Current Track: Blabb

The feeling of being woken up prematurely by something or someone was usually a very annoying feeling but for Buizie, it wasn't the case today as he woke up to the sound of his doorbell ringing, today was the day that he was going to meet his best friend BuiJay the Protogen's brother. He never met him at all and was extremely eager to, he's heard many things about him and from all the stories he has been told he seemed like a pretty amazing guy.

Once Buizie had gotten up and made his bed he walked to the door to greet BuiJay as well as the Synth that was standing behind him.

“Buizie! I missed you!"

BuiJay exclaims as he picks him up and gives the Buizel a tight hug and a loving nuzzle before putting him down and turning to his brother.

“JayZel this is Buizie, Buizie this is JayZel."

“Hey there Buizie!"

JayZel reaches a hand down to him which Buizie happily shakes with a smile on his face.

“Nice to meet you JayZel, BuiJay told me lots about you!"

“I'm sure he has hehe, he didn't tell me you were this cute!"

“And he didn't tell me you were this handsome!"

JayZel blushes deeply, looking away in embarrassment.


“Well come in you two! Feel free to sit down on the couch!"

They both walk inside the apartment and sit down on the couch in the small living room while Buizie makes his way to the kitchen to make himself a coffee.

“Do you guys want a coffee or tea or anything?"

“I'm fine thanks."

“BuiJay, do you?"

“No thanks Buizie I'm good, thank you though!"

“No problem buddy."

Buizie walks in with his coffee in hand, sipping at it as he walked in the living room and sat on the other couch across from them and put his coffee down on the small glass table in front of him.

“This is a nice place you have here Buizie!"

“Thanks JayZel! I apologise if it looks a bit bare at the moment, the other two roommates I used to live with moved out."

“Oh? What ha-“

BuiJay interrupted his brother mid sentence.

“I don't think Buizie wants to talk about it JayZel"

“Oh, I'm sorry."

“No no it's okay BuiJay I'll tell him. It's just that me and my girlfriend at the time split up a few weeks back and now both her and her sister moved out."

“Oh… I'm really sorry to hear that Buizie."

“It's okay these things happen, I wasn't the perfect boyfriend to be completely honest but I don't think it's anyones fault we just didn't work out in the end."

“Well… that's very mature of you, I'm glad you seem to be doing better now."

“Yea I'm much better now, thanks to BuiJay over here. He came over every single day to make sure I was okay, he's such a good friend."

“Awww Buizie."

“It's true!"

“You guys must me such good friends!"

“We really are, we've been close ever since I met this little cute weasel!"

“Hehe that's great to hear."

JayZel's phone starts to ring midway through the conversation.

“Oh sorry guys I have to get this, it's my girlfriend, Natalie!"

“Go ahead, it's alright."

He nods before taking his phone and answering it, walking towards the front door as he talked to his girlfriend taking his conversation outside as the other two waited patiently.

“You're brother is awesome BuiJay!"

“Hehe I told you he was."

“You certainly weren't lying."

“I never lie Buizie."

“I guess that's true."

The two friends sat in silence shortly after finishing their short conversation, waiting for JayZel to return from his phone call with his girlfriend. They only had to wait a few more minutes until he came back and sat on the couch next to BuiJay.

“Alrighty I'm back, I hope you don't mind Buizie but I invited my girlfriend over. I hope that's okay.“

“Yea that's alright! I'd love to meet her!"

“Awesome! She asked to come over because she was finished with work earlier than usual and wanted to be with me that's all, plus she loves Buizels… like… a lot!"

“That's totally fine with me JayZel, I have another room for you to if you wanna stay the night!"

“Thanks so much Buizie!"

“Not a problem, how long until she gets here?"

“Only a few minutes so prepare to be cuddled to death hehehe."

“Ah I'm used to it by now."

Buizie says as he smiles at him, sipping some more of his coffee.

The three continued to socialise as they waited for JayZel's girlfriend to arrive talking about how Buizie and BuiJay met each other and how they became best friends as well as their various experiences they had together which the Synth was extremely interested in loving the stories he was being told almost forgetting that his girlfriend was supposed to come until the doorbell rang halfway through one of their stories which he answered.

“Natalie! I missed you!"

He says giving the cyan and dark blue Sergal a tight hug before inviting her into the living room with them.

“I missed you too babe!"

She exclaimed returning the hug before walking into the living room, immediately laying eyes on Buizie.

“Oh my god a Buizel!!!"

She yells running towards him and giving him a tight cuddle which Buizie happily returned.


“Oh my god you're so cute and huggable!!"

“I warned you Buizie, she's an absolute sucker for Buizels!"

The magnificent, beautiful Sergal cuddles Buizie for a few more seconds before giving him a kiss and setting him back down on the couch, sitting on the one the two brothers were on while cuddling up to her boyfriend.

