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Ceylan throughout the years
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Well, not really, it's just how Ceylan appears throughout her story. Her personality changes as her story goes on because of all the things happening in her life and I figured I wanted to draw it out to see how she would look like. So if anyone's interested, read on. =3
In the first one, she's around the age of 16, and practiced Tae Kwon Do since the age of 12, so she isn't exactly new to it. She's one of the popular girls in high school due to her big mouth attitude and she's pretty much carefree and doesn't try to think about the past. She's just a fun loving teen with a little secret no one is supposed to know...
In the second one, she's around 18 years old and is pretty much a rebel at this point. Ceylan had her right ear pierced just to taunt her adoptive mother and does pretty much everything she forbids. At this age, she's pretty lonely due to the people she lost. Some chose for not to interact with Ceylan anymore because of the things that happened and she broke contact with most of the people she knew for unknown reason. Most likely because of that little secret she was living with... She learns that you can have a lot of friends, but when it comes to it, you can count your real friends on your hands. Samantha is the only one who sticks with her throughout the years. Ceylan has, at this point, a very closed nature and snaps at everyone who tries to get too close for her own comfort. That often leads to a fight and sometimes even got involved in a physical fight. Nevertheless, Samantha sticks by her and tries to turn her back in the fun loving girl she once was.
The third one is where she is around 20 years old. At this point, she tries to go out more often to meet other people and tries to have fun, even though it's a little difficult for her. She wants to meet new people, but how's that possible if you not allow people to get to know you? Ceylan is very picky about people she lets in on her life and trusts on her intuitions. Eventually, she met Terry and at first, Ceylan is very sceptic against Terry and isn't really that friendly against him... But nevertheless, that didn't stop Terry to try to keep seeing her. Ceylan surprised everyone by cutting her long silky black hair, which resulted in the short spiky black hair she has today. Everyone was convinced that she just wanted to try a new look, but to her; it was symbolic to "start all over again".
The fourth one is where she's 22 years old, and how she currently looks. She still has the piercings and the spiky hair even though it's not as short as it used to be. At this point, she already is together with Nikki after dealing with so many trials and triumphs. It asked a lot from her but with the support of new friends, she made it to where she stands today. She's a lot more open now and to put it in her own words, "doesn't act like a bitch anymore. Well, to most people anyway." Ceylan still has those personality traits she picked up years ago and considers to let her hair grow again.
And the fifth one is where she's nine years old. A fragile, innocent little cub. Ceylan experienced a civil war in her youth and witnessed the brutalities and genocide. She didn't escape unharmed, both mentally and psychically, and was left for dead. When the MNAF Peace Keeping Forces arrived, they found her in shock, clinging on the body of her mother. She got taken to a refugee camp where she created a mother-daughter bond with the medic who found her, despite the language barrier. The war only lasted for a couple of months, but the damage was already done to her. As the country tried to build itself up, Ceylan was adopted by Simon and Catherine and started her new life in Renaria. But despite the things she has now, Ceylan still has a lot of struggling with the things she experienced in the past.
So uh, yeah. That's basically it for Ceylan. She tells her life story and pretty much every up and downs she experienced. Currently, the story is only posted at SoFurry so if anyone's interested, you can read it here:
Longest text thingy I did in a comment box EVER. So I'll just shut up now and hope you like the picture. I sure do, even though there are mistakes in them. I really like the first and the last one. =3
Anyway, I'll shut up. =3
Well, not really, it's just how Ceylan appears throughout her story. Her personality changes as her story goes on because of all the things happening in her life and I figured I wanted to draw it out to see how she would look like. So if anyone's interested, read on. =3
In the first one, she's around the age of 16, and practiced Tae Kwon Do since the age of 12, so she isn't exactly new to it. She's one of the popular girls in high school due to her big mouth attitude and she's pretty much carefree and doesn't try to think about the past. She's just a fun loving teen with a little secret no one is supposed to know...
In the second one, she's around 18 years old and is pretty much a rebel at this point. Ceylan had her right ear pierced just to taunt her adoptive mother and does pretty much everything she forbids. At this age, she's pretty lonely due to the people she lost. Some chose for not to interact with Ceylan anymore because of the things that happened and she broke contact with most of the people she knew for unknown reason. Most likely because of that little secret she was living with... She learns that you can have a lot of friends, but when it comes to it, you can count your real friends on your hands. Samantha is the only one who sticks with her throughout the years. Ceylan has, at this point, a very closed nature and snaps at everyone who tries to get too close for her own comfort. That often leads to a fight and sometimes even got involved in a physical fight. Nevertheless, Samantha sticks by her and tries to turn her back in the fun loving girl she once was.
The third one is where she is around 20 years old. At this point, she tries to go out more often to meet other people and tries to have fun, even though it's a little difficult for her. She wants to meet new people, but how's that possible if you not allow people to get to know you? Ceylan is very picky about people she lets in on her life and trusts on her intuitions. Eventually, she met Terry and at first, Ceylan is very sceptic against Terry and isn't really that friendly against him... But nevertheless, that didn't stop Terry to try to keep seeing her. Ceylan surprised everyone by cutting her long silky black hair, which resulted in the short spiky black hair she has today. Everyone was convinced that she just wanted to try a new look, but to her; it was symbolic to "start all over again".
The fourth one is where she's 22 years old, and how she currently looks. She still has the piercings and the spiky hair even though it's not as short as it used to be. At this point, she already is together with Nikki after dealing with so many trials and triumphs. It asked a lot from her but with the support of new friends, she made it to where she stands today. She's a lot more open now and to put it in her own words, "doesn't act like a bitch anymore. Well, to most people anyway." Ceylan still has those personality traits she picked up years ago and considers to let her hair grow again.
And the fifth one is where she's nine years old. A fragile, innocent little cub. Ceylan experienced a civil war in her youth and witnessed the brutalities and genocide. She didn't escape unharmed, both mentally and psychically, and was left for dead. When the MNAF Peace Keeping Forces arrived, they found her in shock, clinging on the body of her mother. She got taken to a refugee camp where she created a mother-daughter bond with the medic who found her, despite the language barrier. The war only lasted for a couple of months, but the damage was already done to her. As the country tried to build itself up, Ceylan was adopted by Simon and Catherine and started her new life in Renaria. But despite the things she has now, Ceylan still has a lot of struggling with the things she experienced in the past.
So uh, yeah. That's basically it for Ceylan. She tells her life story and pretty much every up and downs she experienced. Currently, the story is only posted at SoFurry so if anyone's interested, you can read it here:
Longest text thingy I did in a comment box EVER. So I'll just shut up now and hope you like the picture. I sure do, even though there are mistakes in them. I really like the first and the last one. =3
Anyway, I'll shut up. =3
14 years ago
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