Current Track: Blabb

The Divide

Chapter 1: The Bar and The Girl

It has been said that time can heal all wounds including the wounds that we carry with us day in and day out in our heads. Is it also true if those wounds were self inflicted? Only time can answer that.

The atmosphere of The Pony Pub was calm as usual. The place wasn't fancy but it was nice enough. The dirty windows and the scuffed up wood floor really had a charm that is hard to describe. At least they have chairs that'll hold and a ceiling high enough I don't have to duck. Just wish the door was a bit taller. But the pride and joy of the place is the bar. Real mahogany. Since I've been coming here, I've taken up residence in the back facing the door. It's not really that big of a place and sitting here, I can see everything that happens.

The place is charming as long as you exclude the constant bickering between the Olaf twins, brown grizzlies that have a much more vicious bark than their bite. Their stature alone is enough to make most think twice about coming in for a drink, much less causing trouble. For the 3 years I've been a regular here, I still cannot tell those two Ursids apart however. Kenny and Cole are their first names but not much about them is different besides that Kenny might be an inch taller but I'm sure Cole would disagree and say he was. They usually hang out and hustle new-comers. Cole's specialty is dice and Kenny's is cards...or I might have that backwards.

Either way, their only saving grace is Katie, the bar's owner, a short, grey and white rabbit. Her short stature is made up for only by her attitude. She's quick to let people know their place and she has a way with the law around here that most people don't get the luxury of having. The Lepus tend to stick together and it just so happens her brother is the leader of the guard in this part of town. I've seen more than a few fights end with her brother “covering the burrow" as he might say. The locals know not to start nothing. It's always the outsiders that stir up the pot. So far, we just all agree to stick to the same story and that's the last we hear about those troubles.

Now here I sit in my usual spot. Three pints in and I'm finally starting to relax. Every day after work, I walk down Main Street, turn by the butcher's shop, enter the door on the right, and take my spot here in the back to continue slowly wearing down the already worn seat of my chair. I drink my six pints, eat whatever Katie just happens to have on special that day, then head back to the boarding house to sleep. Not much of a life but at least I'm still alive. Things used to be a lot less simple…..

The world around me suddenly came flooding back into view through my thoughts.

“Hey Ta'kom! You gonna order tonight? I was about to shut down the kitchen and realized you hadn't gotten anything yet." Katie yelled from the bar.

“Yeah, just whatever you've got left. You know I get the special. Shouldn't have to order after all this time." I snapped back. 

The flicker of the lantern's flame moved the light around Katie and a smirk came across her face. “You are all the same thinking that the world owes you something. I know you get the same thing day in and day out. I guess I thought today might be special for you that's all."

The chair creaked beneath me as I shifted my weight. “What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Katie perked up and pointedly said, “Well, today mark's the day the Equids signed the peace treaty isn't it? You know, when the Canids and the Felids forced…"

Anger suddenly overtook me and I slammed my fist on the table. “I know what fucking happened….I guess...I guess I hadn't realized it had been so long." I stared down at the table trying to regain my composure.

Katie's widened eyes and ears slowly relaxed a bit. “I didn't realize it was a touchy subject for you so let me apologize," She gathered my meal and walked over. “Your drinks and food? On the house. But let's not make this a habit ok? Also, today was slow so there's a bit extra for ya."

Even though I've been coming here for what I guess is closer to four years now, I've never mentioned that I was in the war. The other species don't really understand the things I saw...the things I did just to survive. It's not something that I like to think about and I'd rather not start now.

Looking up, seeing her still slightly frightened expression, I said, “No Katie, I'm the one that should be apologizing. Since the day I first walked through those doors, you've been nothing but kind to me. Can't say the same for those two over there." A grin came to my face and her composure eased a bit more.

“Hey 'Hooves'! What do you mean we haven't been decent to you?" one of the Olaf brothers said.

“Yeah, we been good little cubs I think." said the other one.

Shaking my head and sighing, I said, “Guys, my very first night here, you attempted to swindle me out of the only money I had. It's a good thing I know how to play hold em. Made it a bit easier to get a room over at Mrs. Crumpleton's boarding house."

Katie chimed in at this, “I'm surprised that she had a room for you. We don't get many Equids around here. Well except for ol' Roger but he has his own place outside of town. Rhineheart has always been mixed but it's a small place." 

“Yeah, yeah but that was all on Cole. He's always looking for a quick coin." Kenny said

Katie interrupted the conversation, “Better eat up while it still warm and don't listen to those two. I'd of already given them the boot years ago if I didn't need the extra muscle hanging about."

Cole held up a finger at this, “Protection Mrs. Katie. We're protection, not muscle. 'Muscle' makes it seems like we're just meat." Kenny gave a little chuckle at his brothers retort.

“Whatever. 'Protection', 'Muscle', or 'Shit heads'. Makes no difference to me. But you've kept me from taking a few knocks on the head so I'm thankful for that." Katie said.

And with that, I closed them out and ate. I guess this was my way of meditating but I'd let my mind fill with the sounds around me but not focus on any of them specifically. The crickets chirping, the wind in the air, and the flicker of the flames in the lights seemed to calm me. Sometimes, I'd swear that I can hear Dennis on the other side of the plantation talking about me. That old bull is a real piece of work. Nobody works harder than him out in the fields. He never shows any sign of being tired and constantly gives the rest of us a hard time for getting tired. I'm at least half his age and I couldn't keep up even if I tried but I guess it's just in his nature. 

Other times, it seems like I can hear the whispers of the trees as odd as that may sound. The wind blowing through the branches and leaves makes the oddest sound if you pay attention and listen for long enough. It's almost as if their retelling their history but at an almost indiscernible level. But it's soothing and the world just disappears for a little while. But, it seems that my peace can't last. The sounds of shouting from down the street filled the air and it makes me wish that I could just move away.

My mind continued to reminisce for a bit longer until the door flew open with a crash and a woman, a Canid, came in. She was breathing heavily with a bloody rag wrapped around her arm. Her green eyes, wild with fear, stood out against the dark fur of her face. The rest of her was a mess as well. Her clothes, a black tunic and green pants, had been tattered and she was dirty from paw to ear. It was rare to see a Canid in the shape she was in, much less seeing one at all. Before passing out, the only thing she said was….

“ me…."