“So… a Sergal huh? Your species is pretty rare around here."

“Yea I suppose we are, my parents and I just moved in to this city a few months back after hearing such good things about this place."

“Oh it's a really nice city, hell I even know the mayor, he's an awesome guy!"

“That's pretty cool!"


Buizie responds giving her a smile before drinking the rest of his coffee.

“So are you all gonna stay the night?"

“Yea I don't mind! What do you think babe?"

“Well if BuiJay is then I will too!"

“Awesome! What do you guys want for dinner?"

“I'm not fussy, what do you think Natalie?"

“I'm kinda in the mood for pizza tonight."

“Same honestly."

“Alright I'll order it in an hour for now let's just get to know each other and exchange stories!"

“Sounds good!"

So the group of friends exchanged stories for a few hours like the Buizel suggested, all of them losing track of time as they were having way too much fun listening and tell stories with the rest of the group, but they slowly grew more and more hungry as time went on, Buizie looking at the clock on the wall wondering what the time was.

“Oh shit! It's dark out now!"

He exclaims as he runs to get his phone to order pizza at the near by pizzeria a few minutes away from the apartment complex. Asking everyone what they wanted before calling up and ordering swiftly, ending the call soon after everyones food was ordered, resting on the couch soon after putting the phone down.

“Sorry about that everyone, I didn't know how late it was getting."

“It's okay Buizie don't worry about it, remember what I said to you about apologising for small things like this?"


“Don't stress buddy, come here."

BuiJay gently picks him up and sits back down on his side of the couch cuddling him while doing so.

“Hehe you two are almost a couple!"

Natalie says, giggling at the adorable sight of the Buizel cuddling up to his Protogen friend.

“Like I said earlier, we're really close friends, he's my favourite little Bui."


“Awww I can see why, he's so adorable."

“He really is."

BuiJay says with a smile on his visor as he cuddles him in his lap, JayZel petting his head softly as a smile grew on his screen also, Buizie absolutely loving the physical attention he was getting, beginning to drift off to sleep in the Protogen's caring arms.

Both the brothers and Natalie admired his cuteness as he slept, the pizza arrived a few minutes after he drifted off to sleep the doorbell once again waking him up which annoyed him slightly but since it was pizza he didn't care that much.

“I'll get it!"

He says as he gets off of BuiJays lap, running towards the door to answer it, saying hello to the pizza delivery fur before collecting the food from him and wishing him a good evening before closing the door and setting it on the dining table near by.

“Alright everyone, dinner time!"

He says as he sat down at the table, already beginning to eat before everyone else sat at the table but they swiftly sat down at it to have some as well. Once everyone else began to have pizza they kept exchanging more stories while chowing down everyone having a great time as they ate quality food, after all not much else beat the savoury taste of a fresh pizza.

The pizza slowly disappeared, one slice after another as time went on as they continued to socialise with one another, all of them beginning to yawn as the last few slices were eaten signalling that it was time for bed for them.

“*yawwn* well today was really amazing Buizie but I think it's time for me an Natalie to get some sleep, are you sure it's okay we spend the night here?"

“Mhm! Go right ahead! Me and BuiJay will sleep in the other bedroom, I can't let you two go home fatigued."

“Thanks Buizie you're an awesome friend."

“It's my pleasure JayZel, you two love birds get some good sleep in, okay."

“Okay Buizie, thanks again."

JayZel walks over to him and gives the Buizel a tight hug before walking towards the spare bedroom, Natalie doing the same but also giving him a loving kiss on the cheek as well as a soft nuzzle.

“See you in the morning cute Buizel!"

“Hehe Nini Natalie."

She heads towards the spare bedroom as well closing the door behind her as those two lay down on the bed, cuddling up to each other as they slowly drift off to sleep.

As they closed the door BuiJay approached his Buizel friend and kneeled down in front of him so he could talk to him.

“Are you sure you're doing alright Buizie…? You know… with the break up and all…?"

“I'd be lying if I said I moved on completely…"

BuiJay hugs him tight.

“I know it's hard buddy but don't worry I'm here for you."

“I know BuiJay and I really appreciate it, you're an amazing friend as well as an amazing Protogen. But don't worry I'm definitely much better now."

“That's good, I'm always here if you wanna vent and cry to me."

“Thanks BuiJay but… I think I'm gonna be alright."

“I'm glad to hear it, now c'mon…"

BuiJay picks him up making him giggle slightly as he walked to the main bedroom.

“Time to get some sleep."

So the two did exactly that, BuiJay closing the door behind him as he walked inside, gently setting Buizie down on the firm mattress cuddling him soon after as they both drifted off to sleep as well while they spooned together. Buizie may still have some emotional scares from the break up that may last months or even years, but at least he has his best friend BuiJay and his new friends that distract him from the pain