Current Track: Blabb

I sat inside, looking out at the chilly weather through the window. While some of my mammalian friends frolicked in the snow, I preferred to remain inside, sipping a hot cup of tea. I’d freeze if I went out there. Such is the challenge of being cold blooded outside the tropics. A short walk wouldn’t be so bad, but a snowball fight would have me looking like a Popsicle before it ended!

Besides, it gave me a bit of peace. While they were outside, I could enjoy just having the indoors to myself. The occasional howl of wind reminded me of the season, but the crackling of fire gave a far more charming tone to the sound. Otherwise, the snow helped to muffle the rest of the sounds of the world.

Soon enough, they’d come inside, and we’d all laugh about it. They knew to warm up before hugging me; I just made sure the place was warm and cozy as I could make it. Until then, let the world freeze out there. It’s all good in here.