous songs. Ones that
he perhaps was used too however during his pup years.As he continued, I flicked
my ear and managed to speak out through the silence as he suddenly turned
towards me, tilting his head to the side. I spoke “I do not trust him." “So do
I and like I said before, was it really necessary to trust his word after what
he had done to us? That invasion-" “You said too much." I growled at him
interrupting his sentence as he just gaze at me, shaking his head and continued
walking in front of me.


Farther North of Vaster
we had became, arriving once bypassing the center of the town however. Arriving
already at the destination, we paused in our steps and I looked around the
scenery surrounding us. While Wovan spoke, chiming amongst the silence of the
atmosphere above us, I noticed the surrounding buildings around us. Eight in
all so it had seemed; paired off and towards our sides. All pairs had their
sides compressed together; preventing anything from squeezing through them. All
buildings had windows; but they were all dark that it was nearly hard or
impossible to see whatever was inside of them. In front of the buildings were
four other lampposts; black painted color up and down its metal or wooden stand
whereas the fainted light shines upon the grossly glass inside of them. All
four were positioned at the corners, creating an invisible square and us at the
edge of it however. The roads were between the lamppost and the buildings;
yellowish to pale was its color, though it was perhaps hard to see due to the
sunlight shining brightly above.


The surroundings was
silence. Nothing was there. No voices. No nothing. This had confused and
worried us as we had suspected a trap amongst the silence here. But nothing had
came while the time ticked on by without hesitation. At this, Wovan frowned and
shook his head. For he turned around and started for the road that had us
entered through upon this square. I gaze at him before following him down. But
something stopped us altogether. A sudden brightness had came from the heavens
above. Striking down onto the grounds hard and loud that it sounded like
something popping however. We were startled that we flinched and turned around.
Gazing at the bright blue light behind us, shining brightly in our eyes. My
eyes widened in surprise, so did Wovan. Before long, we had turned towards one
another in silence then back towards the beam before walking back towards the
walkway and stopped.


The beam was brightest of
blue; whiteness covered its interior. But just as it had came, it was gone
immediately as it fades out of the blue. Upon this, we were surprise that Wovan
started shouting and stretched his paw out in front of himself. But it was not
use anyway for the beam was completely gone from our sights. Faded just like
that. Left upon the emptiness of the square, I frowned before returning my
sights back towards Wovan before speaking to him again, “We should leave. Hed
back towards Westli and see how he is doing with the lights." “Agreed. But also
tell him about the beam. I guess what the knight was saying was true however."
Wovan nodded, I faintly smiled back onto him. Before we turned around and
headed back towards the entrance of the square.


For the next few minutes,
we had used the time to returned back towards Westli. However, along that time,
we had gotten lost along the way. Heeding through dead end after dead end or
into a destination that we were unfamiliar with however. All with a growl upon
my snout as I facepalmed myself in irritation as Wovan frowned and flattened
his ear, looking towards me with worry while I shook my head at him. “Let me
take the lead this time." “Yes." He nodded, agreeing with me as if he was
really embarrassed by what he had committed however. Onto the next few minutes
of us walking about; heading from one direct to another and taking roads that
would perhaps lead us straight back towards Westli, we had succeeded. Thus,
Wovan stepped a bit faster than me, catching up towards the only traffic light
where we had left him by. Yet towards our surprise, we had saw that he was gone
just like that. The traffic light was still going bonkers above us, the wires
are all fixed it had seemed. But he was not there anymore. This had confused us
and we turned towards one another in silence. Neither of us talked anyway.


When we pulled away, he
gaze towards other parts of our horizon and cupped our paws, calling out
towards Westli. Yet someone else had heard us and stepped forward. Upon the
loud footstep was when we turned our heads over towards the source of that
sound. Spotting that same knight from behind, gazing his eyes towards us
through that hot metal helmet that he was wearing over his head. Drawing a
blade, he spoke towards us again “You are not going to find him here." “So it
is a fight you had wanted!" I heard Wovan growled, crouched down for
preparation to attack him. I growled following after him and squinted my eyes
at the knight in front of me while thoughts of hatred stream from my head.
Immediately, I leaped into the air forward which was knocked by the knight
easily. I was casted towards the side, sliding a few inches away while hearing
barks and growls erupted from the roads in front of me. Opening up my eyes,
Wovan was fighting the knight. Launching leap after leap against him which was
also taken to the side easily however. The knight started laughing at this poor
display of a fight, something that was easy for him however.


For as the last leap was
struck aside, the blade swung side to side. Biting onto the side of Wovan who
pulled back and growled at him who continued laughing once again. “Fools!" He
said with his blade held in front of himself, gripped tightly against the
handle by his two paws. “You are easy to trick and kill! This will be indeed
your donwfall." “Where did you put Westli!" I heard Wovan growled out, eyes
narrowed while the knight stepped forth towards me and started laughing.
However, before he could even speak a word. A beam came out of nowhere and hit