Current Track: Blabb

Friday, 16th

Gruff awoke late, panicked at the thought of being late for school. Then he remembered that his uncle had told him he would not go to class that day. Gruff left the room where he had slept. He was wearing only a short borrowed to his uncle and went to the bathroom. The door opened and Ed came out. He was fully naked and he didn’t tried to hide himself. 

« Hi, Greg. The room is your. 

- Er... Thank you. »

Ed left the bathroom and followed the stairs to go to the kitchen. Gruff could not stop to look at the hairy ass of his uncle’s husband. It was a really firm and hairy one. Greg saw then the ass being shake a bit, making it cuter than ever. He saw then than Ed was looking at him, above his shoulder, smiling. Gruff flushed and locked himself in the bathroom while Ed reached the kitchen, laughing, happy to had put back on his place the young lurker. Gruff dared not come out before Ed was left for work. He was a medic : very long days at work and little wages. 

Gruff joined his uncle in the kitchen for breakfast. Mark made no allusion to Greg’s prying eyes. Maybe Ed did not mentioned it after all. 

« Everything is okay ?  

- Er, yes. 

- Good. Get dressed, then we'll go get some clothes at your home. But first I must call someone. »

Gruff obeyed. Mark went into the garden to enjoy some sun and stay away from Greg’s ears. 

« Clinton’s High School... 

- Hey Samantha, wanna talk to the absences desk... 

- If you promise me to go out with me for a date. 

- On next February 30th, is it alright for you ? 

- You’re on, big fag... 

- Thank you, bitch... »

Mark smiled. Insults were a ritual between him and the administrative service. Everybody at school knew he was gay. And because of his size and his muscles, no one dared to criticize him on this point. 

« Allison here. 

- Ally... Say, my nephew has family problems and he will not come today. It's pretty serious, I do not know if his parents have already called to report his absence... 

- You have a nephew ? Big news ! 

- I have not seen him for a long time... 

- His name ? 

- Greg Maxwell. 

- Hmm... No. He was reported missing but no excuse for his absence. He's your nephew ?

- He is the son of my sister, yes. Well, now you know he will not come today. 

- Is recorded. Thank you. And many things to your husband. 

- To yours too. »

Gruff left the house at this time. He looked at the screen of his cell, but to his great grief, no one from his family had called despite of all the messages he left. There were three messages. Gruff looked at the sender, and knew they were left by Fred. With an angry finger, he deleted them. Mark understood the situation quickly. 

« Get in the car, we'll do it quickly while no one’s home. 

- Dad have not called. 

- I know. It may take days you know. »

Mark was trying to comfort Greg, but there came only with difficulty. He was careful not to tell Greg that his parents had not bothered to prevent high school, as they had sure received an alert of absence after the first morning call. It did not looked very good, but Mark tried to stay a minimum jovial.

The car entered on Hammer Street. The sun was shining and had dried the rain. Mark got ready to park but Greg dissuaded him.

« It is better to shop around and go from behind. 

- Whatever you want. »

Mark parked at the rear of the house. They passed through the garden and Gruff pulled out his keys. There was nobody at home, and he thought it was better indeed. He introduced the key in the lock but it did not turned. Tried again, failed again. 

« But why it does not work ? 

- Wrong key ? 

- No, it is the back door one. Maybe the lock is broken. 

- We'll try the front door then. »

The two men went around the house. The traffic was scarce and all the neighbors were at work. The front door also resisted Gruff’s attempts to open. Mark looked at the barrel of the lock and he realized that it was a new one. His fears were confirmed. He glanced down the street and noticed something strange. In front of Greg's house, a large trash was out. But it was the only one in the whole street. 

« Greg... 

- Yes ? 

- In your street, when garbage collectors come ? 

- Saturday and Wednesday, why ? 

- We’re Friday... »

Mark went to the trash and opened it. Greg had followed him, worried. He looked inside and sat down at once on the sidewalk in shock, seeing the content, holding his head on his hands. His clothes, his books. His old toys. His trophy, won in football two years before. His laptop too. His football uniform. With the helmet. Mark took it on his hands, saying nothing. He took his cell and took pics of the contents of the trash. 

