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IAM Bonus Panel 3: Learning Curve
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rYay my first bonus panel that isn't a reference to something memey or abridged. >w<
Farily simple to explain compared to the others too, this came about from me having to look up references for a giraffe drinking water in that last panel, something I have never actually seen in detail in my 30 years on this planet... And this was the video I found.
Not sure how lore accurate this is in the pokemon world but I could not resist. And hey, bonus points I get to practice drawing a savanna if I need to do that later. A girafarig will probably end up there sometime. ^^
Farily simple to explain compared to the others too, this came about from me having to look up references for a giraffe drinking water in that last panel, something I have never actually seen in detail in my 30 years on this planet... And this was the video I found.
Not sure how lore accurate this is in the pokemon world but I could not resist. And hey, bonus points I get to practice drawing a savanna if I need to do that later. A girafarig will probably end up there sometime. ^^
9 months ago
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