Current Track: Blabb

Happy New Year everyone!

2019 has been a big year for me. I've been making strides with getting to know my partner's family and that's been going very well.

On top of that, I got a great promotion at work and a huge raise. It's kind of funny, when I started Vassalized Earth I was doing Tier 1 help desk and thought I was stuck in a rut forever and so wrote Nate as doing 100% onsite. Then I got an onsite job and then promoted past it within two years. Now Nate, according to Return to Vassalized Earth, is stuck doing Tier 1 help desk (Not really a spoiler, it's a very brief cameo).

As for writing, I finished off Outcast Planet. This is the second novel-length story I've ever completed and I think it's way more solid than Vassalized Earth. I still believe VE was a bit of a fluke as I never intended it to be a long, serious story when I began it.

I also began writing Return to Vassalized Earth, which I hope to be a superior series to both. If you haven't begun it yet, check it out: Content will be mostly M/M but as with all my work, except some bisexual stuff as well popping up.

Most importantly, I want to thank everyone for reading. I truly appreciate everyone who lets me know what they think of my stories. Every comment, question, and suggestion is precious to me and seriously makes my day. Even when someone pointed out to me that I made a huge plothole in Outcast Planet (Regarding canine vision color spectrum and how it relates to Yaleen's eye-color), it made my day as it was amazing to me that someone cared enough about my story to point it out to me.

What's new for 2020? Well, I will continue work on Fox General and Return to Vassalized Earth. I am also working on a secret collaboration still, that will be getting closer to details being released.

Perhaps I'll attend a convention for the first time? Attempt to sell printed copies of a story? Ha ha ha, probably not, but that might be fun!

Happy New Year, everyone!