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Lunch Box Cannon
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That's right, lunch boxes
I've always speculated that Ryou has way too much free time. He loves to steal the newest gadgets from a few of the human stores right on the other side of the west wall of his precinct, mostly so he can take them apart and bring to fruition his own crazy ideas, such as a canon that synthesizes and fires lunch boxes.
Don't worry, Ikodo won't be hurt. It is just a lunch box after all. He just likely very reluctantly agreed to help out Ryou test his yes, Ryou probably forced him to do it...not in a bullying kind of way, but probably a more annoying whiny kind of way because Ryou gets way too enthusiastic about the products of his own mind.
This was actually a sketch from November of 2010, so the anatomy is a bit wonky and I slapped a quick crappy shading job on it because I mostly just wanted to see this piece somewhat finished and in color. I plan to do more pieces like this involving multiple of my story characters and a little background blurb such as the one I wrote above because it helps me think about them and develop them more for my ongoing novel...that and I think this is like the 2nd time I've ever drawn Ryou :)
I've always speculated that Ryou has way too much free time. He loves to steal the newest gadgets from a few of the human stores right on the other side of the west wall of his precinct, mostly so he can take them apart and bring to fruition his own crazy ideas, such as a canon that synthesizes and fires lunch boxes.
Don't worry, Ikodo won't be hurt. It is just a lunch box after all. He just likely very reluctantly agreed to help out Ryou test his yes, Ryou probably forced him to do it...not in a bullying kind of way, but probably a more annoying whiny kind of way because Ryou gets way too enthusiastic about the products of his own mind.
This was actually a sketch from November of 2010, so the anatomy is a bit wonky and I slapped a quick crappy shading job on it because I mostly just wanted to see this piece somewhat finished and in color. I plan to do more pieces like this involving multiple of my story characters and a little background blurb such as the one I wrote above because it helps me think about them and develop them more for my ongoing novel...that and I think this is like the 2nd time I've ever drawn Ryou :)
12 years ago
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