Current Track: Blabb

\n Fernando Munoiz sat in his post near the border crossing into Argentina, he had only been at this post for a month, it was mid afternoon and there was little going on in the valley his post overlooked. He was tasked with keeping an eye out for possible smugglers using the valley to transport contraband into the country, sitting back in his chair the young Chilean stretched his body before standing up to take a short walk outside the observation post. As he stepped through the doorway of the small building he heard thumping from the distance similar to thunder, paying no mind to it he started to move toward a worn path in the vegetation. Only two steps away from the post he heard the scream of artillery shells coming in, he did not have time to react before the shells started impacting. The artillery was precise, landing exactly where it was intended, killing the young border soldier instantly.




\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




\n Thomas Williams sat on the porch of the small cabin in the wilderness outside of Ekalaka Montana dressed in military fatigues. He stood six feet five inches tall, lean, built like a runner with red hair, brown eyes, and a Hispanic ancestry. Thomas read over the top headline on the newspaper, "Chile attacked by Argentina" as he read over the article, he thought to himself that this would be a good first official excursion for the big guy. He looked up from the newspaper and over to his assignment, the quarter mile tall anthropomorphic wolf had recently been requested as an asset of the United States for dealing with armed conflicts such as this. His assignment was just finishing up some breakfast, the left overs from the large dinosaur like creature he had brought back from who knows where last evening, the wolf in question was picking clean the bones of the beast.




\n Thunderfoot finished picking off the last bits of flesh from the bone of the creature, he gently set the bone down in a pile he had been making for quite a while. Thunderfoot was exactly 1320 feet tall, having been raised from infancy by members of the Lakota Sioux tribe, his body rippled with power as his massive muscles flexed from his movements. He looked down at Thomas, his military liaison officer with a smile, "I know what you're thinking, and it does sound like a good task for me." the gigantic wolf says down to Thomas.




\n Thunderfoot watched as Thomas nodded and looked to the satellite phone that never left his sight. "I bet you an emerald they don't call until this afternoon." the wolf says to his liaison officer. Thomas just chuckles and shakes his head, having taken bets with the wolf before and lost every time. The human army officer was never made to pay up for the lost bets but he knew when to give up on something. The wolf stood up to his full height and stretched his body, his massive form cast a long shadow on the ground in the morning sun.




\n Thunderfoot watched and his ears twitched a little as the satellite phone near Thomas began to ring. Thomas looked to the phone with incredulity before saying, "Damnit..." trailing off the rest of what he might say as he grabbed up the phone. The wolf waited patiently while Thomas spoke on the phone with his superiors at the Pentagon, finally he hung up the phone and stepped off the porch of the cabin to look up at the massive wolf. Thunderfoot looked at him as Thomas approached him, still remembering the difficulty the human had initially had with the wolf for not ever wearing clothes. Thomas had learned to live with it, he couldn't very well make the wolf wear clothing, even if there were a way to make clothing for him.




\n Thunderfoot watched the human as he explained the mission, he nodded simply as the protocols were run through, finally the wolf heard what he was waiting to hear, that they would leave for an area near the capital of Chile in four hours. After giving the orders to Thunderfoot, Thomas went inside to pack his own belongings for the trip, by lunch time Thomas was packed and ready to go, the massive wolf was waiting outside, his massive tail swishing loudly through the air as it wagged happily.






\n Thunderfoot hardly noticed Thomas who was standing on his shoulder as they traveled south through the United States. The pair had just crossed over from Wyoming to Colorado and they were making quick progress towards the Mexican border, Thunderfoot would run but he was forbidden from doing so due to the damaging earthquakes that would result. Thomas was still getting used to traveling this way as he stayed with the massive wolf to communicate to him the desires of the U.S. Government. Because of how long his stride was Thunderfoot covered 650 miles of distance in an hour when he was walking.




