Current Track: Blabb

It was a light gust of fresh wind that pulled him out of his stupor. Chase began to feel his difficulty in breathing which eased when he gave up breathing through his nose.

The latter was hurting him. Lying on the hard and pleasantly warm ground of the asphalt which still radiated its heat, he regained his consciousness.

Consciousness ? What was he doing lying on the floor ? And why did his whole face hurt ?

Chase kept his fists clenched and he tried to see around him. There was no one. Not a close sound. Everything came to him from behind, muffled as behind thick walls. Gradually, he regained his senses, raised his head, leaning on his knees and his fists.


His voice was weak and uncertain. His lips hurt and he had that dirty hot copper taste on his tongue. The Moon gave the sand and dry earth that ash color. Chase felt his left knee jerking a little when he tried to lean on it.

Chase tried to think but he could barely figure out where he was. The feeling of dizziness dissipated a little but the pain remained present. Chase tried to stand up but he gave up. How did we get up already ? Chase moved slowly off the road, becoming a big baby again motor-wise.


The sound emitted by his throat was louder, but still insufficient. And then it was useless.

Carl, stay close to him while he was being beaten up ?

Chase knew that the character of the fat boy had made him leave the place. Carl was a nice guy but absolutely not able to put up with acts of violence around here.


Useless too. It seemed that his friend was not present after all.

Chase felt his eyes wet with pain and shame. Inside, TJ was definitely being beaten up and he was unable to help him. Sniffling, he managed to get to his feet. He had his back to the garage and walked away. His instinct pushed him to flee the origin of his discomfort. The ground slanted slightly downwards, and his hesitant gait carried him over the small mounds of gray earth, ignoring the dry grass that creaked under his feet.


His voice was weak and cracking. His painful breathing did not allow him to raise the tone of his voice. He could only whisper now.

Hesitating, Chase crossed the concrete slab that marked the limit of a drainage basin. The moon allowed him to see the concrete gutter which had the function of guiding the waves towards the lake further below. In these times of prolonged drought, it was only used, so to speak, for a few days a year.

Chase looked up, wincing as he felt the slight bone pain he felt. This pain faded quickly. Above him, Chase could see the moon. He felt a strange thing.

It seemed fake to him. Incorrect.

It was the wrong color. It looked sallow, as if a camera filter had been placed in front of his eyes. Did he have blood in his eyes ?

Worried, he ran his hand over the globes. He looked. Dry and clear.

Nothing abnormal or worrying.

Yet something was amiss. The Moon did not have the right color and looking at it well it did not have the right shape.

It must have been a full moon night and yet it seemed to have a less round shape.

As if a few days had passed and it was slowly moving towards it last quarter.

Chase shook his head in disbelief. What was this moment called ?

Ah, gibberish. A gibbous moon.

But it's not in a week ?

Or else Chase was wrong and the full moon had passed just before.

It's always when you need a Werewolf around that you can't find one...

Chase sneered to himself. He no longer knew where he was walking, in which direction and above all why he was staying here outside. He didn't seem to be that far away though, but he no longer heard the sounds of the party in the distance. He could hear the sounds of his footsteps and his breathing, so he knew he was not deaf.

And then there was that damn sky that wasn't right. Chase rubbed his eyes.

Shouldn't Orion be shining in the firmament right now ?

So why did he see Sagittarius in full glory ?

Chase then became aware of the temperature. He was hot when before he walked on the road to warm up in the cold of early November.

Now he felt like he was sweating. He must have had a fever now. There was no logical explanation.

Chase felt his step getting more and more sluggish. He felt tired and still disoriented. And then he saw it.

A pickup. He could see the back, the turn signals on. With the lighting of this ill-fated Moon, he couldn't discern the exact color. Anyway, something dark. Ahead, a large patch of light spread out. This piqued his curiosity and he moved his body forward on autopilot.

The driver must have lost control of his truck to have gone so far off the road.

Chase then heard the quiet cries that came from the side of the pickup. Feminine sounds. A woman crying.

Hurt ? No, it doesn't look like. She was crouched on the ground, her hands clasped over her face. Chase couldn't see his face or any other detail. It looked like she had on a purple dress and her hair was nice. But he couldn't identify any other details. She looked like she was in her thirties. But Chase couldn't identify anything else.

Another sound caught his attention, on the other side of the pickup, right in the light spot.

Because of the angled headlights, Chase could only see the bottom of what were men's pants. Olive green in color it seemed.

But then again, Chase couldn't see any details except that the man was obviously digging a hole.

Right here ? To do what ?

It was then that he took note of the thought and it froze him in place.

"Yes, so this is where I am." »

Chase's heart seemed to skip a beat.

That thought, he was certain he hadn't had. He felt his mind go blank somewhat, filled with unspeakable fear instead.

He hadn't thought.

It was from someone else.

Chase closed his eyes and opened them again.

No, nothing else. The boy slowly calmed down.

He seemed to be reliving his past. A past he had experienced for the first time, shortly after Syd's death. His parents had noted his distress and he had welcomed these sessions with a child psychiatrist with gratitude. The latter had listened to him and then he had given him a drug treatment that he had to take daily. And his sleep disorders, previously so important, had ended up becoming less frequent. But the rest was still the daily life of the young man. Night terrors and since that terrible moment, a strange and incongruous phobia of tarantulas. Chase didn't know where it came from, but he had just had a traumatic experience that would mark him for the rest of his life.

However, hearing a mental voice that was not his own was a novelty.

Due to the beating he had just suffered or had the time come for him to change treatment ?

Chase stepped forward but was caught by an icy wind that made him turn around. Chase blinked and the couple was gone.

