Current Track: Blabb

In a youngster's life in school, especially the college years, people often prioritize image over everything. Even the bookworms work hard to be not behind their schedule, recognized by the fellow students while gathering together in study sessions. But the image is clearly tied to appearance, how fit a person is and how well is dressed up. But even then, just looks were not enough to be recognizable. You had to have a certain following. A group. But once people see you as a role model, you're all set in college life, where you're supposed to learn, not only socialize.

Rai'ke knew that too well, having a rather feminine physique for a guy like him. And being a fox and moogle hybrid didn't help it much either, since the latter species aren't exactly masculine. Further note, the heavy red ball on his antenna only added to the image of someone who can't be taken seriously. But there was still something that other students were envious of.

His size.

Not that he was tall, but Rai'ke clearly was hiding something in his pants. Rumors spread that the quiet hybrid was indeed packing, so-to-speak. And even the stereotypical chads like equines or bovines couldn't match his magnitude. Because of him being aside from other male students, especially in the locker room after physical activities, nobody knew for sure how big he is down there. But certainly whatever that is, it has to be huge.

Rai'ke social life would be utterly destroyed if anyone would find about the truth. While anyone could see his impressive bulge clear as day, no one could know for sure if it was a just a type of clothing or a massive piece of man-meat. But apparently, one of these statements was true, in a way.

Because how this hybrid is anxious about the image, just like half of this upper-crust college, he had to find a way, how to not sink into complete anonymity. He isn't a genius or good-looker. He isn't good at sports. Not even a great schemer, since it all started rather innocently. Rai'ke was curious if anyone would notice a change in his appearance, if he would stuff a bunch of socks into his underwear, making a recognizable bump in his pants.

And it worked.

He couldn't just stop doing it or he would become a laughingstock, not only for a whole time of his education, but for future generations as well. Stories would be told about a guy who tried to be a macho. Or at least Rai'ke was thinking about what would happen, disregarding the fact that every week, there was something new going viral in these halls.

The hybrid had to be extremely cautious to not have his secret uncovered, not giving any occasions to others, no matter how friendly they were. Or he would perish, not literally.

"Oi. Are you Rai'ke?"

The hybrid turned his head. While stopping in the hallway after the last lecture, I wanted to go back to my dorm and study. He was already behind schedule, so any distractions weren't welcome. But since it was an unfamiliar, rather feminine voice, he was too curious to just ignore the calling.

"Yeah, that's me. And you're?" Canine quirked his eyebrow, seeing a short sized kobold. Judging by clothing and slim physique, it had to be a female. But why would the opposite gender be interested in him? Beside the lie, hidden below his waist, that was slowly getting out of his control.

"Sasha. Me and my friends heard a lot about you. And since we're preparing a small party tonight, we were thinking about inviting you. It would be an honor to have someone like you." the rusty-colored lizard showed him a toothy grin, staring confidently with her golden eyes.

Rai'ke noticed a group of girls standing near the wall at the other side of the hall, giggling into their hands and looking in their direction. It had to be friends Sasha was talking about. And apparently, the kobold was self-assertive enough to be chosen as a messenger. She looked very cute, even if Rai'ke wasn't really into cold-blooded.

"A party? Like, a pizza party?" He was completely clueless in socializing. His dormitory never had a full-blown rave, mostly just playing video games together or enjoying pen and paper sessions, while devouring Italian cuisine. But this would definitely be something different that he just had to try. And it definitely wouldn't end up in taking off clothes, right?

"No, silly. A party!" she replied, repeating her own words like it would clear up the confusion. "You know. Music, drinks, dancing. A party!" It was probably the first time Sasha had to explain such common activity to a young adult. But apparently introverts were living in their own world, with their own rules.

Rai'ke nodded enthusiastically, while his ball on the end of the antenna bounced playfully. Now it made much more sense to him. Last time he was at a similar party was during a high school prom, when he was hanging out with his friends, idly listening to music and eating snacks. But at least the reception was great, even if the companion was all male. But now he could try something new, at long last. Was it because of his ruse? If so, the obvious lying finally paid off, instead of just improving his self-esteem.

Suddenly, he had second thoughts about all of it. What if, even by accident, they will find out how much of an awful deceiver he was, entirely ruining his school life and probably beyond that? But it was just a simple gathering, right? When he looked at the group again, the tallest girl, an arctic wolf, winked at him flirtatiously.

"Alright. I will come. Should I bring any of my friends?" But seeing her sudden shaking of her horned head made him regret the question. Obviously, if they wanted more males, they would just send an invitation to their dorm.

"Not at all, silly. We want you and only you. You can bring beer but we're full on it, anyway. Just knock at the first door on the left next to the stairs, second floor. Be at eight. Don't be late!" The short kobold chuckled, immediately cutting off the conversation. While turning around, she playfully rubbed his thigh with her slick, rather long tail before rejoining her group of giggling females.