\n After an hour of walking the pair were near Cheyenne Wells, Colorado and still moving swiftly with Thunderfoot's long stride. It was around one pm and Thunderfoot had skipped lunch, he was excited to finally be putting himself to use. The ground still shook from his walking but not as devastatingly as if he were to run, the gigantic wolf had experimented with running before and achieved tremendous distances, but he was profoundly sorry for the damage his experimentation had caused. He had thought about ways to get some running in, but had yet to travel to where he could do that safely.




\n Thunderfoot had stopped for the day, he was breathing a little heavily from having walked over twenty five hundred miles in around four hours. Thomas was setting up a tent for himself as the wolf watched, "I'm going to go hunting my friend, I'll be back in a while." he said to the human before vanishing in the blink of an eye. A couple hours later the wolf returned carrying the cooked body of a flying creature that was about the size of a chicken to the massive wolf. Thunderfoot began to quickly devour the creature, his hunger obvious by the speed with which he ate.




\n The next day the pair were moving again, the countryside was intriguing to Thunderfoot but his focus was on reaching Chile to begin defusing the tensions there. The pair didn't speak much when they were traveling like this, by the end of the day Thunderfoot was in Colina, Chile near the capital and eating another of the large dinosaur creatures. The delegations from Argentina and Chile were not scheduled to arrive until tomorrow, Thunderfoot watched as Thomas once again made camp near the massive wolf while he ate.




\n Early the next morning a convoy of vehicles began approaching from the direction of Santiago, Thunderfoot watched as they pulled up and stopped at the side of the road near where he had settled down. There was no fanfare for the event or any ceremony, the delegations from both sides walked out in to the clearing where Thunderfoot was and sat down on the ground, The attire was casual wear as had been suggested to the representatives before they came to the meeting.




\n The delegates formed a semi-circle in front of the huge wolf, some of the people in the parties were obviously terrified of him. He slowly scanned his eyes over everyone gathered before him, using his eyes and his magic to read them. Once he had finished his overview of the group gathered before him he nods and speaks, "My rules are simple, we talk, taking turns. I will only tolerate so many interruptions. Mr. Ferez will speak first." Thunderfoot pointed to the lead diplomat for Chile when he announced his name.




\n Mr. Ferez nodded silently and stood, his voice was obviously filled with dread but he was being very strong in the presence of the wolf. He began speaking about the recent aggressive actions Argentina had taken towards Chile, when Mr. Ferez made a particular accusation against Argentina the lead diplomat for them shouted angrily. Thunderfoot glared at the Argentinian diplomat who almost didn't notice it but at the last second did and stopped shouting.






\n The Chilean diplomat spoke passionately for about thirty minutes, on numerous occasions the Argentinian diplomat started shouting angrily, just as the Chilean diplomat was finishing up the Argentinian diplomat opened his mouth to shout an objection. Thunder saw it coming and glared at the man with a loud growl that shook the ground. The rest of the delegation shook in fear at the angry sound emanating from the wolf.




\n Next the diplomat from Argentina was up to speak, he stood from his seated position and looked around at everyone gathered, a particularly angry scowl being leveled at the quarter mile tall wolf mediating the discussions. The Chilean delegation was much more calm as the Argentinians spoke about their views on the conflict currently before them, the Argentinian diplomat spoke for a half hour and was still speaking, he was prolonging his time in front of the audience as much as he could.




\n After an hour of speaking the Argentinian diplomat finally ended his tirade against the Chileans and sat down. Thunderfoot looked over both groups and spoke, "I have now heard both sides of the disagreement. We will adjourn for the evening and meet back here in the morning. I bid you adieu for the day gentlemen." With that the giant wolf watched as the delegates went back to their cars and drove off toward Colina.




\n The next morning around eight am local time the delegates again pulled up to the side of the road and sat before the giant wolf. Thunderfoot again scans his eyes over all the people present before nodding. "I have made my decision concerning this dispute. After hearing all of the arguments from both sides of this dispute. I hereby rule in favor of the Chilean government. Argentina is hereby ordered to make financial restitution and withdraw all military forces from the border region for a distance of fifty miles. Should either side violate this agreement or try to achieve some sort of advantage through military force, I will display my wrath to that side."




