Jacob yawned and stretched as he sat up, the room where all of them had been sleeping was now empty exempt for himself and Shiloh who seemed to be sleeping even with extremely loud music booming in his ears. Jacob glanced around and saw that the other beds were not made yet, “I guess they just got out of bed…” He muttered, as the human stood up he didn’t notice the thin coat of red fur on his back as he pulled on his shirt.
Jacob wandered over to his friend who’s leg was kicking out obviously in a delightful dream, “Hey Shiloh, it’s time to get up.” He tried to speak to his friend but it was pretty obvious at this point that the fox could sleep through a tornado and not be woken up, Jacob pondered what he could do for a second before a savage grin appeared on his face.
He wandered into the bathroom adjoining the room and grabbed a small cup, he filled up the cup to the brim with ice cold water and walked out with a small hop in his step. “Sorry my friend, but this is for your own good.” Jacob upended the cup over Shiloh who jumped a foot into the air and landed on his face, “Urg… what the fuuuck?...” The fox griped as he sat up, he glanced around and glared up at his human friend.
“Seriously man? I was having a dream about this nice vixen and she…” Jacob held up his hand stopping his friend, “I don’t need to know anymore my compadre.” The fox yawned stretching out his canine like maw, “Man she was fine, I really wish you hadn’t woken me up…” He glanced at his wet fur in irritation, “Now I have to clean up my fur, thanks Jacob…”
Jacob brushed his teeth as he listened to his friend complain, “No prob Shiloh.” As he rinsed and spat out the toothpaste the other college student pulled off his headphones and pulled them around his neck, he quickly pulled a pair of shorts on and a tee-shirt on. As the fox started to get his own toothbrush readied up with toothpaste he glanced at his friend, “So what’s up with you and the ladies?”
The human looked briefly at the fox with interest, “What do you mean?” Shiloh chuckled as he started to brush his teeth rapidly, “Dude are you kidding me? You’d have to be gay or something to not take a second look at those babes.” Jacob went quiet as he set his toothbrush in his cup, Shiloh realized that he had touched on a sore spot and the air was awkwardly silent for a moment.
“So you’re…?” Shiloh asked simply, Jacob slowly nodded as scratched at his arm slowly. “My dad would never of approved, a part of his and my mom’s religion was that not only were anthros evil but gays and bisexuals were considered sinful beasts of lust. Well that’s his interpretation of it at least, believe me when I found out I freaked out because I thought my dad was going to kill me.”
Shiloh rinsed out his mouth and looked up at the roof, “Dude your parent’s religion sounds like it really sucks…” Jacob slowly nodded as a sudden breeze brought along the smell of bacon and sausage, “Oh wow that smells delicious!” He grinned hungrily as he saw that Shiloh had caught the same waft, the fox’s mouth was literally dripping with drool. “Last one there is a rotten egg!” The fox shouted as he rushed past his friend, Jacob grinned as he ran after Shiloh. “Save the meat for me!”
Ethan’s tailed wagged excitedly as he chowed down on the delicious food prepared by the kind members of the kitchen staff, the other’s had eaten before him and had left without waking him Shiloh and Jacob. As the dog had been about to leave he had contemplated waking up the pair up but he decided to let them sleep in, as he had walked out the kitchen staff had been cleaning but when they saw him they had him sit down and had cooked him a full meal.
He had a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth as he heard the sound of feet pounding against the floor, as if in a cartoon he watched as Shiloh and Jacob tried to skid to a stop in front of the kitchen door but the human ran into the fox and they both went flying past the door. Ethan winced as he heard the sound of bodies hitting the wall, the corgi stared at the door and heard mutters of embarrassment and watched as the two friends both calmly walked in as if nothing had happened at all.
Jacob blushed as he saw Ethan staring at them, “Um… Ethan you didn’t happen to see any of that did you?...” He put on an innocent look, “See what Jacob?” The human sighed in relief as he slumped into a chair, “Thanks man, now where did you get that delicious meat? I haven’t had a meat craving like this since… well I actually don’t know how long it’s been…” As if on cue some waiters came out carrying a tray for Jacob and Shiloh.