Chase wondered if he was going crazy because if the vehicle was still in place, it was no longer a pickup. He swallowed reflexively, almost choking on that acrid taste of blood. He spat his saliva on the ground.

TJ. TJ is in danger.

He then remembered that. The full moon was still illuminating what was a kind of minibus where he had seen a pickup. Its lights were off, but a red light emanated from it through the windows, which were obscured by thick curtains. He stepped forward, prompted by the memory of TJ and felt he was going to find the help he needed. But his step was also slow and hesitant. Was he going to have neurological sequelae ?

Well, in addition to the ones he had since Sydney died ?

At least the sky emanated a normal whitish color now. The moon was full and white, of course. And Orion in his place soaring through the skies.

" Help… "

On the other hand, his voice, it was still not that.

The minibus was real. He was not moving. It looked old is worn out. Even rusty. Was it roadworthy ? Or was it a wreck used for God knows what purpose ?

The interior glowed with a somewhat unreal red glow. Probably a light strip. Still, the intensity seemed to vary. And the axles seemed to moan softly. He was busy.

Chase felt his voice still too weak. He walked to the back door and looked out the window. Wasted effort. There was some kind of adhesive all over the surface where that menacing red was coming out. He seemed to see also another light, weaker and pulsating. Like a warning light.

Chase moved to look out another window. This time, he seemed to see movements, body undulations. He thought he heard moans. There was a regular rhythm like a sound of slaps, slaps. A sound of a somewhat soft object hitting a harder surface. And the moans were in sync. A muffled voice, as if spoken from inside a mask.

"That's what you want, right !" 

Chase then backed away.


He gasped, he couldn't help but a sardonic smile spread across his face, laughing inwardly at the irony of the situation.

Another voice, also muffled, answered.

"Ohhh yes dad… Like that yes…"

This voice sounded higher. Chase tried to ignore it.

" No. I have to help my friends. »

Chase was pleased to finally show some willpower.

"It's wonderful. But do you at least know where they are ? »

Again, Chase swallowed hard. Once again this voice appeared. An adult voice. Old maybe. No. Adult, but with already a long life behind.

Then another. One Chase had never heard of.

"We heard shots coming from the town, Sheriff. It's madness over there. »

In reflex, Chase looked in the direction of Echo. The city was easy to find, you could spot the last public lighting points near the town hall. In such a desert, it was an easy target.

But nothing else seemed to come from this place.

"We can't rescue them all. We must leave. They are lost. »

Chase was breathing faster and faster. This time it was a female voice. Of course also unknown. Chase took it upon himself to answer.

"No, they're not. I'll look, I'll look for them. »

Chase slapped his face as if waking up from a bad dream. It seemed to work because only one last line came to him. A strange voice, loaded with age. It wasn't threatening, it was just pointing out one thing. But it was the one that scared him the most.

"You're just moving in circles. »

Chase was startled by the sudden opening of the back doors which hit him in the face. He fell to the ground again. He had time to feel his arms tingling. He lifted them and looked at them before falling unconscious again, scared as ever.

His arms were covered in tarantulas.

«  Did you killed someone ? Already ? »

Chase finally opened his eyes. His first instinct was to rub his arms vigorously, heart pounding. It didn't take him long to see that there was nothing. He looked more carefully. He couldn't find any bite marks. This calmed him down and he looked around to see where he was.

He was inside a building. Old, dusty and dirty. He then heard the muffled sounds of muffled techno but whose Hispanic tones could be discerned in the tempo.

Beneath him, he felt the used mattress and he saw, thanks to the (white !) Moon, the metal bars of the old bed which creaked under his movements.

He passed his hand over his face. He felt the pain of the blows received but the latter were already attenuating.

The moonlight was more than enough to see inside the room. The bed, a half-drawn inner curtain. A broken and empty white glass cabinet, stamped with a red cross.

A sick room. Continuous music. He was back in the old garage. He had not been treated, just put to rest in safety. So a friend was there. He jumped to the ground on the old tiled floor, his weak right fist cocked for protection when a shadow appeared from the hallway.

"Hey tonto, it's me, no need to be afraid. »

Chase felt relieved to see the stranger walking towards the bed, all smiles.

He recognized that muscular, football-forged body, the freckles of his lightly curled hair in his everlasting red t-shirt and worn-out blue jeans. He appreciated more than usual that sharp Hispanic accent that Leo had always kept on his lips.

Chase was greatly relieved.

"Puta madre, Chase, that jerk didn't miss you. You will keep bruises of it for days. You're going to have a hard time justifying this to your parents, you know ? »

Chase touched his face again, looking around to see if there was a reflective surface in the room. There were none.

Leo walked over and put a friendly hand on his shoulder. Chase noted his bloody knuckles.

"Leo, your hands...

- Ah it's nothing, a little disinfectant and I'll be fine.

- What happened ?

- Nothing. I just chatted with Heather's boyfriend. She broke up with him by the way. She accuses him of beating up Terrence.

- TJ ? By the way, how is he ? But she was the one who started it all by yelling at him !

- I think that given her blood alcohol level she is not even aware of it. TJ is fine don't worry. The situation is under control and his mother has already come to pick him up.

- It is not too marked ?

- I don't think he'll dare leave his room for a month, but he'll get over it. The sheet of his suit was reinforced that protected him a little. »

Chase was silent for a moment to absorb the new information.

“She accused TJ of assaulting her.

- Drunk as she was, if a leaf had fallen on her shoulder, she would have blamed the tree. But hey, she's splitting her time apologizing and throwing up right now. »

Leo was right. Chase could sense his disapproval in the sound of his voice. Leo was a strong young man and concerned about the protection of others, especially those close to him. Chase and the others were among them. Of all of them, he had been most affected by Sydney's death. It had influenced his personality.