Rai'ke felt like cupid's arrow struck him. Not only he's finally getting popular but also might get to know a few of the girls much better. He grasped his chest, feeling sudden warmth in his heart, before eventually departing to his room. He had to prepare for his big night, after all.


Saying that Rai'ke was currently nervous would be a giant understatement. Poor wolf and moogle hybrid couldn't remember the last time he had a serious meeting with the opposite gender. Even if it wasn't a date, it still felt like something important that would change his image. Why, oh why he had to lie about the size of his genitals? But in his mind, if someone would truly love him, they would forgive his small ruse.

He wore his best flannel shirt, while clearly overdoing his fur on top of head, using probably too much hair gel. The perfumes could be a bit too strong, spreading scent out of his armpits. Canine was holding a bottle of wine, not able to find any of the hopped drinks before his swift arrival. Eventually, he knocked three times at the door, which was decorated with glittery hearts. Did they think it was a high school?

The loud chatter behind the entrance ended abruptly, after a couple of nervous shushing noises. Rai'ke's heart pounded, like it tried to jump out of the chest and run away, leaving him alone with this mess he went himself into. Maybe it was his last chance to bail from this situation? Back what the worst thing could happen?

Door was finally opened by Sasha, now wearing something between underwear and pajamas. If he knew it was a slumber party, he would definitely dress up adequately. Rai'ke grinned awkwardly at the kobold, showing off the bottle of crimson, fruity and alcoholic drink.

"Ah, sweet! The booze arrived! Come in, come in. Don't just stay in the doorway like some kind of creep." The short lizard took the bottle out of his hands before opening it unceremoniously with her sharp fang, taking out the cork with ease. Probably not for the first time she did that. Rai'ke watched for a second at Sasha, gulping down the cheap nectar, before turning his gaze onto other girls.

Tallest canine, an arctic fox, was sitting at a round table with her other friends. Judging by its size, color, and markings, it was definitely a typical poker table. Not questioning where they get that such furniture, he waved at the females, deciding to finally introduce himself.

" Hi, I'm— he started. Before being quickly cut off.

"Rai'ke. I know. Name's Jessica. Here's Dahlia, Susie and Angela. You already Sasha" the fox introduced other young women, two wolves and siamese cat respectively. All of them had clearly predatory looks on their faces, despite being dressed up rather submissively, ready to be dominated by an alpha mala. Which Rai'le definitely wasn't one. The entire view made him even more nervous, but he had to play it cool, now being with popular people, especially as only male in sight.

"Y-yeah, that's my name, hehe. So... are we going to play poker? Sasha mentioned something about music and snacks..." he started, occasionally glancing at the kobold, who was apparently French kissing the wine bottle, her new friend of this fine evening.

"That's partially correct. We changed the plans a little, after learning about some new... details..." Jessica glanced at moogle's bulge, smirking mischievously. Did she know about his secret? Or just had other schemes for his questionable masculinity? It turned very badly for the hybrid.

"Oh. Um... I think I left my wallet in other pants. I didn't know you want to play for money. Besides, isn't it a little... illegal?"

"We're using poker chips. And our clothes. You know the rules, I believe? Besides, you're the one having upper hand right now and we didn't even start..." the canine explained, but a strange glint in her eye could say that something sinister was going inside her head. And Rai'ke was terrible at noticing calls or bluffs. He thought about all of this for a moment. If the game went wrong, the cat would be out of the bag. Or in this case, socks out of his underwear. But he was fully clothed against basically naked girls, so what could go wrong?

"Fine. I'm in."


"Two pairs."

"One pair."

"Full house! I guess you're spending the rest of the night with a bare ass, scaly face!"

Tipsy kobold girl apparently didn't mind the loss, removing her panties and tossing them at Rai'ke head. The lingerie was now hanging on his antenna, while others started giggling uncontrollably. The male hybrid chuckled as well, seeing that it was going well for him. Yes, he was already out of his shirt, having all the fur above waist fluffy and exposed. But still he was in a better position in this game. And was ready for the next round.

"You're just lucky, antenna boy. But we'll see how you'll deal with this new hand..." Jessica said, now topless, shuffling the card and giving other players' face each. Rai'ke who had a terrible poker face, started sweating nervously seeing his pathetic cards. Not even a pair! He tried to distract himself by looking at the fox's perfect bosom, but it didn't help him with hiding his nervousness. Maybe he should fold right now?

"What's the matter, boy? I want you to stay, so no backsies." She said, like reading his mind. The girl with the most poker chips on the table smirked before pushing them towards the center. All of it. Other girls folded immediately.

