Current Track: Blabb

Adam knocked on the open door.  Both Brook and Adam were freshly washed and wearing matching outfits of a long sleeve turtleneck leotard, and a knee length skirt.  Their hair was pulled back in a ponytail and still damp from their shower.  Adam enjoyed the nice light feeling of a skirt, leaving his legs bare.  His wolf also loved since they shared clothes, as they took on a little bit of his mate's scent too, which added to the scent of their mate they each had from their mating bond.  He also enjoyed wearing matching clothes to his mate as it was just one more way for others to know they were together.

Gareth refused to comment on their clothes as they seemed to just take too much amusement about the comments, as they knew when to dress better, but for around the pack, clothes were clothes.  He knew of others who did so as well and didn't say anything to them either.  “Come in and close the door."  He told them.  He personally had no issues with what anyone wore, other than a rare time they were representing the pack to outsiders, at which point he expected them to wear something respectful.  He was sure he wouldn't need to tell either of them about it.

Brook closed the door behind them, as they moved over and joined him in the sitting area.  There were two piles of several binders in front of him.

“I have talked to the Elders and my Seconds.  All are in favour of you officially being Acting-Seconds and starting the training.  We are moving fast here, as the Seconds have asked to step down immediately due to the attacks we have had recently." He didn't need to add on their age as well.  “I have been able to get them to agree to hold off till the Spring Trials at the end of April, where I expect you will easily hit the standard for Alphas and Seconds.  I have asked them to advise you, but you have already started doing the duties and taking on the responsibilities.  We are just adding on the authority and privileges."  He didn't bother saying he had already had their pay adjusted to reflect it as well.  The details were in their forms in the first binder.

Both nodded.  Even Brook was a bit stressed about the offer.  Being the pack's Seconds was a big responsibility, but both were willing to take on the challenge.

Gareth continued, “We will also be qualifying your fighting skills, in all three forms at the Spring Trials.  These books are the training information for Seconds and include some additional details you must know; mostly about interacting with other packs.  These are not to be read by anyone else, as they contain information which is restricted to Alphas and Seconds.  There is also an oath you must memorise and give to the pack at the next Full Moon Howl.  That gives you three weeks to do it; by then you should have reviewed all the information as well."

“But I haven't finished Turning.  I can't shift to Were yet." Adam complained.  His life was changing even more than he expected and he didn't feel ready for it to change even more.  He already doubted if he met himself where he had not met his mate and had stayed being a tech, he'd understand how he got to this position of almost leading the pack from where his life had continued, as it seemed to never change.

“I think by the weekend you will have completed the shift; the Turning Scar is almost gone." Brook commented with a grin.

“I agree," Gareth replied in agreement, “Your scent has only a hint of human left, and if one of the humans had been here before you, I wouldn't even be able to detect it at all."  He knew of the betting pool, but as long as nobody was cheated, he never took official notice to them; let those who wanted to have their fun and risk something they could do without.  He knew Brook occasionally joined into them.

“But I've had only nine weeks since I was Turned!  It usually takes three to four months!" Adam exclaimed.  He was shocked it was happening so fast.  His wolf snorted at him in amusement; he felt it was only right and proper.

The other two chuckled before Brook commented, “You took the mating changes very fast, too.  I expected the turn to end about now, so have been watching the signs."

“I still think that I won't be ready at the Spring Trials this year for the Were shape tests." Adam commented, a bit frazzled on how fast his life kept changing, not letting him get his balance before needing to leap again; he kept feeling like he was going to fail and fail badly.  Now, a failure would not be just him and maybe his mate, it would impact the entire pack.  His wolf nuzzled him in his mind, reminding him he was not alone, and had others helping him.

“The Were is more of learning what works for you, as most of the skills are those learned in the other two shapes.  I think you'll be fine.  I'd be willing to bet money you'll qualify."  Brook replied, teasing him at the end.

Shaking his head, Adam deferred to Brook, “If you say so, you have been right so far, Love."  He refused to accept most bets against her, and never ones she offered money, as he rarely won them and those only because he knew tech more, for now.  “I will do my best."  He had heard most of the pack refused to do them too.

Turning back to the position and the main part for this meeting, Adam clarified, “So this is fully official, and we can announce it?"

Gareth grinned, “Yes.  New IDs are in the binders showing your new status as Seconds."

They chatted for a bit more about what their position would entail, which included travel and meeting other packs in the place of the Alphas, and if the Alphas had to go himself to the meeting, they would stay and lead the pack in his place.  It also meant everyone had to obey them, and they were answerable only to the Alphas alone.  It was on par with Next-Alpha, which was usually the pups of the Alpha, and always had the Alpha ability, and the order of control between them and Seconds depended on skill and age.  Until John and Bri returned from their training and passed the Spring Trials, they officially didn't have the title as well, so until they were confirmed as passing all the training in the spring, they would technically outrank them.

