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Fiery Sunset
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"A deep sigh escaped her as she recorded in her mind the reds and the blues of the sunset sky. If it was to be her last, what a privilege! If not, what a sigh to behold."
After just a brief brake (ha!) the project is finally finished! As I said back in January, Fractals have fascinated me for a long time, way back when DeviantArt was on it's V.6, perhaps even V.5. Sometimes I would browse aimlessly (or found them as a Daily Deviation) and I clearly remember seeing fractal pieces and wondering how they were done; how could anyone have the patience to paint all those intricate patterns?
Now I know that you can paint them if you have the time and patience, but most importantly I know that they aren't painted in the traditional sense. A few of the most popular fractal programs are free and I can't tell why I didn't try them out sooner. :,) Now that I have and I've been hooked I'll be able to make TONS MORE… as soon as I save enough money to buy a new computer. For anyone reading this, you can help me out by buying a print or two from my RedBubble. :3
What's coming next? Most likely some ink work, and while that's going on I'll share some photos on Twitter and Mastodon. I thought of uploading those photos here as well but I think it's better if we way until they are re-edited (remastered?). That wont be happening soon though (too many projects on hold!).
Made in Apophysis and remastered in Fractorium.
[color=gray][b]Do you like my work? You can get a commission! Alternatively you can support me by becoming a patron, sharing a coffee with me, or grabbing a print. :)[/b][/color]
[b]Commission Queue[/b] - [b]Patreon[/b] - [b]Ko-Fi[/b] - [b]RedBubble Prints[/b]
[color=gray][b]YOU CAN FIND ME ON[/b][/color]
Twitter - @Guephren/" target="_blank">Mastodon
[b]ALSO ON[/b]
Furaffinity - DeviantArt - PixelFed - Facebook - Instagram - ArtStation - Telegram Channel[/sub]
"A deep sigh escaped her as she recorded in her mind the reds and the blues of the sunset sky. If it was to be her last, what a privilege! If not, what a sigh to behold."
After just a brief brake (ha!) the project is finally finished! As I said back in January, Fractals have fascinated me for a long time, way back when DeviantArt was on it's V.6, perhaps even V.5. Sometimes I would browse aimlessly (or found them as a Daily Deviation) and I clearly remember seeing fractal pieces and wondering how they were done; how could anyone have the patience to paint all those intricate patterns?
Now I know that you can paint them if you have the time and patience, but most importantly I know that they aren't painted in the traditional sense. A few of the most popular fractal programs are free and I can't tell why I didn't try them out sooner. :,) Now that I have and I've been hooked I'll be able to make TONS MORE… as soon as I save enough money to buy a new computer. For anyone reading this, you can help me out by buying a print or two from my RedBubble. :3
What's coming next? Most likely some ink work, and while that's going on I'll share some photos on Twitter and Mastodon. I thought of uploading those photos here as well but I think it's better if we way until they are re-edited (remastered?). That wont be happening soon though (too many projects on hold!).
Made in Apophysis and remastered in Fractorium.
[color=gray][b]Do you like my work? You can get a commission! Alternatively you can support me by becoming a patron, sharing a coffee with me, or grabbing a print. :)[/b][/color]
[b]Commission Queue[/b] - [b]Patreon[/b] - [b]Ko-Fi[/b] - [b]RedBubble Prints[/b]
[color=gray][b]YOU CAN FIND ME ON[/b][/color]
Twitter - @Guephren/" target="_blank">Mastodon
[b]ALSO ON[/b]
Furaffinity - DeviantArt - PixelFed - Facebook - Instagram - ArtStation - Telegram Channel[/sub]
4 years ago
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