« Stay here, I'll get the car. »

Gruff was in shock, unable to move. He could not even think. Mark came back quickly and he began to put the clothes in the trunk. He did not forget the books. He let the toys but did not forget the trophy. He guided Greg, still in shock, in the car and he went on Ladder Street. Like a robot, Greg helped to go up his belongings in the room, all in bulk on the bed. After the last trip, he sat down and remained standing, motionless. Mark closed the door and went back to Greg. He put his arm over his shoulder. Greg then burst into tears. He cried and shout as he never had done his entire life. Mark stayed with him. 

« Get’s all this shit out, Greg, and have no fear. You’re at home. You’re at home now. »

Mark’s voice couldn’t hide his sad feelings while he was trying to comfort his nephew.


Fred was looking nervously at the crowd who was entering into the high school. Leaning against a pillar, he looked at the faces more or less cheerful of the students, trying to see the two people he was searching for. He barely slept the last night, and Fred felt he was really tired. Most of the student were already inside the building and Fred was worried. Above all, he wanted to talk to Gruff. The last evening, his mother tried to talk to Gruff’s father but the latter said than she had made a mistake, because he had no son. Fred knew then than things hadn’t gone well. He tried to call him, but Gruff’s cell was off. Fred could only hope than he could come that day. He or FJ.

Fred raised his sight and saw the one he was looking for. FJ was walking, hoping not being late. Fred walked to him and saw how deep he had wounded him. FJ saw him, but acted as if he didn’t.

« FJ, I’m glad to see you. »

The boy was walking, still mute. Fred was sad, but he understood why.

« Please, FJ... »

FJ was still mute and was still walking. He stopped only when Fred put an hand on his shoulder.

« Leave me alone. »

FJ’s tone was unequivocal.

« FJ, please, I really need to know something. »

The boy then looked at him right into his eyes.

« You already know it. You’re a complete asshole. »

FJ’s words were knives. But Fred was too concerned to stay mute.

« I know I am, yes, and I’m really sorry about that. But I’m worried. I tried to call Gruff.

- You wanna seduce him now ? »

FJ’s words were full or irony.

« I... It’s all my fault, I know that. But I want to know if he’s ok ! I screw up enough things, I don’t want to do it again ! I just want to know if he’s ok. »

Fred didn’t tried to hide his anger, his shame. The anger he felt against himself. FJ felt it, and it calmed him down. The boy was wise enough to know how sorry Fred was really. His voice and his tone became normal.

« He’s ok. If you want to know, he slept at his uncle’s house. »

Fred didn’t hide his relief.

« As far as I know, he’ll stay here. I think.

- Really ?

- His uncle is gay. He sure will not kick him out.

- My mother tried to talk to his father. He said to her than she made a mistake, than he had no son.

- It’s not a surprise for me. »

Fred was curious about that. FJ seemed to be more cheerful, but he ended to talk and Fred was too ashamed to ask him more about the whole story. FJ talked again only when he opened the high school’s door.

« By the way, don’t stand too close of me. »

FJ didn’t let time to Fred to answer. The latter understood the order. He entered into the high school, hanging down his head.

FJ had followed the classes just with an ear. He could not concentrate or do anything, just looking at his watch. The last hour finally ended and he ran to the street. Norton, one of his older friends from the Looser’s club, tried to ask to him why he would not come that day. FJ gave him just enough time to answer to him he was in an hurry, he had something really important to do and than he would see them the next day.

Joining Ladder Street took him not too long. He struck at 1216 and the door opened immediately. FJ was surprisingly, seeing Mark opening the door caused him a great shock. The terror of the students was even more impressive up close. In addition, he was wearing only shorts. FJ had a total view on the musculature of the adult and he felt the strong male  scent. FJ knew than the man had no problem with male nudity. In a way, he was enjoying that too.

« Uh... Gruff is there ? 

- You're FJ, right ? 

- Yes. 

- He waits for you in his room. It is up. He’s not doing well, I must warn you. It’s good to see you’re here for him. »

FJ was worried, and Mark noticed it.

« Gruff will live really bad moments, you must know that.

- What happened ?

- Things are not going into the right move. In fact, my sister went too far this time. »

FJ was wondering if Miller was talking about what she said to her son before to close the door. Mark’s face was cold and angry. FJ knew than he was fighting not to let his rage explode. He felt also than he didn’t wanted to talk about Gruff’s mother as a part of his family.