The position of Second was usually the Alpha's most trusted advisors.  Gareth stopped for a moment, “Even though you have only been here under three months, Adam, I feel I have known you for centuries.  Also, you have seemed to settle in and get our ways right from the start.  Many in the pack also listen to what you have to say.  I am thinking you are my grandfather's spirit come back to the pack.  It is rare to have someone return so soon.  I feel that as long as you listen to your wolf and your mate—as you have been doing—you will do well.  I'm not sure you noticed, but you have much access to the pack with everyone instinctively respecting and obeying you.  I know you have not broken contact with all in your previous human life, yet you have only told your immediate family, and you even asked.  I trust you totally; even when I gave you the right to hand out punishments, you have mostly kept them low key and only where they were necessary." Gareth grinned, “Not that you won't make mistakes, I know I have made my fair share of them, but you will work to correct them before they get too big and apologise to anyone harmed."

Brook smiled and could see they had been trusted, with the number of rights they were given were rarely given out, with most needing the Alpha's approval.  They had been given nearly unlimited access to pack funds, given authority to hand out punishments without having to check with the Alpha beforehand, and basically assigned to be a contact with the Longview pack.  Usually, it was only the Seconds who had those rights.  She had only realised it after the Alpha had commented about them doing the duties, the fact they had started doing them.

“Oh, and when you're at Longview, start the work to get them set up to network.  Hank is the tech manager there, in addition to being Second.  Send him the specs and the contact to get the hardware, and how they need to set it up." Gareth ordered.

“The Were-Net idea is a go?" Adam asked.

Gareth shook his head, “Don't have enough packs signed on, yet.  Longview is a pilot to see if we can get the two networks not only secured well, but also with secure channels between them.  Other packs want to see how it performs before they start spending the money on the equipment.  Once it is working well, I suspect it will expand to be global quickly."

Adam nodded, “Will do.  I will have them set up and have Chris as the security contact.  He has already found several holes I hadn't secured and already filled them in.  He is wanting to start an agreement for network penetration testing from an outside vendor.  They will at random times try to break into the network and will report back to us on the attempts.  Some of their people have started off as hackers, and now instead of doing it for kicks or bragging rights, do it for their job and get paid for it.  The one which Chris wants to use, the US federal government and FBI use to test their network."  Their bragging rights was in the reports to the company they broke into, generally with how to secure it before the next attempt, to makes it even more of a challenge.  For most, the pleasure was in the doing, the fact they got paid well for doing it was the bonus.

Gareth grinned ferally, “I love that idea!  Go with it."

Adam looked off in the distance, quickly linking to Chris, *I have approval for the network testing.  I am putting you in charge of it, as I just got handed a couple whoppers of work: getting Longview networked and connected securely to us, and Brook and I have been promoted to Acting-Seconds—Don't tell anyone until the official announcement is made.  Let me know when the agreement is ready to sign.*  Getting an acknowledgement back, with a congratulation on the promotion, he nodded to the Alpha, “I am letting Chris handle it, as it was his idea.  I think he'd be the best to run it, since he is the one responsible for the security of the systems."

Looking at the stack of learning he had to do, “I'm thinking I may need to get a server management team together, to deal with the servers, as soon I will be too busy to be doing it." Adam complained, “But I don't know of anyone qualified or even interested in the pack."

Brook and Gareth laughed.  Gareth advised, “That is what happens to the seniors in the pack, they have to delegate more and more.  I will put the word out within the pack.  Ask Hank if he knows of anyone qualified, who wants to change packs."

Adam nodded, “Adding it to my list." He stated as he wrote it down in his notes.

After they discussed other more minor items and pack information they needed to know, Gareth felt his stomach complain and looking at the time, was startled it was lunchtime, “Well, it's time we headed for lunch.  I'm going to announce it to the pack at dinner tomorrow if you're around.  You can tell others, and I suggest you tell your pups; just have them keep it quiet."

Adam and Brook nodded, picked up their binders, took them quickly to their rooms, and pulling out the new IDs, showing 'Second' as the title, and 'All-No Restrictions' access.  Adam smiled, putting the neck strap around his head and tucking it under his shirt; he didn't need it out, but should have it with him.  Brook did the same.

He wrapped an arm around his Mate, and kissed her cheek, before heading out for the lunch.

The rest of their group was there, including their pups, when they reached the table.  Adam pulled out his old ID and handed it to Martin, with Brook following.  “Don't need this anymore," he commented, before switching to silent to just tell the table before anyone asked why, *We have been promoted to Acting-Seconds and have new IDs.  The official announcement is tomorrow at dinner; keep it quiet till then.  The Seconds decided they have had enough and are stepping down.  Brook and I are hoping to pass all the tests to qualify for taking over when they do after the Spring Trials.*  Smiling, “Our run this morning just passed the Alpha benchmark and we are now qualified for the Wolf Run section," The wolf run was considered the hardest for most, as it was a long run, and was the most key.  Runs on the other two forms were less essential but still had standards to reach.  With the snow they had been working on it, but the tracks were not in the condition for them to get out in them.