\n With much whispering and discussing from both sides the agreement is talked over. The Argentinian diplomat quickly said that he must call his government about this before he can agree to it. Thunderfoot looks at the man with incredulity as the diplomat quickly dials a number and walks quite a distance away. After being on the phone for about fifteen minutes he hangs up the phone and says that he has been authorized to make the deal, he just needs an official document to be drafted so he can sign it.




\n Thunderfoot nods agreement to that stipulation, "Thomas, I task you to write up the agreement and have it ready by tomorrow. For now, there is nothing more that can be done at this moment." Thunderfoot watches as the delegations again make their way back to their cars and then on towards Colina. Three hours after the meeting was adjourned Thunderfoot began twitching his ears as if he were hearing sounds off in the distance, after doing this for a few minutes the massive wolf stood and began thunderously walking off toward the Northeast.




\n As Thunderfoot approached the area he was hearing sounds from it became obvious what they were. A fierce battle had erupted around the region the Argentinians had invaded. The Chileans were being beaten badly, in perfect Spanish the wolf said to the Chileans, "Hold your fire, I will deal with the Argentinians." With that he thundered towards the positions of the Argentinian army, he stomps one of his massive foot paws down on the largest assembly of troops he could target. The rest of the Argentinian infantry involved in the fight began to scatter in absolute terror as Thunderfoot began scanning the battlefield for other military equipment.






\n After only a few seconds of scanning Thunderfoot saw everything he needed, as he reached for an armored personnel carrier the driver tried to start fleeing. It was too late, the giant wolf's hand paw wrapped around the vehicle and quickly crushed it like a soda can. He quickly turned on the rest of the vehicles in the area and grabbed up another one, crushing it just as easily as the first one. Next Thunderfoot spotted a tank which he grabbed up and ripped apart, tearing the turret off the vehicle easily.




\n Thunderfoot continued his rampage against the Argentinians like this even as they fled across the border into their own country. The drivers of the heavy vehicles that had been assaulting the Chilean positions quickly abandoned their vehicles. Thunderfoot pursued the Argentinians far enough that he spotted some of their artillery pieces. He crushed several of them before scooping up the rest of the artillery, carrying the undamaged artillery back to the Chilean side of the border he set them down gently. Leaving the artillery in a position where the Chileans could take it back to their armories.




\n Thunderfoot then made his way back across the border and began gathering up the vehicles the Argentinians had abandoned, Thunderfoot spent several hours helping the Chileans gather up the abandoned military equipment. Once again in perfect Spanish Thunderfoot said, "You have nothing to fear from them now." Thunderfoot then gathers the military equipment he had crushed and carried it back to where he and Thomas were camping.




\n The next day the Argentinians arrive at the meeting location, all but the diplomat refuse to approach where the wolf was seated. The wolf watches as the diplomat approaches, with a loud growl he slams his paw down mere feet away from the man, knocking him off his feet. "What you and your country did yesterday, will cost you dearly. On top of financial restitution and a de-militarized zone, your country must now cede five million acres of territory to Chile. Do not argue with me, accept it and go." The massive wolf watched as the now truly terrified man nodded and began walking back to the rest of his delegation with a funny gait.




\n The Argentinian delegation quickly got in their cars and left for Santiago, the Chilean delegation stayed behind. Mr. Ferez smiled nervously at the giant wolf and says, "From me and my fellow countrymen, we thank you wholeheartedly for what you have done today. We will draft a new settlement with Argentina ourselves and send it to them." With that the diplomat headed back to his car and on toward Santiago.




\n Thunderfoot looked back at Thomas who was smiling broadly at the huge wolf. Thunderfoot listened as Thomas spoke, "Well done my young friend. If there were a way to get enough for you I would buy you a drink for that display. You quite literally scared him shitless, I could smell it in his pants as he walked away." Thunderfoot chuckles a bit and watches Thomas as he inspects the twisted and crushed military equipment that had been brought back. The next morning the pair looked over the beautiful scenery of the area for a while before they started walking North toward home.
