Current Track: Blabb

Save me a place by the fireside, love,

For nightfall's outrun me again.

There's miles upon miles I must walk somehow,

There's burdens on burdens I'm carrying now,

And when I come home—which I will, I vow—

I'll be needing that fireside then.

For who needs a place by the fireside more

Then the living who walk as the dead?

So save me a place by the fireside, love,

Before you go blindly to bed.

Save me a place by the fireside, friend.

You must know what I have been through.

Who has not walked through the valley of death?

Who has not gagged when they tried to draw breath?

Who knows the weariness that wearieth

The halest of hearts, if not you?

You who have your place at the fireside now,

Do not crowd me out. Don't forget

To save me a place by the fireside, friend,

Though I'll not arrive there yet.

Save me a place by the fireside, Lord.

Let thy will not turn me away.

Others may shy at the set of the sun.

Others may know where their paths will run.

Others prefer, when tis said and done,

The heat and the light of the day.

But the fireside is yours, and mine heart would be there

Though it be on the farthest shore.

So save me a place at thy fireside, Lord,

When at last I may wander no more.