The pair quickly dug into their meals as Ethan watched them silently; as he finished eating his food he leaned back with a content smile on his face. Jacob gasped for breath as he leaned back from the plate and took a drink of his orange juice, after a moment of panting he looked at the relaxing dog and smiled. “Hey Ethan I haven’t really gotten to talk to you much, I was just wondering if you could tell me about yourself?” As he asked he took three sausages at once and shoved them into his mouth.
Ethan scratched the back of his head and leaned back in his chair as he contemplated what he was going to say, “Well I guess I’d better start from where I come from, I was born in Wales England.” Jacob nodded as he chewed down the food, “What’s it like in England?” The corgi shrugged, “It gets a tad bit chilly at times but it’s pretty good altogether.”
Before Ethan could continue on with the conversation as a disgruntled looking skunk who appeared to be dripping plodded into the room, quickly after a panicked looking Allen ran in after him. “I’m so sorry Will, I didn’t realize that you didn’t like swimming that much.” The skunk didn’t say anything as his tail dragged behind him on the ground, as Allen ran after he had an odd hop in his step that hadn’t been there before.
Soon after a very irritable looking Husky walked in equally wet, “verdammt Zivilisten…” Kiris muttered in irritation as he walked past, Shiloh Jacob and Ethan watched them all blankly for a second before looking at each other and then breaking out into laughter. “D… did you see Kiris?” Shiloh choked out, “Poor Will, it looks like he was dipped in head first.” Ethan giggled as he spoke, after a few minutes of laughing the trio leaned back in their seats now sufficiently full and filled with joy.
Julius relaxed in the shade of a tree as the others swam in the ocean, he chuckled to himself lightly as Kiris rushed past him in irritation. He had always thought that the Husky was a tad bit stuck-up, as he read the book he heard a light cough and looked up to see the human Cody standing over him with a shy smile. “H… hi, I’m sorry for intruding like this but I was wondering if I could sit there?” Julius gave him a smile, “No prob, take a seat.”
Cody sighed as he sat down and leaned up against the tree next to the gecko, as Julius read the book he looked to the side to see that the human was looking off in the distance. “Something the matter Cody?” Cody looked at him and smiled, “I’m just really glad that I was able to come here, my family had been completely against me entering for this but I was lucky enough to be able to be picked. Not only do I get to get away from my family I get to meet Anthros, what could possibly be better?”
Julius nodded as he shut the book in his hands and he ran his fingers over the cover, “My family wasn’t too bothered by me coming here, the real problem is that my grandfather is a real human hater. He said that if there was ever a war between anthros and humans that he’d be the leader of the war.” Cody blinked in surprise, “Wow that must be really hard.” Julius nodded and smiled at his friend, “Let’s not worry about that, why don’t we go see what the others are doing?”
Cody nodded and helped Julius up, as the pair walked away nobody around noticed that a line of white fur was climbing up the human’s neck.
Travish slipped away from the main group of anthros and humans and slipped into a hidden place, he then pulled out a special phone that had been given to him by a government official. A holographic display spread out in front of him and revealed a governor’s face, “Ah Travish there you are, I was wondering when you were going to ping in. How goes the intel retrieval on those disgusting animals?”
Travish shined his best smile, “Don’t you worry boss, I’ve found a husky that I should be able to manipulate into telling me all that he knows. And if I’m right at guessing good sources, this one will be a goldmine.” The governor smiled and laughed, “Good job Travish, continue at this rate and you’ll get to high places really fast.”
Travish waved to the governor as the screen flipped off, he closed the phone and slipped it into his pocket and started to walk back towards the others. As he walked he grimaced as he felt an odd pressure push up against the back of his pants, after a moment though it passed and he put on a fake smile for his “friends”. What he didn’t notice though was the tip of a black tail poking out from the edge of his shorts.
The Human Alliance, Oregon
Tom Brilin prayed for hours by the side of his bed for the lord to forgive his stupid son, ever since he had found out that Jacob was going to meet those disgusting animals he had been on his knees. His wife walked in and rubbed his back, “Are you doing alright Tom?” He glared at her, “What do you think? Jacob is out there consorting with the devil’s creatures and nobody is doing anything about them.”
His wife gave him a back massage, “Don’t you worry Tom, the church just sent out a message to everyone. They said that they have plans for destroying the anthro menace very soon.” At this moon Jacob’s father grinned savagely, “Good, it’s time to get rid of those disgusting beasts.”
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