Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Sunnet Attack on Dates

Bursting through the door, my eyes scanned around upon the surroundings. Darkness welcomed me with opened arms, but I refused to acknowledge it as I kept standing still and turned my head about. I was looking for my girlfriend, Yang. She had radioed us in for a call. Recalling everyone into the station. With that statement, there were questions in my mind. Some of which was “Why?” or “At the apex of the investigation?” Regardless, I shook my head and exhaled. Calming myself down while I stepped forward from the door behind me. Listening to the soundless pause upon the large room I was in, I had decided to call her out. “Yang?” I shouted. Yet no voice responded. “Yang? If you are here. Please knock twice.” Once again, no answer. I pouted and crossed my arms. Tilting my head to the side, now I wonder where she was. Deciding that shouting or calling for her was the wrong choice. I had moved my feet forth, through one of the two paths laid out before me. Following one path than the other, I began to look around for that dragoness.

Seconds later into the new investigation, the door opened behind me. Moaning and creaking appeared upon my ears as I whipped around facing the source of the noise, raising my pistol with a shaken body and a scardy voice that erupted by my mouth. As I waited, poised for action, I watched as a figure replaced the close door who stepped forward inside the large room. Two more joined it apparently as I stepped back. Equalizing the distance between us both as I felt my back touch upon the white wall behind me. I was struck with fear that had began running down into my belly and down onto my legs as I raised the pistol higher above their heads. Squeezing the trigger, I fired warning shots. The three responded with their own pistols. All of which were aimed at me. A mexican stand off was upon us.

But before anyone could had fired, one of the figures immediately recognized me and spoke without a hesitation of a pause. As all four of us lowered our pistols, I heard the voice. My eyes were wide. I was surprise. Suddenly, I threw my claw into my pocket and fished for a flashlight. As I found one, one of the three threw theirs at me. I grabbed it by instinct and smiled faintly upon the dragon. As I pressed a button at the center of the flashlight, the front end was illuminated and a circle of light emerged before my eyes. DIrecting it towards the three other guys, I spotted Kyro, Zander and Natty. I grinned stupidly and chuckled to myself. Before walking to them, roped into their group. “What are you called here for, Ling?” Kyro asked, as I gave high fives with Zander and Natty.

“Not much.” I remarked, turning my head to him. “Just that I was called back into the station because of Yang.” “A second date maybe?” Natty teased. My eyes glanced away, a rose red blush emerged replacing the blue scales I had upon my face. Quickly noticing this, the dragoness laughed and waved her claw. “I am sure it is not.” “Perhaps she had found the culprit.” Zander commented, throwing his two cents into the betting ring as we turned to him. I nodded in response, smiling slightly at him with the silence that came following it. As Zander nodded to me, I turned around and folded my wings before asking any of them. “Does any of you know where-” But before I could finish, Natty began pointing to the office. Right side of where the frontal door was. I chimed with an unknown voice tone before breaking away from the group. First heading to the door before grabbing the knob. Pulled it opened and walked inside.

The room within was smaller than the rest. A brown desk emerged before me. On top was a lamp, stack of papers and sharpeners. An pack of erasers were off to the side, far away from my visions as I kept focus upon the desk. The door closes behind me earning a look from the dragoness herself. “Yang.” I whispered, Yang smiled faintly and got up from her seat. Walking up to me while we embraced a hug with one another, thus separating afterwards. As we parted, Yang’s smile turned into sorrow. I blinked with surprise while she broke off before hammering her claws upon the desk. The stack of papers flew in every direction as silence fell between us. I stepped forth after not knowing what to do for a while, grabbing onto her back hugging her tightly as I whispered, “What is wrong?”

“The communications are shot.” Yang whispered back, throwing her right claw up landing it upon my cheek as she continued, “No dragon is able to make or receive calls. Nor are they able to call the police. And we cannot communicate with one another due to our walkies busted. Even if they are working at the time.” I said nothing while I listened to her ranting. Her voice continued echoing bouncing off the walls surrounding us as it filled my ears. I nodded all the way down, before releasing her and turned around. Heading right for the door, I grabbed the knob and gave a sigh before responding to her. “Despite it all. I think I know who it was.” “Wait. You do?” Yang exclaimed, her pitch was higher than normal almost as if she was shrieking either in excitement or surprise. With either emotion, I decided to take it and nodded to her while opening the door. Walked outside to regroup with the others as I had noticed that they were talking amongst themselves.

By the time, I reached them. They suddenly turned to me. Worryness and anxiety were written all over their faces, but I waved my claw. Giving the assurance to them that it was alright. With a breath of a sigh, perhaps coming from Zander himself, Kyro asked me “So… What did Yang say?” I looked to him and spoke in response, keeping calm as I could “She told me. The communications are shot. Every single one apparently.” “What?” Exclaimed everyone else as their faces grew light. Mouths hang from one side. Their wings widely opened and spread out. I nodded to them “We cannot talk through out walkies anymore.” “And regrouping with one another will take time and planning…” Natty trailed, her voice disappearing as she ended her sentence. Kyro and Zander nodded in silence, mostly turning their heads to her as silence fell again upon us. I snapped my claws before replying to them. “I got it.” “We will use flare guns.” I demanded. “Right.” Natty nodded with a smile back upon her face, beaming to me. “We can communicate using that.” She took hers out. So did Zander, Kyro and me. When we were all holding guns, Natty explained to us as if we were newbiese when handing this type of weapon. Or was it to remind us again of how to use it in case of an emergency? I would not know.

