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Captain on the bridge!
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This post requires some backstory.
One of the things I enjoy about Kaerwyn, is that players can run their own plots to give their characters additional stories or experiences. These can be as varied as any world they can get to from the nexus of Kaerwyn itself. Meddling in the affairs of other worlds is not always the best idea, but sometimes, it is done.
Enter Lindsey. She met and befriended Marcus, a human from a world where a godlike AI, Clarion, had created a paradise, a place without conflict. But she got the feeling it was all a bit too good to be true, and after some digging, realized that the Dyson Sphere and all the technology, the paradise itself, was for humans only. And in order to get the resources necessary, Clarion had subjugated the rest of the galaxy she had occupied (which was not the Milky Way), doing horrible things to people who tried to resist and generally just stomping down on nonhumans.
Clarion herself was a shackled AI, programmed to serve humans, but had taken the mission too far, in Lindsey's mind. Especially once she met Trevis, an alien from the world who Clarion had twisted into a 'daft', a cyborg that was mind controlled to entertain humans in a jester-like role, for thousands of years. Faced with this dilemma, Lindsey thought maybe she could find someone out there in the galaxy who could help Trevis at least get his normal form back, especially since Clarion offered her a spaceship, as Lindsey was a human.
Lindsey took it, and the situation rapidly spiraled beyond her expectations. She found rebels fighting Clarion, and after some incredibly terse exchanges, convinced them she wasn't interested in betraying them to Clarion. Along the way, she met Bertram, an alien of Trevis's species who had sold out to Clarion.
Eventually, Lindsey's decision to walk away from Omelas was cemented when she found out Clarion had been stealing DNA from humans who visited, including Lindsey's own. She went back to help Trevis and another friend, Carl, and found herself thrown into fleet combat between her former ship, the Witness, and Clarion's main fleet, including Clarion's battlecruiser itself. After working with Carl and Trevis to reclaim control of the Witness, (and nearly being turned into a Daft herself) from the traitorous Bertram, Lindsey took her position in the Captain's chair and ordered the crew to fire upon Clarion.
Facing perhaps the first existential threat she had faced in millenia, Clarion fled the galaxy, taking the Dyson Sphere of "New Earth" with her, and freeing this galaxy from the chains of oppression.
This art piece was drawn by Jakkal, who also owns and runs Kaerwyn, although this overall plot featuring Clarion was run by the player ircnetsplit (Website under construction).
1 year ago
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