Current Track: Blabb

Lucynda was sleeping peacefully against the warm body of Lucas.  After the last night, her feelings for the human had become stronger.  He was the first 'person' that didn't look at her as a monster but wanted to know her for who she was.  The warmth of the little body against her scales was a totally new and beautiful sensation. She only hoped that he would stay this way.

Lucynda was gently purring with pleasure when an idea came into her mind.  Why not help him with his exam?  There were lots of spells that could help him but she didn't want him to cheat.  After a few minutes of thinking over all the books of magic she read, she finally remembered one perfect for this situation.  It was a photographic memory spell.  It worked on the area of the brain that had the function of memorizing events.  If Lucas had studied well for the exam, it would be easy for him because he would have at his disposal a mental book.  Another spell she thought of, was the spell of talkativeness, which would help him for his nervousness when he took the oral exam.

Checking to make sure he wouldn't wake up while she was gone, she warped herself back to home and collected the necessary books and tools for the successful accomplishment of the spell.  Lucynda warped herself again in Lucas's home and prepared him by drawing some tribal fires and waves on his forehead.  The guy was deeply asleep and didn't even flicker when she had to draw a serpentine eye on his eyelids.  Then she started to sing the words of the spell with her warm voice, the air filled with static energy until the black drawings started to wave gently on the human body, lighting up into a soft blue. She continued singing for another minute, and then the drawings disappeared.  Quickly, she warped back the tools and books… and just in time.  Right after the spell, Lucas' body stirred, waking up.  He yawned and opened his eyes curiously.

"Were you singing?" asked Lucas

"Yes." Was the brief reply from Lucynda

"You're quite good." He stated

"Thanks." She answered with a smile

Just as she said those words, the human face looked terrified and hugged her firmly, pushing her over to the side of the bed as fast as possible.  Lucynda was taken by surprise and her instinct kicked in, her teeth already on the human's throat.  She relaxed and closed her jaws, frowning to Lucas, a little growl coming from her muzzle.

"What the hell were you doing?" she said angrily

"Phew, just in time." Was the only response from the lad

With and an inquisitive look she asked "What?"

The lad pointed to the window, and then she could see that the sun was coming up from the Earth’s embrace.  She looked at the point where she previously was and noted that it was now lit by the sun's rays.  The human didn't know that the sun only weakened vampires, so he was attempting to save her life.  She chuckled and gave a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Don't worry Lucas." She said with a knowing smile

She lifted her left arm and reached out to where the sunlight was. To Lucas' astonishment, it didn't turn to ashes and he blushed with embarrassment at his misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry I thought..."

He couldn't finish the sentence, stopped by a scaly finger held to his lips.

"Lucas, I said you don't need to worry.  You didn't know that the sun doesn't kill me, and thank you for your gentleness." She said, smiling

"Oh, ok.  How late is it?" asked the human

"It's still early, I think you can sleep for another couple of hours.  By the way did you sleep well, even having me lie with you?" questioned the dragoness

“If we were closer friends, I'd ask you to do it again every time possible.  You're just so damn warm and comfortable.” Confessed Lucas

"Then we just have to meet each other more frequently." She replied, giggling for the forwardness of the little human

Lucas yawned again, and scratched his belly that was now lightly growling with hunger.  Changing the subject, he asked, "Do you want to have breakfast?"

"Actually, for me it would be dinner." she said

"Ah you’re right... well would you still like homemade chocolate cookies and milk or not?"

"How could I refuse?" she replied, wondering if the cookies were cooked by him

Lucas lazily stood up and took one of his bags where the food was stacked.  He then took the cookies and a bottle of milk from a fridge bag, while taking a glass. He had a fridge but since the structure was fairly new, some of the apartments needed some last adjustment on the electrical grid. He placed the cookies on a plate and offered them to Lucynda while washing the glass and then pouring the milk in it.  The dragoness smiled to him, thanking him for the hospitality.

"Mmhhhh they're delicious." She stated, munching happily the offered treat

"Glad you like them." He said smiling, happy that she was enjoying them

"What time will your exam start?" asked the dragoness

"At nine o'clock." He stated, sighing for the nervousness

"Then get some sleep.  I'll wake you up at 7.30 a.m. ok?" she questioned

The lad yawned widely, nodding, and leant back on the bed, fast asleep.  Lucynda finished her breakfast, licking her lips and then curled up around the resting human next to her.  Unfortunately, the time to wake him up came soon.  She kissed his cheek, shaking his shoulder gently.

"Lucas, Lucas wake up." She said, gently nudging Lucas’ shoulder

"Hhmm... what da...oh... thanks Lucynda." mumbled the sleepy human

“It’s nothing." She replied

This time she was the one yawning, wrinkling her eyes with her hands.

"I think it's my time to go to bed now.  I hope that your exam goes well." She said

"Thanks for everything Lucynda.  This will be a night that I will never forget." said Lucas really meaning what he just stated

"Me too.  Well goodnight... or should I say good morning." She said joking

Lucas gave a gentle rub on her shoulder.