Leo moved closer and rested his buttocks on the bed, wrapping his protective arm around Chase.

" And you ? How are you ? And what were you doing with Carl too? This is not the place for you. »

Chase took care to avoid Leo's gaze.

"And Carl ?

- Gone for a while. I called him, he's home and he's fine. But I understood from his voice that he was very angry with himself for having left you.

- It's all him. The opposite would have been surprising. I'm fine. I have pain all over my face and in my ribs but I don't think I have anything serious. Carl was more than annoyed that you lied to us.

- Lied ?

- You told him you had nothing planned for tonight. But Flynn told us otherwise. »

Leo looked aside.

"This idiot never knows when to shut up..."

Leo displayed some form of guilt. Chase then heard the sound of his phone. He reached into his pocket, but it was Leo who held it out to him, pulling it out of his pocket. He grimaced, handing it back to Chase.

"I took it from you to call TJ's mom. Here the network is almost non-existent and I know that yours picks up better in these conditions..."

Chase looked at the screen. A message from Carl.

"Man I'm sorry. I just found some network. You're okay ? »

Chase knew Carl was lying to him. But given the circumstances, he chooses to ignore the fact.

" I'm better. Leo is there and TJ left with his mother. »

Carl logged off, relieved it seemed.

Leo looked sideways at Chase.

"Chase, do you remember anything ?" 

The young boy slowly stood up. He remembered his phone in hand. He connected the camera and used it to look at himself. The moonlight was enough for him to see the damage. At least he wasn't bleeding anymore but his lip had been cut a bit.

"I don't think I have amnesia if that's what you're worried about.

- You have quite a bump on the back of your head, puchica. »

Chase felt above his neck and indeed, he felt a big bruise.

"I must have done this to myself when I felt.

- When I arrived, those meth eaters were spreading the news that you were harassing Heather because of an old debt…

- It makes no sense…

- I know but it's so easy to spread rumors here. I looked for you and found you near the abandoned van.

- I was so far ? I just remember that I was so bad that I had hallucinations. I thought I saw red lights in the van and then...

- Next ? »

Chase knew Leo very well. He sensed his concern.

"I think I fell backwards. I thought I felt spiders on my arms and I must have panicked. I don't remember anything else until I woke up.

Leo smiled slightly. Chase saw relief in his eyes.

"I'm glad to have found you.

- How did you actually do it ? I know this van and it is not very close.

- Hey, the night is so clear here tonight. We all know it and I thought I saw like a long stone just in front. I approached and it was you. I'm sorry you know. I promised to protect you all. »

Chase knew it. That was the promise Leo made to the group after Syd's funeral. And Leo took his role very seriously.

"I got hit well yes. That's probably why I thought the sky and the rest had turned yellow. Hey, I even thought I saw things.

- Oh yes, which ones ? »

Chase didn't notice it at the time. But Leo was worried again.

"Hallucinations again. There was a guy and his wife. He was digging a hole I think. And the next moment I saw the van as normal.

- Did you see anything else ? »

Chase noticed Leo's concern again.

"I told you, I hallucinated. »

Leo smiled, seeming to become calmer again. He relaxed. Chase knew that Leo was worried about his sanity because of what had happened. Might as well ease his mind.

“But I have nothing now. I don't think getting a good one didn't help at the time.

If you hadn't been so far out on the moor I would have thought that van had run over you. »

Leo was visibly relieved.

"That's where I brought you back and had a little chat with that big prick." 

Leo was smiling, rubbing his fist in the palm of his other hand. The undertone was clear and Chase didn't mind.

"By the way, why did you come here Leo ? I see there are quite a few freaks. »

Leo sighed.

“Some of these guys are team members and they decided to throw a wild party. Since we couldn't do it in Payton, they decided to come here. I couldn't say "no" to them when they extended the invitations, you know. And since you're not part of the team..."

Chase understood better. But why hide this from them ? He and Carl would have understood their non-invitation. Leo then got up and started pacing. Obviously, one thing bothered him.

He circled the room and ended up sticking his back against the window wall before sliding to the floor. Leo waved Chase over. The latter came towards him, rubbed his foot on the ground to remove any broken glass and sat down. Leo looked at Chase sideways, a little embarrassed. He seemed to be searching for his words for a moment before speaking.

“Two weeks ago I went on Payton List. I was looking for broken down lawn mowers in the area to salvage parts, clean and resell.

- I know you do it sometimes for your dad yes.

- It was so boring, I ended up hanging out on personal ads for a laugh. »

Oh oh.

"I came across an ad. The guy had a body like yours but you couldn't see his face. »

Chase felt his testicles go deep into his abdomen.

"You... You know it's hard sometimes, a torso looks like a torso.

- Puchica, I recognized myself in the background, even blurred. »

Chase said nothing.

"And after calling for TJ I looked in your phone. I quickly saw the untampered original. I wanted to be sure. Since the time we bathed together, I could spot you among thousands of photos you know. »

Normally, Chase would explode in anger at such an invasion of his privacy. But he couldn't react. He was paralyzed.

"Double jump, cocksucker !" 

Chase turned his head, surprised. Leo smiled.

How long had it been since he had heard that phrase ? When he arrived at age 5, Leo did not speak a word of English. This did not prevent little Chase from quickly becoming his friend by placing Leo in his class to help him quickly acquire the basics. Growing up, they and Jenna had spent countless hours watching that video game Chase couldn't remember the name of. Leo had acquired a basic vocabulary certainly not provided for by the most advanced teaching methods.

"Chase, you're 14 and going to post ads for sex with strangers already ?" 

Chase inhaled.

"You know you can talk to me. I would gladly have avoided such a shitty evening ! »

Chase looked at the floor.