"Did the rules change suddenly? Besides, I don't think I can check..." he was breathing deeply, trying to calm himself down. Was it all a trap? Why wasn't he allowed to bail? There wasn't a judge or anyone who would rescue him from this situation. It was only him and four obviously predatory women.

"Sure, whatever. And since you don't have enough chips, buy them back with clothing. But I'll be merciful and let you borrow the tokens for now. But if you lose..." she only smirked after the last remark, before discarding two cards and adding new ones.

Completely defeated hybrid changed its entire hand, getting five new cards. Two kings? And two aces? Calmed down, the canine sighed in relief, now looking at the topless host with a perfect, blank gaze, not giving a single tell about her current hand. The showdown just began.

"Two pairs. See and weep" Rai'ke placed cards on the table, leaning back on the chair like the protagonist from old movies, totally cool and confident. If only he had sunglasses on.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, boy, but I got a full house again. Now, take off your pants and dance a little for us. We won fair and square." Her voice was calm and cold as ice, sending shivers down his spine. Rai'ke swiftly stood up, almost flipping the chair behind him. But before he could even think about escaping, he felt the clawed hand of a kobold digging below his waist.

"Come on, pretty boy. Show us the goods..." tipsy lizard hiccuped, apparently trying to find something thick and big down his pants. Seconds later, instead of pulling out a huge, throbbing and juicy cock, she was holding a few pairs of woolen socks. Too drunk to notice what happened, she stared blankly at them. She dropped them and pulled down both his pants and boxers, showing off an unimpressive sight of rather small balls and tiny sheaths, clearly hiding minor members. All the girls were in shock, before chuckling behind their hands, mocking his size, except Jessica, who smirked mischievously, while tapping on the table with her long fingers.

"Well, look at this. I knew it was just rumors about you. Mega chad? More like a mega laughingstock, poser. How dare you lie to others, pretending that you're something you're clearly not! But since I already had suspicions, I prepared a little surprise for you....

Jessica left the table and approached the closet, searching its depths for something. Rai'ke could feel Sasha's deeply disappointed gaze burning into his fur like a torch. How could he even try apologizing to her, after pulling something incredibly stupid, like stuffing socks into his underwear?

"Aha! Here it is!" Arctic fox returned, with a stereotypical maiden outfit in her hands. The same one mostly known for soap operas and adult movies. Or porn games. Rai'ke tried to hide his shame by covering the small sheath, but Sasha slapped those hands away, now getting more angry by each passing minute, like a deceived lover.

"Please tell me you're joking. It's enough that I'm not... big. Now you want to dress up like a sissy girl?" He panicky started at the outfit, already imagining himself in it, all girly and submissive. Now all the males would want him, but it wasn't the attention he looked for.

"Isn't it obvious? sissy boy? But don't worry, we'll not make you wear it in public. Put this on, do some chores and maybe we'll keep your little secret safe. Yes, little is the best word for it..." she grinned, gazing at his pathetic cock, now peeking out of the sheath. Did all this embarrassment suddenly turn him on?

Rai'ke sighed deeply and took clothes from her hands, before slowly putting them on, one piece at a time with their help. Each sock and glove, thighs and lacy underwear. And of course, the whole black and white dress, which strangely enough nicely fit the color of his fur, like it was custom made.

The sudden burst of laughter didn't stop even for a second, filling the room and corridor outside of it. While other girls had a great time, Jessica and Sasha were laughing more mischievously, sinisterly, like it was a perfect revenge. But it was just the beginning. Rai'ke stared at them, accepting the punishment and awful fate, wondering what chores he had to do. Making beds and cleaning surfaces?

"You will not be just a typical cleaning lady, although you'll be making sure that everything will be in perfect condition..." Jessica said, once again reading his mind. She immediately raised her leg up, before placing it on the table, showing off her magnificent result of pedicure. But it wasn't just that.

"Your first task is to lick them spotless. Chop chop, pretty boy. I don't want to see even a single dust on it. Or everyone else will know how tiny dick you got!" She gazed at him from above, like a giant pathetic worm, ready to be squished. No scheme or lie could now help Rai'ke from this trap, so he had to pay for his sins.

The fox and moogle hybrid lowered his head, placing arms on the table, sticking out his tongue before eventually licking each toe of the girls' leader. More of the menacing laughter could be heard, only making his punishment worse. Jessica distinctly enjoyed it, feeling superior over the male.

"I said, no spots left behind. Lick that big toe again, but more thorough. Suck on it. And rub it, because it's getting colder suddenly." She ordered, not feeling even a bit of compassion over the defeated male. He did his best to satisfy his new mistress. Or rather mistresses. Rai'ke couldn't even imagine what punishments Sasha prepared for him.

"Once you're done, you'll massage all of us. Then..." Jessica continued, but Rai'ke didn't listen, slowly distancing himself and succumbing into a void of nothingness.

Now it was only him and servitude.