"Sleep well."

And with this she warped herself back to home.  First thing he did was have a shower and then get his breakfast.  After looking how late it was he gave a last look at his notebooks and sighed heavily when he finished.  He didn't know why but he was really calm and found it strange. Every day that was getting him nearer to the dreaded exam was getting him more nervous.  Maybe it was like when a prisoner was condemned to death and knows that it’s his the last day and calmness take his soul.  He hoped it would be the opposite but was quite positive about it.  He called his friend Kamaru, and headed off to the university.

Lucynda warped back at home. She was tired and decided to take a bath and then go directly to bed.  She walked to the bathroom an undressed herself after filling the tub. She relaxed in the warm water and it was so soothing that she accidentally slept in the bath. Her dreams were full of people hitting her, shouting at her and harming her. But then, all of a sudden, a human like figure came, sorrounded by light, and with a beam of light dispersed the obscure figures like the sun rays does to the fog. The figure walked towards her and offered his hand. On a closer inspection she recognized it, and then she looked to his face.  The glowing human was Lucas.  But suddenly the light turns into darkness, not as hostile, like the previous figures but soothing and comforting.  His body started to change, becoming bigger and bigger until it was a similar size to her, but slightly taller.  When Lucas' body finished changing and stopped growing she couldn't believe what she saw.  Now in front of her there was a beautiful dragon with perfect black scales, a deep blue underbelly that shone with an intense azure glow.  His short hair as his eyes were of the same stunning blue and the well-formed spines on his back were of that colour as well.  He wrapped her with his wings and hugged her gently, nuzzling her in a reassuring manner and whispered in her ears.

"You're no longer alone my dear," he said and kissed her warmly.  Tears started to run down her cheeks and she begun to respond, hugging him firmly, as he could disappear in a matter of moments.  After they broke the kiss, she put her head in the hollow of his neck, and sobbed for happiness, Lucas caressing her back and hushing gently at her.  After a couple of minutes she stopped and simple leant her body closer to his, wanting his warm body to lull her, as Lucas kept kissing her forehead. Lucynda was at peace, more than she had ever felt since the incident that turned her into what she was.

But there is the moment when someone has to wake up.  And sadly that moment came for her.  Her eyes shot open and she roared with all her breath ”NNOOOOO!!!!”

She used one of her hands to grab the side of the bath as the other support her head as her sudden waking was a shock to her body.  She slammed a fist down on the edge of the bath, some cracks revealed when she got out.  She calmed herself, and then went to the bedroom, hoping to dream of Lucas again, once she gets comfortable. And for her happiness, it would comfort her every night.

He didn't believed what happened.  He got the max vote from the last proof!  He felt like he was drunk and for a moment he thought that this was just a dream, but there was the piece of paper with his marks on it.  When Kamaru came to take him to somewhere to drink, he forced his eyes open, looking at the vote. He was finally a chemical engineer

"Woah dude, congratulations!"

"Thanks, I still can't believe what happened in the room.  I felt like I had all the answers right in front of me, and when I spoke I couldn't believe myself!  I could have lead a hopeless army into a suicide mission and yet have all of them at my side!"

"I said it.  After all that study it was impossible to have a bad vote.  Sometimes you are just too nervous.  But now let's go celebrate." Stated Kamaru

He called Gianni and Paolo and started organizing the night at Lucas's home.  Gianni was going to bring the beer and Paolo some quick snacks.  Kamaru was going to bring one of his tv's that was large enough to have a comfortable view and also a console.  Lucas would buy what was needed to make one of his Lucas’ Specials. With the help of Kamaru he got everything he needed and then he headed back home. Lucas dropped the bag in a corner of the room and opened the bed. He leant against the bed with a sigh as he thought about what happened.  But one thing he remembered clearly was Lucynda and... her soft voice.  He didn't say anything, but he had felt something brushing on his face and body, but the thing that hit the nail on the head was hearing her singing.  It was so beautiful, so soothing, so... pure, he couldn't find better words to describe it.  He thought that if he ever heard the song of a siren that would be definitely hearing her song.  And he asked himself if he could contact her... because he knew that what had happened today was also thanks to her help.

Lucynda suddenly awakened.  Something was bothering her mind but she couldn't tell what that something was. She concentrated and realized that Lucas was inadvertently calling her.  But how could he do it?  And then she smacked her forehead.  She forgot to draw the blood sign to cut the link they shared when she fed on his blood.  She stretched herself and took a simple white shirt and a pair of jeans and warped into Lucas house.

Lucas was still thinking about Lucynda when he recognized the entrance of the dragoness.  He waited for her to appear and smiled when he saw her form.

"Hi Lucynda.  I thought I would see you next night." He said

She smiled at him.

"Quite hard when someone tries to call you mentally." She replied, giggling

"What do you mean?" he asked a little dumbfound

"I forgot to tell you.  When a vampire drinks the blood of the giver, he creates a sort of mental link.  The only way to cut this link it's to apply a blood sign.  I wanted to ask if I could made one with you that can let us search each other and talk if we both concentrate on other it." She explained

"Ok, sure." Replied the human, quite fascinated by the news. He wondered if this communication method was totally magical or if there was also some hidden chemical alteration in the brain that could cause this effect.