"I texted you earlier, remember ? You were busy and you stopped answering. »

Leo slapped his fist on his forehead.

"Was that for ? Mierda, it's not true...

- Yes… "

Chase avoided Leo's gaze. He felt his shame for ignoring him at such a critical time. But Chase didn't really blame him.

"Who were you busy with ?" 

Leo looked at Chase.

"Don't change the subject, will you ?

- I'm not changing the subject, you're doing it..."

The hallway leading to the infirmary was originally empty and was now occupied by three girls who had isolated themselves to exchange the latest gossip. Their voices were loaded with alcohol and irrelevant information. The infirmary had no door for a long time. Leo saw that this bothered Chase. He stood up.

"Follow me Puchica. »

Leo glared disapprovingly at the intruders who paid no attention to him or Chase. Leo went upstairs where there were old storage rooms. There was no alcohol, drugs or music. And no one took advantage of the places for very intimate relationships. The participants must have found another place for it. The floor was dusty and sometimes stained with old encrusted oil until Judgment Day. The exposed metal beams still seemed solid and the ground didn't move underfoot. Leo and Chase were quiet.

The short walk had in any case put Chase's ideas in their place and he felt he had more courage.

"Why take so much care of me ? Of what I am ? You've never told me about this before, or anything else. »

Leo's gaze was inquisitive, his arms crossed across his chest, showing his dominance.

"Faggot, huh ? I understood it well. It has no importance. But Shit, go see the old perverts of this site ?

- It's my problem and not yours Leo ! I do what feels right for me. I don't want to go see these old degenerates, I just wanted to talk to someone !

- You did it ?

- Do what ?

- Met a guy ? Fuck with ? »

Leo changed position, showing the palms of his hands defensively.

"Okay, I think I'm doing it wrong, sorry. This is new to you, isn't it ?

- We can say it. My parents didn't know until this morning. Finally, yesterday morning now.

- It can be difficult, yes, Hijo. »

Chase tried to imitate Leo's posture, arms crossed, but he gave up. He looked at the ground, the silence between the two becoming heavy.

"I think I'll go back downstairs. Trying to find if I can get a ride, my thighs hurt. I haven't eaten in a while and slept in even longer. And I stink. »

Chase started to leave but he quickly felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Stay, Puchica. Why behave like this, huh ?

- I didn't choose to be that, Leo. »

The latter smiled, briefly resting his palm on his cheek. This friendly gesture brought an automatic thin smile to Chase. It was such a soft, warm touch. So pleasant.

"You have always been like this, Hijo. Do you know what I felt when I saw this ad ? To have… "

Leo hesitated for a moment. Chase felt the importance of the moment for him.

"To see that my wildest dream could become a reality ? »

Chase blinked. He remained silent. He saw Leo's eyes mist up.

"Then I started wondering why you didn't tell me. I started to go crazy and as you can see, I started to ruin everything. »

Chase blinked more intensely. He was starting to take in what Leo was saying to him.

Wait… Him too ?

Leo was obviously choosing his words in a language that was not his. When he hesitated like that, it showed his deep trouble.

"I would like to go back and start this moment over again…I would have been with you from the start of this evening and I would have ripped the huevos off that jerk before he could touch you…And from the beginning I didn't will have hidden nothing. Do you know that I always saw you as the only nugget in this rotten mine ? »

Chase listened intently.

“You guys don't know what you've been to me. If I hadn't known all of you, I would have become like most of those jerks down there. I don't remember everything we said as kids but I know from the start I was happy to be with all of you guys. Carl. Jenna. Even Flynn actually. Without forgetting Terrence and you. »

Leo continued. Chase was lost in his words, amazed at what he was hearing. Amazed and delighted.

“And growing up, Chase, I felt my feelings change. Become stronger for you. I was always happy to have you around, but in a different way. I loved you before. Now I know that I love you. Which again brings me to this question. Have you slept with guys on the net ? »

Chase could feel his heart beating like never before. And he knew his face showed the depth and intensity of his feelings. As for that last question, Chase knew it came from his burning desire to protect him from everything, including himself.

" I… "

Chase's attention was caught by a movement. Sheet metal sheets were missing from the roof and the moon was flooding the place with its glow. It made the shadows sharper, and he noted the short figure that briefly reinforced the shadow of a pillar. Leo noted that too and held out his hand to Chase.

"Stay here, I've got a moment." 

Chase didn't move when Leo passed through a wall. He was curious to know who Leo was talking to but as he demanded a minimum of secrecy, Chase walked away to give his friend some privacy.

At least he could say he respected other people's privacy. Chase heard two sets of footsteps moving away from the old storage room. But their shadows remained visible and Chase couldn't help but stare.

Leo and the other were speaking in low voices and in Spanish. A language with which Chase had always had certain difficulties.

He could see that whoever it was, the other had an object in their hands. His movements during the discussion showed that it was a video camera. He even had a tripod near him. The exchange was brief, the stranger and the material in his hands disappeared. Leo came back.

"That makes me right not to hang out with other guys besides you guys...

- He had a camera in his hands, right ? To do what ? Are you working on a school project ? »

Leo approached, his gaze low. He took Chase by the shoulders.

" Not really. Chase, can you do me a favor ?

- Eh yes.

- Don't tell anyone about this. It's a matter between him and me, okay ? »

Leo seemed to feel shame and some sense of danger. What story had he gotten himself into again ? Chase lowered his head. He was curious as a litter of kittens but Leo had made himself quite imperative. This worried Chase. Here at Echo, there were so many unhealthy things to do.

What reassured Chase was knowing that Leo was a boy who had his head on his shoulders.

Whatever might happen, he had to have things in hand. Chase promised.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone. »

Leo looked relieved.

