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Wrong Step Part 4 of ?
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Barruk continued to try and fight the swallowing quiremire he found himself in, but it was becoming more and more apparent salvation would not come of his hand alone. The free arm he had been trying to keep above the sandy muddy surface was also slowly sinking as much as his own head was. The arm only visible now from the mud caked bicep up. His clawed fingers trying to signal to any possible passer by to aid him. He dared not shout or speak as his muzzle was the only thing besides his arm that was above the surface, he could feel the quicksand sliding over the sides of his face and closing in around his eyes. One eye's peripheral vision was filled with nothing but wet mud that was so close to over taking his view. With a few last gasps he could take with his muzzle still exposed he tried to take in as much air as possible knowing that any moment that too would be going under.
1 month ago
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