Current Track: Blabb

“So it’s come to this, hasn’t it little one?” Azure rumbles, towering above you. The blue-and-black dragon crossed his arms and glares with disapproval; his glowing white eyes seem to pierce into your very soul. “You really aren’t worth keeping around now that you’ve proven you’re not even worthy of being called my doormat.” It had indeed been a long time since you’d first come into Azure’s keep. At first you longed and lusted for his body and he delighted in the attention. He largely allowed you to do what you wanted, as long as his gratification was the top priority. If you also enjoyed it… well, so what? Azure really didn’t seem to care one way or the other as long as he ultimately had what he wanted out of the deal.

But over time, things had shifted. Somehow, you felt yourself getting smaller, weaker, and the tasks that had once been part of your wildest dreams became increasingly difficult. His feet were already the size of your torso when you first came into his care, but within days he could rest his heel on your groin while his heavy, damp toes brushed against your face. Another week and you were completely covered by just one foot. As you became smaller, the dragon did not relent in his expectations. He offered no mercy. You were still expected to lick every last scale of his soles, to drink his sweat, and to thank him for the honor of getting to clean off his feet until they glistened with nothing but your saliva. You were expected to serve as his footrest for hours on end, even as you struggled to support those broad, heavy feet. He’d rest them on the heels, which dug painfully into your chest and made it so hard to even breathe in his potent scent. Yet you endured, clinging to that idealistic fantasy, somewhere in the back of your mind. Perhaps it was a bizarrely sexual version of Stockholm Syndrome, but you still tried to take pleasure in the increasingly abusive behavior of your Master.

While you found it increasingly difficult to cope with your fate, you still had your chances to pleasure yourself in his service. You were allowed the freedom to hump against his sole while licking the dust from his toes, even as they reached well above your head. You were allowed to paw yourself off beneath him while he attended to far more important things than your tiny, quivering form. You even were occasionally given bits of real, genuine food from the dragon, even if you did have to eat a few flattened banana pieces from his sole or try to drink grape juice freshly squeezed by his powerful toes. Even in those moments Azure found ways to remind you that he was the towering, almighty Master in this power-exchange relationship and that your lifespan was directly tied to your ability to keep him happy.

More time passed and your size continued to slowly drain away. It was difficult enough to even support yourself, let alone Master’s massive feet. Yes, that was all you could think of him as: Master. You were left gasping with the effort of simply massaging his toes, now that they completely covered your torso and his claws loomed over your face. And yet you were still expected to perform all those duties, even if it now took you an hour just to lick every black scale on one of his feet. You were soon collared - somehow, that item remained around your neck as you slowly shrank away - and Azure ceased referring to you by name. He no longer even called you his slave, his toy; you were only acknowledged when he gave you an order to kiss his toes, to drink his musky sweat, or to simply crawl between his toes as he cruelly squeezed your entire body between those powerful digits. Once, he even clipped your collar onto a toe ring as he went for a walk, forcing you to try cling to a toe as large as your body as if you were just another piece of jewelry for the scaly titan.

And now, with your size reduced so much that you’re now looking up at the tops of his toes, Master seems to have gotten quite bored with this game. You’re too small to be felt in any meaningful and you’re too terrified to even enjoy yourself in this twisted scenario. You’re just a helpless little footbug that has somehow survived far longer than you ever were meant to. That was a problem that the dragon-god above you seemed intent on rectifying. When his foot lifts you still can’t resist the urge to stare in awe, even if you’ve seen his foot a hundred times before. The blue scales atop and between his toes give way to perfectly black scales beneath. Each of those four toes is tipped with a black claw that could easily run you through if the dragon wished that to be your end.

Slowly, his foot descended. It was a perfectly smooth, graceful motion, despite the immensity of the mighty beast. You tried to run, of course, as any sensible creature would. You were the prey; he was the predator. The hunt was perfectly unfair, of course. If he gave you five minutes, you might have been able to run the length of just one his feet, if you kept at a full sprint the entire time. At your diminished strength, it was less than a minute before you were left gasping for air, your throat and lungs burning with effort. While you panted, desperately trying to get more air into your body, the scent of your Master’s feet filled your nose one last time. It was like an old friend by now, the only scent you’d known for so long. It seemed as potent as ever, as it has seared itself into your memory, permanently imprinted into your olfactory nerves.

Things were starting to become dark. His foot was now mere seconds away from contacting your body and his sole was black as the night itself. He waited until he felt the slightest touch of your body and shifted his foot just slightly, forcing you off your feet and onto your face. In the next instant, you felt his meaty paw against your back, those warm, damp scales touching your body for the last time. The pressure was starting to build. He’d toyed with you and threatened to crush you before. Was this another one of those times? It was terrifying either way. You tried to struggle but, soon, the weight of his tread was such that you couldn’t move a muscle. You couldn’t even breathe thanks to the weight, cutting off even your ability to enjoy his scent for the last time. Things started to become painful as joints popped and bones strained, but even in this final act your Master was not devoid of mercy. Just as you felt your ribs starting to give way, the dragon stepped down completely, crushing you in a fraction of a moment. Azure ground his foot back and forth, snuffing out your life as casually as one snuffs out a cigarette. With your remains ground into the floor and leaving only a faint memory of a stain upon his sole, the dragon walks off and leaves your body behind.