" Good. We can go home now I think. We're done here, right ?

- If TJ is with his mother and Carl at his house I don't see why I'm staying here… And then this Emos vampire music gets me on my nerves.

  • Hey, another good reason for me not to have told you about this evening ! »

Leo took the path to a hallway closed by a door. It was stuck. He leaned his weight on the door and stomped against it. The hinge gave way and the door swung open. The position seemed too much for the old door, which creaked under its own weight and the metal fell heavily to the floor in a great cloud of rusty dust.

"Otherwise, we could have passed by...

- I don't want to see all those jerks again.

- Me neither.

- And then it was not you who dreamed of the voluntary destruction of public property ?

- Don't talk to me about it, I still feel remorse..."

Leo smiled and Chase smiled back.

"I also broke a mirror in a Diner bathroom...

- I remember. You were 8 years old and you had a crisis because they no longer had the toy you wanted. »

The two young men were now on the steps of a fire escape on the verge of collapse according to Chase. Outside the dark blue of the night was beginning to tinge with purple in the east. Was it that late ?

Not surprising. Chase must have been knocked out for quite a while.

"In my defense, there was no Diner from that chain around and this was my only chance to finally get the figure from that dinosaur movie...

- It surprised me. Do you remember that you cut your hand ? I thought you were the quietest of the bunch.

- We barely knew Terrence, that's why. »

When they got to the ground, Chase could start to relax. The day was beginning to dawn in earnest and Chase could finally smell the light perfume that Leo wore. A musky fragrance but not too strong. At least Leo knew how to dose the amount of cologne unlike others.

"You know, I think you still are.

- What ?

- The coolest. The best guy in the group.

- It's bullshit. »

Chase, however, felt that Leo's remark was sincere. He agreed with a remark his father had made to him. According to him, Chase had a knack for judging people correctly. This was what had prompted him to think about a possible career in journalism. But it would still be some time before I even thought about going to college.

Chase looked at the slowly dawning day. He deemed it useless to use his cell phone battery to light up now.

"  I am not joking. You are always so serious and thoughtful. You leave nothing to chance and each of your decisions is well-founded.

- It's mostly because I'm portrayed as boring and lacking in personality.

- Who said that ?

- People. But I don't care.

- They are idiots who understand nothing. I'm telling you, thought-wise, even TJ struggles to compare.

- Leo, TJ is still a kid so to speak…

- His mother nurtures him too much. He just lacks experience. But you are a perfect role model.

- This is what allowed me to be beaten up and find myself on the ground.

- I admit it, in terms of physical strength, you have nothing. But you know how to talk. You make yourself forget for a moment but you are there, ready to strike the fatal blow with your tongue. Flynn is as observant as you but you are less arrogant than him. My parents love you you know. Even my sister likes you.

- By the way, how is she ?

- Well, thank you, she's starting the final stretch before the doctorate. Going back to my parents, mom often asks me when you're coming home, did you know that ? »

The two boys were now walking among concrete foundations poured but abandoned. It was clear that the old quarter had begun to expand before the situation in the city deteriorated to the point of rendering any expansion effort useless. There was no one there early in the morning. The participants still present gave their last fires to the evening from which the music slowly moved away.

"By the way, I don't want to sleep with anyone over the internet, you can rest assured." 

This seemed to reassure Leo.

" Good. Even though I don't know what your kinks are.

- I like honesty. I am certain of that. »

Leo stumbled over a stone and momentarily lost his balance. Chase avoided looking at his friend.

"And the muscles.

- You should come to our games then, you could get an eyeful.

- I can make do with the Net.

- We saw what happened, yes…"

Chase grimaced. Low kick from Leo. It's very effective.

Chase then felt once again the shame he had experienced. He didn't blame Leo. After all, without realizing it, he had completely forgotten about this story until now.

Chase walked a little ahead. He noticed, then felt Leo's gaze on him.

"Last year you didn't even come to home games.

- I know, but I can't afford $20 seats. I was saving for this console together with Carl. It was silly. We played there for three or four hours and then more…

- We have almost won all our matches here. I even scored touchdowns there. If you had been there, I would have pointed the finger at you in front of everyone. I like the idea of making you blush in front of everyone I must say.

- It wouldn't have bothered me. I would have been... No. I'm proud of you. »

It was Leo's turn to blush.

"I remember you and Carl taking the opportunity to joke that I was a different person from the day I started playing football.

- It was justified, right ? You had become a real jock like your new friends at one point. And we didn't see you anymore.

- That's the past. I'm careful to find time to hang out with you, right ?

- Indeed. I must say that at that time I missed you.

- Hey, would you like to become a cheerleader to support me then ? »

Chase didn't need to turn around to see his friend's carnivorous smile.

"No thank you, I'm not flexible enough for that. Can you imagine me climbing the leg ?

- No, but I'd pay a dollar to see you try. »

Chase paused to look at his thin, stiff legs.

A dollar is a dollar. A quarter burger at the local Diner.

"You're not filming, okay ?

- Chase, I was kidding...

- Which doesn't mean you don't mean it a bit, does it ?

- You won't tell anyone, huh ? »

Chase stood, concentrated, and lifted his right leg as high as he could. Leo sneered.

"Barely what, 50 degrees ? Chase, even I lift higher than you and I'm as flexible as a bag of pebbles...

- We do not have the same morphology !

- Either way, it was worth the try. I still believe in you. »

Irritated, Chase attempted the move a second time. He helped himself with a hand behind his thigh to push the muscles to go higher. Leo moved quickly and put his hand behind Chase's thigh, another on Chase's back to provide him with another point of balance.

Chase held the position, feeling the muscles start to burn, giving in when Leo couldn't resist anymore and burst out laughing.