"I have to drink your blood first and then you must drink my own." She said akwardly

At this he was unprepared.  It was one thing letting her drink his blood, but quite another thing to drink hers.  He found it a bit too intimate and blushed, but after a moment of consideration he nodded.  With his permission, she lowered his shirt just enough to reveal his soft neck.  He sighed and relaxed his neck.  He shivered as he felt her tongue run across his skin and jumped a little as he felt her fangs dig into the flesh.  It hurt initially but then, as the first time they met, he started to feel pleasure. He closed his eyes and let her drink peacefully, the sound of licks and little gulps lulling him.  After a couple of minutes, she finished and licked her lips.

"Whoah... I don't know but it felt... good." He said groggily

"Phew, and I thought that I would hurt you."

"One question, how do I drink your blood?  I really doubt that I can harm your skin with those scales and my teeth." He inquired

Without answering, she unleashed the talon of her forefinger and cut a clean line around her neck, her blood slowly running down her body.  He slowly leaned his head to where her blood was spilling and awkwardly started to drink.  As his tongue touched her blood, his eyes sprang wide, the taste was something unbelievable.  It was warm yet icy, sweet and yet spicy and all another range of tastes that his tongue had never felt.  It was like a drug, and he slowly started suck with more vigor at her neck, while the dragoness started to purr, hugging him gently.  She felt their mental link getting stronger and after a couple of minutes, she stopped him.  He felt like he was drunk.  She gently dropped him on the bed, cleaning his lips with her thumb and then drawing a circle on his forehead and the rest of the enchantment inside the circle.  Once she finished, the circle disappeared.  After the bond was created, the little boy (considering how old she was) fainted.  The dragoness cuddled up against his side, purring gently, waiting for him to awaken.  After half an hour, he woke up, his body stirring.  He heard a light chuckle and turned his head to where the source was.

"If we keep meeting like this I will think I bore you to sleep." She said, smiling toothily

"That's impossible. It's simply that you are so outstanding that I forgot to breathe," he said in a joking manner, smiling warmly.

"Oohhh you're so sweet.  I'm starting to think that you're trying to seduce me."  She ruffled his hair, giving a playful lick on his cheek.

After some minutes of talking about the exam he finally asked "You did something to me, didn't you?" he stated, more than simply making a question.

"Mmhhh what do you mean?" she said nervously, the tip of her elf like ears twitching slightly.

"I know that this morning you were brushing something on my skin." He said, depicting with his finger the pattern of the brushes on his face with his finger

"Ooohhh" she said in an embarrassed manner, her tail wrapping around her waist while she caught the tip with her hands.  "It was just a memory refresher spell"

"A what?" he blurted out

"It's nothing like cheating.  It helps you to remember what you've studied.  So if you hadn't worked that hard for the exam it wouldn't have worked." She said very nervously. She hoped that she didn’t angered him

"Wait, I'm not accusing you! I wanted to thank you!" asserted the human

"Oohh... I thought you were one of those guys that no matter what, they want do things the right way." She calmed down, happy that she was wrong about him being upset at her

"I am, but if what you said it's true then I didn't cheat."

With a sigh she relaxed.  It was a bit comical, Lucas thought.  The mighty vampire dragoness had been cornered by a simple human.  He came back to earth when Lucynda yawned and leaned against him.

“Can I ask you something?  Could I sleep here for a couple of hours?"

He blushed heavily as she laid her head against his chest.

“W-well sure."


And with that she went to dreamworld. While unconsciously she fondled his chest with her hand.  Lucas was REALLY embarrassed.  After the first awkward minutes, he relaxed and leaned on the bed.  He couldn't resist and started to rub her head.  As he did so, Lucynda began to make soft growls of a regular tone and time and Lucas recognized them as a purr.  He initially caressed the forehead and then roamed over her pearl like horns, marveling about the strange texture.  Then he went to caress her hair, and it was like touching the purest silk.  He couldn't think of how lucky he was to just have this beautiful creature at his side.  He used his other hand to fondle her muzzle.  He couldn't believe how soft her scales were!  It wasn't like a texture of scale over scale but it was like touching a single skin.  She was so warm and soft that he could have stayed there for eternity.  The two hours flew past far too fast for Lucas' taste.  Lucynda's body stirred, yawning widely, showing her fearsome teeth, just a pair of centimetres away from the lad's face.

"Mmhh I think that one of this days I will use you as a pillow." she said yawning again

"That's sheer flattery and you’re very welcome to try this again" said the lad, smiling at the dragoness

"I think I will go home, I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"You'll never disturb me."

"As you... bye."

And with that she was gone again.  After some minutes of wondering, he started to prepare everything for the little party.  Just as he finished, the guests came.  There was Kamaru, Gianni and Paolo, everyone with his girlfriend, but he couldn't recall their names right then and there.  Once all the guests placed everything they brought the party started.