« It would be nice from you if you could spend time with him. Greg will need all the help we’ll be able to bring him. »

FJ noticed the used name.

« Greg ?

- Gregory. My nephew. Gruff.

- Oh. I... only knew him with that name. »

Mark looked at him, smiling. They both were going upstairs.

« I spent the last three hours trying to comfort him. I think you’ll succeed more easily.

- Do you think so ?

- You know him longer than I do. Even if it was in a way you would never knew.

- It’s an understatement... »

FJ tried not to put too much irony into his last answer while Miller knocked at the door before to open it, going back downstairs.

The donkey closed the door and saw Gruff. He was sat on the bed, facing the windows, the head low. FJ saw the large amount of Gruff’s belongings on the bed. He was supposed to stay here only for some days. He closed his eyes and sighed, understanding the situation. Gruff had lost his family. FJ walked to him and sat near him. Gruff then was aware of his friend and hugged him, crying again, cuddling him as more as he could. FJ could only hugging him back, his cheek on his, trying to comfort him. 

On the couch, Mark thought. Lit another cigar and an half smoked later, he made his decision. He took his cell phone and dialed a number. 

« State Police, Child Protection service. 

- Can I talk to Inspector Stewart ? 

- I connect you. 

- Inspector Stewart. 

- Hello Jimmy...

- Oh Mark... Why you call me ? 

- I have news, not good ones. Tell me before... Does Greg's parents have contacted your services ? 

- Let me see that just a second… No, I have nothing about Greg. What's going on ? 

- You know, yesterday I asked you to delay the... In fact I think I’m wrong. I think you should refer the case now. 

- You call a little too late. The offices have been closed since 20 minutes. 

- Huh ? 

- On Friday, it's usual. The service closes early to save money... 

- Can’t believe that... Well, I’ll have to deal with that. 

- What were the news ? 

- They kicked him out. 

- What ? 

- They have changed the locks. 

- Can’t believe that... 

- You do not know the worst : they put all his belongings in the trash. 

- No !

- They did it. The boy is depressed. Fortunately his friend is there. He has spent the last three hours crying. 

- Bastards... 

- They have not even called his high school when they sent a notification of absence. Jimmy, I swear, whatever happens, Greg will never put a single foot in their house again. 

- I work on your file right now. The fact that you warned me at the outset will greatly play in your favor, and I'll play for my part a few relationships in case. But you must expect that the direction of the service make you a visit. 

- This is normal. In any case, I thank you for everything you do Jimmy... 

- Take care of him. 

- I promise. »

 After ten minutes, Greg finally relaxed. He looked at his friend straight in the eye. 

« I love you FJ. Thank you for being there for me. 

- I love you too Gruff. I will not leave you alone. »

Mark was back to see what Greg was doing. The door was closed and he was about to knock on the door, but he began to hear sounds of loud moanings. 

« Well. The boys have found something better to do. »

And he went down. He was barely in the living when Ed opened the door, entering into the house, exhausted, smelly and mumbling. His humor softened somewhat seeing Mark coming at him, giving to him a shy smile. Ed didn’t lost time, being dying to talk to him and asked the question, removing his shoes.

«  So ? »

Mark took Ed on his arms, laying his head against the strong shoulder, rubbing his muzzle against the dirty shirt, smelling the sweat and the mix of detergent and medicines Ed wore each time he came back from the hospital. He didn’t needed to ask more to understand what was going on.

«  It’s so bad than it seems ? »

Mark nodded, staying quiet for a while, hugging his husband closer.

«  He’s on the room. His boyfriend is with him right now. »

Then Mark looked at Ed right on his eyes.

«  I should say he’s on his room. »

The «  his » was louder. Mark was interrogating, a bit afraid. Mark couldn’t be the only one to make a so important decision. Being in couple, he needed to have his husband’s agreement too. Ed nodded, smiling.

« Don’t be so stupid. He’s your nephew, and he needs you. He’s welcomed here, of course ! »

Mark smiled again, Ed gave his smile back.

« So much had happened than I don’t even know where to begin. I would give anything to prevent my boy to had to live something like that ! »

Ed nodded again, leading Mark to the couch. They would be better to live the nasty moments Mark had to live and would live again, telling about all what happened. He didn’t complained, and followed his husband.