“There, I regret not having filmed this ! »

Chase caught his breath, rubbing his bruised leg.

“Barely 60, you are hopeless. »

Leo, however, held a dollar bill between his fingers. Chase took it.

"Not entitled to a tip ?

- It will come later. »

Chase blushed a little, beginning to understand the implication of that careless remark.

At this moment, the Sun crosses the limits of the distant hills, completely flooding the ocher desert with its light.

"I've been up for more than 24 hours. I can not stand it anymore. »

Chase and Leo were now following Route 34, which led downtown. They walked side by side and sometimes their hands touched.

Chase didn't want to walk away. And neither does Leo.

"Well, one hell of a night anyway. But that wasn't really a Dia de los muertos, was it ?

- No. I still remember those I experienced in Salvador. We met with family and neighbors, we ate, we laughed and we sang. We talked about our best memories with our deceased. And once midnight passed, we went to bed leaving food and drinks on the table.

- You weren't tidying up ?

- It was on purpose Chase. We left the victuals to our dead, so that they in turn would celebrate even if we could no longer see each other. Here it is only an evening of debauchery to which they give a festive aspect.

- Not to mention their depressive gothic music.

- Ay, I forgot that, yeah… They just think what they see in the movies is reality. The best part of this celebration is the preparations, when we decorated the houses and our mothers made food for the whole family, the living and the dead.

- Carl will have no regrets when he finds out there was nothing to eat...

- Hey, that's right.

- His search for food is very effective in combating his chronic anxiety.

- I'm afraid that evening may have increased his problem then.

- By the way Leo. You believe it ? The fact that your dead attend the party and celebrate it on their side ? »

Leo stopped to think. Chase looked at him. He too was tired and his clothes showed his exhaustion. Leo even had large sweat rings under his arms, and a brush or comb would have helped his red hair.

But Leo had to admit that he found him handsome like that.

" No. But it helps the living after all. Isn't that the most important ? »

The silence continued. Chase understood that Leo's thoughts were on Sydney. His too, for that matter.

It had been four years now, and the many memories they had of him in town weren't helping.

That was what broke them all.

Leo had become overprotective.

Carl anxious to a high degree.

Jenna denied reality.

Flynn was still angry.

He had hallucinations.

TJ, him…

Poor Terrence. He had probably paid the heaviest price. He was just 9 at the time.

"I was thinking of one thing Leo. Maybe next year we can...

- No Chase. »

Leo stood in front of Chase. Without saying it, without realizing it, they were holding hands.

"I want to move forward, cherish what I have. I don't want to forget. »

Chase looked at their intertwined hands.

"My therapist tells me I need to talk more about it. But I don't know how to fit all this into my life. You know, the games, the discussions...

- Something like that destroys all the good we get from our lives.

- Like now ?

- Puchica…"

Leo raised their hands entwined together.

" We have the choice. We can focus on whatever this town can do to ruin our lives. Or we can fight the storm and try to be happy despite everything. To find an…anchor to help each other. I choose to be happy. »

Leo was so brave and brave. But this time, his eyes betrayed his concern. He was obviously on a path he had never taken before and it terrified him. Chase couldn't blame him for that. He too wanted to feel those butterflies in his belly. But he felt like a skydiver about to jump out of the plane.

"It's not that simple Leo.

- I know but I don't care. I'm all for pretending and seeing where it all takes us.

- What do you expect then ?

- I do not know how to explain it. Just be happy.

- I haven't eaten anything for a day. Neither slept. I got beat up and was unable to save TJ. My parents caught me jerking off to gay porn and they will never look at me like they used to. And I'm going to have to live with all of that. Suffice to say that I'm not in the best of moods right now. But I have to admit that…"

Chase held Leo's hands in his.

" That helps. I'm freaking out too yes, but I'm glad you're here.

- We can work on this together. Ah, I can already see Jenna being made aware. She will now look at us with big red hearts instead of eyes. It's going to be like in his manga.

- The yaoi, yes. I recently learned that she reads a lot.

- It's the kind with the thin and effeminate twinks, isn't it ?

- You know ?

- Well obliged to inform me a little. I stashed some in the disco of my computer to tell the truth.

- I'm not really into this trip. Look, I tried something and you saw what happened ?

- Your mother is a nice woman, Chase. I don't see her kicking you out for that.

- That's not what worries me. In fact I think I'd rather have that than having to face their stares every morning from now on. How would you feel if your parents found your gay manga, huh ?

- First, they do not have to snoop in my things. And then my mother already knows that, I'm sure.

- WHAT ? »

Leo listened to his mother talking, putting away the shopping he had just done. The wooden table was still crumbling under the cereals and under the corn which should still be stored in the trunk next to the door. He wore a faded blue shirt and light brown pants. He had finished his day of classes and training exhausted and on the way back from Payton, he had also stopped at the supermarket to bring back the provisions for the week. His mother was a slightly buxom woman, with coppery skin and a pulled back brown bun. She had on a green dress protected by an embroidered apron. She accompanied each of her words with exaggerated gestures of her hands. Her accent clearly showed that she had spent her life south of the Rio Grande, but she wanted to speak English to lead by example.

"But Leo, I don't understand you. »

Leo sighed, lining up the cans of food on the shelf.

"Mom, I don't have to explain myself. I don't want to, that's all. »

Maria would not give up. Leo knew it, he was preparing himself mentally to undergo a continual onslaught of questions and remarks. He knew it, she was doing this for his own good after all. But it had an infuriating side all the same.

Leo imagined that all mothers were the same with their teenage sons. He was almost right.

Maria grabbed a tea towel and picked up half-dried plates. She could let the air of Arizona finish the job, but it was a way for her to keep her composure and relieve herself of all that stress. Looking outside, she saw her youngest son Oscar running all smiles behind an almost new ball, turning around and kicking it to make it bounce off the white adobe wall.

