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Gardening by Danji-Isthmus (Commission)
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This fun YCH was drawn by danji-isthmus! You can check it out (along with the full list of participants) in their gallery here.
When I saw this YCH I knew Hueroc would make such a good little shoulder helper! He may not know much about plants, but he [i]is[/i] smol, and cute, and good at perching on a shoulder and saying rawr and watching quite attentively while you work! He will not even try to light the garden on fire, he's such a good little dragon c: Just keep him away from the butterfly chasers and their nets! Would hate for him to chase something through the air only to get his little wings tangled up x3
When I saw this YCH I knew Hueroc would make such a good little shoulder helper! He may not know much about plants, but he [i]is[/i] smol, and cute, and good at perching on a shoulder and saying rawr and watching quite attentively while you work! He will not even try to light the garden on fire, he's such a good little dragon c: Just keep him away from the butterfly chasers and their nets! Would hate for him to chase something through the air only to get his little wings tangled up x3
1 year ago
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