Current Track: Blabb

Floundering Away: Jumper

“Do not do it, Virkoal!” Screamed Ajiro while Virkaol looked at her for a moment and tilted her head. “Do not do what?” “Do not jump!” She answered her but Virkoal laughed chuckling to herself and shook her head, smiling. “Ajiro.” Virkoal started looking to Ajiro in the eyes. She blinked in response saying nothing prompting the silver dragoness to continue, “That is just the title of the story. No one is going to jump anywhere.” “Oh.” Ajiro responded frowning. Red cheeks started forming as she looked to the ground becoming quiet in the later time. Forcing Virkoal to laugh a bit before turning her attention towards what was in front of her. The forest.

She and Ajiro had received a note from an unknown dragon telling them both to come forth towards the forest where the meeting place was going to be held. Although they came to the forest, both dragoness felt uneasy about this as often times than not, their eyes met with one another. A worried expression emerged from both while Virkoal snapped and bravely held her head high before marching forward to the forest with Ajiro in tow behind her. For they entered in; the sunlight was blocked by the clutches of forest trees that surrounded them. The floor beneath their feet were dirty and oily. Crawling with bugs that forced Virkoal to scream and stepped back further away from Ajiro who looked at her with an unamused look on her face. For with a sigh, Virkoal watched Ajiro raised her claw up in midair and swings it to one side. A wave of water jet washes down the bugs that crawl upon the road disappearing from views and Virkoal grinned.

“Are you a bender?” The silver dragon asked much to Ajiro’s shock that she shook her head. “No. But what is a bender?” 

“You do not know what a bender is?”

“No. Should I?”

The pair of dragoness kept to their silence. Their eyes staring upon one another. With quietness residing upon their shoulders, Virkoal snorted; throwing a booger out of her nose before moving on. Much to the disgust of Ajiro who frowned but ignored it as she followed her. They ventured forward. Onward towards adventure and into the deeper part of the woods whereas Ajiro asked Virkoal. “What happened to the music?”

“Music?” Virkoal piped up glancing at her again in confusion. “Did you hit your head onto the ground when you were hiding?”

A long silence came from the water dragoness as she blushed and looked away. Discarding everything that she was feeling for a moment, she snapped at her. A sudden change of personality that startled the poor silver dragon. Though her foot was lifted up, she narrowed her eyes in response to the water dragon. Turned her head back and stared up front towards the horizon as she muttered, loudly to Ajiro. “We are almost there.”

“Hurrah.” Ajiro unenthusiastically responded, almost in a sarcastic tone. Virkoal ignored it and continued. They moved through the forest grounds. Punching and biting away the leaves and stems that stood in their wake. As their wings were folded behind them to prevent injuries, Virkoal and Ajiro made it to the plains. A vast green emerged before their eyes. The winds blew against the surface of it. It was beautiful in the eyes of Ajiro and Virkoal that their eyes were widened in surprise. As they stepped forward, smiles upon their faces, they ran a short distance towards the plains before them. But stopped when someone called out to them.

It was a voice. A familiar voice. Ajiro turned around. Virkaol did so too. Looking behind them, they noticed the pirates walking out from the forest trees. Led by Shinron, Virkoal and Ajiro saw they were angry and frustrated about something that she had to ask them, “What seems to be the problem?” “Them.” Shinron remarked, raising a claw up to the horizon in front of him but behind Virkoal and Ajiro who turned around looking. But they saw no one there and it had made the girls confused. Pressing the question again to Shinron, Virkoal waited for an answer. But silence answered her instead and growing frustrated, she turned around and sat in the grass in her butt while looking to the horizon. Ajiro turned to Virkaol and said nothing. As she giggled to herself faintly, she caught prescenes with Virkoal who raises an eye to her. Sealing her mouth up in result…

Thus they waited for minutes without end up until Virkoal decided to ask the pirates what they were waiting for. Neither answered and came the silence for an additional more until Virkoal and Ajiro sighed at the same time. Breathing and closing their eyes, wagging their tails impatiently, they grounded their fangs and raised their heads at the horizon before them and opened their eyes amongst the silence. With birds chirping and someone’s stomach growling in hunger; The pirates, Ajiro and Virkoal finally noticed someone up ahead. And Virkoal stood up, her eyes narrowed. She stepped forth towards them to close in the distance between but Ajiro stopped her suddenly by grabbing her tail and pulled her back. More and more had started to come from the horizon before their very eyes.

Soft dramatic music started up playing keeping in synchronized with the footsteps of their enemies. As Shinron glared at Ajiro who frowned throwing away the jukebox that was playing that music, retaining the silence that came afterwards. The group came face to face with their enemy. The shirao eight whom smirked and gleefully smiled as they stopped; feet away from where the Pirates and the dragoness were. Silence fell between them. It felt like a standoff. As Virkoal gulped nervously shifting her eyes over to the Pirates who retained their posture and looking dominate towards their enemy, her heart pounded and she wondered how it would unfold-

“Did you guys do it!” A scream erupted and a sharp bang emerged onto everyone’s ears as Virkoal, the pirates and the Shiona eight glanced their attention towards Ajiro with her fist upon the ground. Her eyes narrowed at the enemies before them and beared her fangs while she repeated the question again, with another slam against the ground. No answer. “Do what?” Asked the black dragon looking to Shinron who shrugged, keeping silent while staring at her. 

“Answer the question!”

“Ajiro!” Shouted Virkoal as Ajiro turned to her in response. With the silence of her voice, she looked around the plains. Staring at the enemy then to the pirates before blushing again and coughed; her claw was released from the abusive grounds and laid against it softly with her claw outstretched. Standing firm, she glared the shinoa eight who responded in kind as the meeting went underway...