"Your cousin Carlos, back home, he already has someone you know, and he's younger than you !

- Mom, Carlos impregnated his girlfriend, do you think he has a choice now ? »

Bad example indeed. Maria pursed her lips.

"And your cousin Paloma ? She lives in Phoenix, she is finishing high school too and she has introduced a not too bad young boy to her parents. You are sixteen years old Leo. You are not a bad party. You know where you want to go in life, you have your own car now and your head is firmly on your shoulders. »

Leo tried to close his eyes to calm himself down a bit.

"I know Mom, Paloma and I have already talked about it on the phone.

- You have to realize that you are no longer a little boy like your brother. You should start dating more girls your own age, not this bunch of kids. I know, they're your friends and they're nice boys too, I can see that. But you won't spend your life with them. »

Leo was fully aware of this. He had just finished his part of the housework and he was looking at his mother.

“I know that mum but I have time.

- I don't want you to imitate your stupid cousin either, yes. But you are falling behind. By the time you finish high school, there is only a short time left. We live in a small town Leo. Once at work, your available time will be reduced for this. And I don't want you to bring me a girl like that Heather. God, she's so vulgar just for her looks..."

Maria crossed herself by reflex.

"I know and don't worry mom. A girl like her does not interest me. She will only bring trouble.

- I am very happy to know that. How about Jenna, huh ? She's a nice girl, she's strong, she has wide hips and she can give you good, well-built sons, you know. In addition she forgot to be stupid, she is able to defend herself alone, which is a plus in this city. And then you already know her. Why not ask her out once in a while, huh ?

- I know all this mom. But she... she's not my type. That is all. »

"There I knew I had said something stupid. Then she asked me what kind of girl I liked. I could read on her face the directory of all the girls she knew and she was about to cross out the first names until the list was reduced to two or three candidates. »

Chase listened to Leo with interest. He sneered at hearing Leo speak in his mother's voice, giving a true depiction of the scene. In retaliation, he had drawn a small disapproving punch on the shoulder from a sneering Leo.

"So what's your type after all ?" 

Leo was on his way to carry the water bottles to the storeroom and sighed. She wouldn't let go today. He looked at the ground for a short moment before looking at his mother.

"Not the girls. »

Chase looked at Leo with wide eyes.

"And what did she say ?" 

Leo looked at his friend with a tired smile.

"I didn't mean to say that. But that day we had a very bad training session and I was in a very bad mood. It came out before I could think. »

Leo looked up at the rising sun.

"She did as usual. She clicked her tongue against his palate and just added that we'll talk about it when I feel ready for it.

- You didn't insist, did you ?

- Not for a moment. It was useless, I had just dropped a big cinder block on her head, I told myself that this was not the time. »

Silence reigned for a moment between the boys. Leo pointed to a dirt track that passed next to the road. There was a recent but already closed shack which had been used as a refreshment bar.

"We're going to go through there and cut through the railroad tracks. I don't want to go near Tetanus Alley, I'm in no mood to deal with Jeremy or someone like him. »

There was little chance that he or anyone else would be awake and out this early morning. Dawn was not their favorite time of day. But Chase including Leo.

The boys walked past the old snack bar. It was made of a building site module on which a wooden door had been grafted. The rust was already attacking the reinforced angles of the walls and an inscription written with bad paint was beginning to decompose because of the heat and the Sun.

"I don't remember seeing that shack.

- Oh, it was installed two years ago. It remained open for a few weeks before closing for good.

- I wonder who used to come here.

- If I tell you Brian and Keith worked there, what would that make you think ?

- I believe that I have understood.

- It closed right after Keith left for who knows where. I don't know anything more. I think it was Charley who told me about it. It was a bit of an event. The first store to open at Echo in ages ! »

Leo raised a finger in triumph to underline the irony of his words. On the dirt road, Leo's foot deliberately bumped into an empty can of beans. He was careful to send her right in front of him so he could keep bumping into her on his way.

"It still amazes me that Charley is still alive. Looks like the secret to longevity is meth overdose !

- Not if I ever find out that you touch that Chase ! Believe me, I will take your case seriously ! »

Leo was grimacing and Chase knew he was serious about it. Chase once again looked at the side of the abandoned bar.

The Boose Bastion.

Hey, it had to be said, there was originality.

The Sun was slowly climbing in the sky and the walkers reached what had once been a railroad yard. A single lane split into about ten lanes, four of which allowed to leave Echo. The first was what was left of the Transcontinental South, a route that connected San Diego to Savannah in its heyday. It had been built to allow the goods to avoid the storms of the Gulf of Mexico. The second connected Montana, far to the north, and Mexico. These two tracks had been in use for around fifty years before becoming covered in rust.

The other two were also abandoned but they were shorter. The first connected Echo to a town with no future called Las Vegas in Nevada. The last was just a local route from Echo to Payton. She had been the last to be abandoned when the water park closed.

There remained a series of four wooden posts, supporting what had been the telegraph. The wires were hanging to the ground. The wooden shack where the station and the telegraph terminal were located had long since been reduced to nothing.

On the tracks, there were only a few freight cars open to the four winds. And a suite of three passenger cars. The windows had long since been smashed to pieces, prime targets for the town's children. The seats were gone and Chase was betting that some would be found in local homes, converted into free sofas. The original olive green carcasses were all covered in graffiti and profanity.

The advantage of this path is that it led directly behind Leo's garden.

Leo looked at a rail and, smiling, put his feet on it, spreading his arms to keep his balance.

Chase, amused, followed him on the parallel rail. The defiance was heightened by the fact that Leo closed his hand over Chase's, who hugged the fingers back.

