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A Stormy Vacation (Clan Xarenu Vacation Home)
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Telzok and Kezla were eagerly awaiting their much needed vacation away from their duties and attention back at the palace. The weather reports were mentioning that a storm was very likely but even so just getting away from public attention was enough. Not long after the arrived at the Clan Xarenu Private Home which is on the eastern shore of Lake Tirchok, the dark clouds rolled in.
Being near Verratha's equator rainstorms were frequent but this one was more powerful than the usual. The trees were swaying and the water of the lake's waves were more intense than normal. Telzok knew there was something that he and his wife could do inside... heh. But they still hoped the storm would blow over quickly but it lasted all through the night.
The lightning flashed and would sometimes strike the obelisks behind the home. This did not hurt them as they were designed to help keep lighting away from the home and its shielding. The power never flickered at all during the storm thanks for the every robust Verrathan power grid. The next morning there was a little bit of a mess but the servants made short work if it. It was a beautiful morning, the day after the storm and Telzok and Kezla were able to enjoy a relaxing time on the shores of the lake.
Being near Verratha's equator rainstorms were frequent but this one was more powerful than the usual. The trees were swaying and the water of the lake's waves were more intense than normal. Telzok knew there was something that he and his wife could do inside... heh. But they still hoped the storm would blow over quickly but it lasted all through the night.
The lightning flashed and would sometimes strike the obelisks behind the home. This did not hurt them as they were designed to help keep lighting away from the home and its shielding. The power never flickered at all during the storm thanks for the every robust Verrathan power grid. The next morning there was a little bit of a mess but the servants made short work if it. It was a beautiful morning, the day after the storm and Telzok and Kezla were able to enjoy a relaxing time on the shores of the lake.
1 year ago
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