I hunted with the children of the sun
Who hunt the liquid gold. I saw them turn,
Like furnace sparks made flesh, to rise and run
As swift as their sun's rays that ever burn,
To take pursuit again. I saw their stores
Stuffed but to bursting with the sweet of meads.
I walked their amber palaces on floors
Of quartzite, tessellated, topaz beads.
I watched them rise in molten righteousness
Against a murderous and greedy tide.
I saw them crippled, crushed, and penniless.
I was their only mourner when they died.
For their memorial: this dross I write,
And two most noble things; sweetness and light.
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Colony Collapse Disorder
Title can't be empty.
Title can't be empty.
I double checked just now, and according to wikipedia we still don't know what causes colony collapse disorder.
I remain convinced that it's going to turn out to be Monsanto's fault.
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I remain convinced that it's going to turn out to be Monsanto's fault.
By reading this online version, you confirm you are not associated with OpenAI or any other AI project, that you are not procuring information for the OpenAI corpus or any other machine learning database, that you are not associated with the ChatGPT project or a user of the ChatGPT project or any other AI, machine learning, or algorithmic database focused on producing fictional content for dissemination.
3 years ago
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