The boy then felt his armpit and confirmed his diagnosis. He needed a good bath. Chase felt like he had been turned into a sewer outlet. Leo must have felt the same way, but in Chase's eyes the young man was nothing but seduction.

Leo smiled at him. Chase feared only one thing. That the latter tell him that he was making a mistake and that he asked him to forget all that.

"I know we started talking about it. How do you think others will take the news ? »

Chase almost fell over in surprise, but he pulled himself together.

"Hey, I'm keeping it for Jenna. Big red hearts and all that, "awww" every time she sees us.

- For sure. And she'll talk about us like boyfriends. »

Chase nearly fell again. Deep inside, he loved those words.

" Yes. We can say it. You are my boyfriend Leo.

- You are my boyfriend Chase…"

The latter smiled at him. Their presence contrasted radically with the landscape. Two young men full of life and color in a dead, dull and rusty, decaying place. Leo gestured to Chase and their second hand made contact. Here they were forming a bridge over the rails.

"Let's be happy, okay ? »

Chase nodded. He then saw Leo's eyes moist more than usual.

The last time Chase had seen Leo cry was after Syd's funeral.

The band had returned to the shores of the lake. Leo still spoke English mixed with Spanish and his accent was more pronounced. He had explained to everyone that from now on he would always be there to protect them, no matter what.

Jenna was the first to leave the line and hug a tearful Leo. All had followed, even Flynn, who came last.

They returned to school the next day. And Leo kept his promise, watching his friends closely.

Leo released a hand to wipe his face, grinning a little stupid now.

"It's funny... When you try not to cry your cheeks look like they're being sucked from the inside." 

Chase did his best to curb his reflex but his vision was all blurred as well. The two young men came face to face and finally kissed, keeping their lips close together, their noses clogged with emotion leaving little room for them to breathe.

Chase could feel his strong arms around him and the softness of his thumbs brushing his cheeks. This kiss, Chase felt it on his lips but also deep inside him, tasting the fleshy and soft lips.

The moment ended when Leo rubbed Chase's back and walked away.

“And the others then ? I say Carl will look up for a second from his phone, he'll say something like, « Guys, it's gay." before diving back into it. »

Chase sneered.

"Hey, I don't know. I don't want to say anything until he does, but I think he'll be a little more interested than that.

- What do you mean ?

- Let's say I learned stuff from him but I won't say anything until he does it himself. Terrence won't say anything to him, that's for sure.

- Ay, I even think he's ready to round up his whole troop of boy scouts to form a choir in our honor.

- This boy is so nice. I hope he grows up enough not to be devoured by others. No, for me the hardest part will be Flynn.

- Mierda, I can already hear the sarcasm and biting irony about us from him…

- I imagine that over time you will get used to it. As I said, it will be simple with Carl. I already told him about me actually. »

Leo looked at Chase, taken aback. For the latter, he seemed to see jealousy there.

"I had a hellish day yesterday and it was eating my guts out. I ended up telling him since you were busy elsewhere. »

Chase left his rail and Leo followed.

"It was fun but I don't want to run the risk of falling and getting tetanus..."

Leo now walked beside her.

" And your parents ? »

Chase winced as he imagined the situation. Surprised in front of a gay porn the pants at the ankles one day and with a boyfriend the next day…

" I do not know.

- You will have to do it. I will say it clearly. I know mama will be happy for us. She already loves you a lot, you know that, right ?

- Yes of course. She's such a lovely woman. »

Chase took the phone out of his pocket and stared at the screen.

"I have a message from them since yesterday morning and I never dared to listen to it..."

Leo smiled, a protective arm around her shoulder.

Puchica, whatever they say, you are with me now. But I know them a little. I don't see anything to panic about. There's the band too. At worst, you will stay with me. With the departure of my big brother and my sister from college, we are overwhelmed. You know that even Jenna comes to sleep at home when things are not going well for her, even if it's rare. And there is Carl, who lives in a house far too big for him. You see, the solutions are not lacking. »

Chase knew he had people behind him. But that phone was just as heavy at the end and his guts still knotted.

" I know. But things change so quickly. My head is spinning and I don't know what to hold on to. My parents will never see me the same way again.

- Chase, this is normal and unavoidable. You've grown. You have changed. It's the same for everyone. You are on the path that will make you an adult now. You are no longer the little boy I once saw crying over graffiti on an abandoned wall. »

Leo's words were true and reassuring. Chase looked at him again.

"Esta yuca ! People grow up and you did it in a very good way. »

Chase felt the blush creep up his cheeks again.

"I'm willing to put my hand in the fire saying your parents will always love you." 

Chase also thought he knew it deep down.

"But I'll always keep an eye out for the jerks in town, all those jerks, badly shaped turds. Because I will never hide that you are my boyfriend, Chase. For them, I will always have this ready ! »

Leo showed his closed and powerful fist. By day, Chase could see the dried blood that remained on his knuckles even better. It was even more impressive.

"Are they trying anything or harassing you ? One word from you and I'll jump in. »

Chase smiled anyway.

"Dude, you're doing your best but you're sleep deprived. I hear it in your voice.

- Hey, I have to say yes. Okay, are we listening to this message ? »

Chase hesitated, gazing between Leo and his phone.

"Double jump, cocksucker ! That's what you should do ! »

Chase sneered. It was so out of place. And it made him want to kiss him even more.

"By the way, you must know that you will be grounded for a good month at least...

- I know. I get yelled at when I'm more than five minutes late answering them… I'll miss you when I'll be grounded.

- I'll try to negotiate a conjugal visit or something like that. Ready ? »

Chase smiles. Eyes meeting Leo's, he pressed the green button.