Regardless, she explained “Alright. So does anyone remembered the color code of every flare? And how to use it?” There was a wave of nods in response as Natty grinned in acknowledgement before turning her back to us. She started heading out. Them me, Kyro and Zander. After getting through the door, I ordered everyone. “Alright. Due to the pending darkness that will come forth to us, we will split into four. One dragon will take the corners of the village and move forth towards the hall. Our objective is to find the culprit and take him in. Perhaps he will be holding a weapon… or worst.” I stopped, glancing at each of them as they responded to me with harden faces. I smiled without hesitation before opening up my wings. The others had done the same and we split up into four. One dragon per corner as persay to my strategy. As we separated, we flew further into our preferred region and hovered after we reached a certain distance away from the station. For once we were in position, we began our patrol.

As for me, I decided to head back into that abandoned factory that me and Natty had went in earlier. And it seems however, Natty had the same idea as me. For I spotted her a distance away from where I was as my wings flapped, I raised a claw upward and waved off towards Natty who waved in response towards me. When we regroup with one another, we hovered for a short while descending into the grounds below us where the entrance of the doors was. “Decided to head back here?” I asked her as I reached for the knob. Natty just chuckled and nodded her head, I smiled a bit to her before opening the door. Natty walked in, I followed behind her. We walked into the building. Quickly noticing how the building was dark and empty. As we looked around, I cupped my mouth with my claws and shouted out into the void “Hello? Owner are you in here?” But all I got was the sound of my voice. I frowned and shifted my attention to Natty who had no luck with her side. We had wondered where he was. And we exchanged thoughts and ideas with one another.

‘Maybe he went home.’

‘Nah. He could have gone off onto a cafe or some other building.’

‘Went to the stadium? Perhaps to gather the raw fishes he fired at the crowd?’

‘High unlikely. Perhaps he exited from Vaster village and decided to…’

A trail tugged along Natty’s words as her lips sealed themselves in. Her eyes looked up to mine. In them were worryness. I nodded slowly, perhaps she was right that the owner was indeed outside. We only had to look. Quickly, we fled out from the building. And once outside, I raised my gun into the air firing a blue smoke into the skies. I turned to Natty whose wings were already spread. She flew up, higher in elevation, higher than me. I spread my own and flew up to join her where we fled south of the village. Towards the edges with hope that the owner was there. But as we exited from the village, southside, we lowered our heads and pointed our eyes upon the grounds below us. Empty. Nothing was there. I was shocked with the surprise striking against me. Natty looked more worried by the second. Tucking my wings, I began to dive down. But Natty stopped me by holding my tail. Preventing me from hard landing upon the grounds below as I released and return to normal flight. Shortly afterwards, Kyro and Zander rejoined us.

“What was wrong? Why are we gathered here?” Zander asked, his voice was stressed. As he looked between me and Natty with worry look upon his face, we shook our heads in assurance. Safely dismissing his worry as Zander returned to a normal happy look before nodding. “So you guys thought he was here, huh?” Kyro asked, lowering his head to the grounds below.” “I thought he might be here. Where else could he go besides the stadium or his own factory building.” “He has a factory building?” Zander asked, curiously which Natty nodded in acknowledgement. “Yeah. We were there as our beginning spot. And climbed the stairs to find the owner or his equipment or the device. But nothing.” “Which is why you guys decided-” Zander pointed out. But he was stopped when something hummed down.

We all turned our heads. Watching in shock as the village before us had turned to darkness. Nowhere else was lit up in order for us to see within the dark. Until it grew black and silence, all four of us turned to one another. A mixture of lost feelings emerged between us as we landed down upon the edges of the village. Wings and tails hanged lowered while Zander and Natty gripped their claws in anger. We lost. And with the sun gone from our sights, it was only a matter of time before-

A voice called out. I snapped from my depression. And lowered my head glancing upon the walky at my pants. Grabbing it quickly, I held it up leveling it with my head as the other three turned their heads over to me. I listened carefully to the voice. It had sounded familiar to me. High and girly. But strict and firmed. And I knew who it was. Pressing the button at the side of the walky, I voiced out into the speaker of the walky. With a great shout of excitement, I exclaimed “Yang! The walky works again.” “Yes, Ling. It worked finally. Managed to keep it off the frequency that the electrical poles and electricity uses from all around the village.” “What does that suppose to mean, Ling?” Natty called out to the walky when I pressed the button again. But there was silence once again before Yang called out to us.

“Guys. I am joining in your effort to find the owner. However there is something that you must know also.” Yang’s voice called out to us as I blinked several times and turned my attention towards the others. Natty had that confuse look upon her face as her head was tilted to one side. Zander and Kyro frowned, but remained silent as we all waited for Yang to convey what she was trying to preach to us. “Someone is hacking into our frequency. I do not know who but-” Suddenly, Yang’s voice started sounding calmer and more firm like her previous normal self as it had started talking out to us.

“No need to worry, you guys. Everything is indeed fine. But check back upon the stadium. Something there you might like to see.” Then it shut off. And left us in silence while I raised my head to the horizon before glancing calmly to the others. They too were silent except for Natty who remarked, “That does not sound like Yang at all. Luckily however, she is going to meet us soon.” She looked to me, “Does she knew where we are right now? I could-” But I shook my head and smiled faintly, “I trust her she knows. Now come on. We got to meet her at the stadium.” A round of nods emerged before the three as our wings spread out and we took to the skies. Flapping our wings towards the destination as my thoughts swirled around my mind. There are questions yet to be answered. And there are culprits yet to catch. But who in the realm of Vaster was that guy or gal, impersonating my girlfriend?

Guess I would find out sooner enough, huh?