As they all dug into their lunch, the others at the table congratulated them, and those not there thought it was just for the run.

*I guess I am going to be loaded with more duties?* Erin commented, since she had mostly taken over working with those dealing with the tech in his absence during his Turn and he hadn't really taken them back, as he was loaded with other work she would not ever want.

*Yes.  I'll also be having Robin working some with you for a bit.  Let me know what you want and don't want over the next while.* He replied.  *I don't want to burn you out.*  Adam had hated when temporarily taking on duties 'for a short time' became a permanent addition.  He did like how the pack had already bumped her pay up while she was covering, and Gareth had mentioned she would now have the new pay made permanent, if she stayed doing the duties.

*I'll do that.  I'll also see if there is anyone else wanting to do tech.  There are a couple of pups almost of age who are interested.  Aurora has mentioned she would be interested in working more with the servers.* Erin advised.

*If she wants to, let her handle the tasks.  Let me know if there are any others, and I'll pass it onto the Alpha.* Adam agreed.  *I have projects which Chris and I are working on.  I'll pass her the details too.*  It seemed even if he hadn't known, someone was interested in stepping up for what he needed.  He would totally let her do it.


Once lunch was done, Adam and Brook headed out with the others who were going to take control of the now Nameless Pack, what had been the Shadowed River Pack before being declared rogue.  Losing their name was the first of a list of punishments given for a pack going rogue under the Treaty.  There were five packs which were in the area around the rogue pack, and all wanted to have the pack dismantled as soon as possible.  Most packs were willing to accept the women and children, but only MacLaren and Longview were willing to accept non-fighter males.

The fighters who had laid down their arms and gave up without a fight, were being investigated.  Adam had been able to talk Gareth into not killing them outright, from the way Duncan and Keanna were treated, they may have had not been able to leave, and when they had a chance to not fight but give up, they took it.  Even his wolf had to think about what he said and had decided it was the best way; it took Adam even more work to convince his wolf to see his view, than it took to talk Gareth around.  He wanted to minimize the bloodshed and to give a second chance which showed those who gave up could keep their lives.  It was why many refused to stop fighting, as they knew death waited for them and wanted to go down fighting, instead of having it at a time and place of another.

Adam was in control of the pack which was on the offensive, with Brook at his side.  The two of them had flipped a coin for who was in command this time, and had already agreed the other would be the next time.  Working together gave both a new view but tempered with the thoughts of old.  The Alpha was also using it as a way to see how they could work on their own without anyone giving them instructions, and everyone looking to them.  They had already sent the vehicles on the roads, as they had to go around several mountains, and the wolves could use the alpine level passes and go straight through the parks.  With the wolves not liking being cooped up in a vehicle which caused them lots of stress, the run would be better, as while they would need work to make sure to not exhaust anyone, they would be much less stressed about being cooped up in a vehicle, and werewolves had huge endurance.

Adam and Brook headed to their room to double check they had everything stowed in their packs well, including rope, a few edged weapons, and their load of restraints for both human and wolf, including wolf-muzzles to keep pesky teeth secured. before putting them on.  On a human, the packs seemed to fit lower on the back and sides with a low vest built in.  Although it didn't look at all comfortable, it was reasonably comfortable.  They had designed the packs in a way so when they shifted, they would be as comfortable for their wolves.  Brook shifted to her hybrid, and held the door for her mate, who shifted to wolf.  To identify themselves at a glance, both had their IDs around their necks, with the badges tucked into the clear pouches on the shoulder strap of the pack, to keep it out of the way.  It would identify them to the wolves they were attacking and show they had the seniority to negotiate if they were willing to surrender.

They were met with the half the pack's fighters, which was the force they were taking, just outside the pack house.  Seeing that all the support gear was loaded, Brook shifted down to her wolf.  The group was fairly noisy with chatter of barks, yips, and growls and many had issues standing still.  Most were excited to have an actual fight, not the endless rounds of patrols.

Adam gave a demanding howl, *Anyone missing?* He asked when everyone had settled down. Getting no response, he started his short speech, *We fought off the Shadowed River Pack.  We lost three packmates, but we took down one of the worst packs in the area.*  He got a howl of celebration, but tinged with sorrow, *Today, we dismantle the rest of their pack.  We are here to take out any of their fighters.  Anyone who resists or attacks already has a death sentence.  Use whatever force is needed to take them down, alive, if possible, but don't take risks.*

Before becoming a wolf, he didn't think he could ever do anything to cause anyone to die, and here he was; ordering the death of many people—they may be werewolves, but they were still people to him.  *Any who surrender without a fight are to be treated with respect but watched.  Alpha Gareth has given permission to even save the non-combatant males.  Treat them well, as they may become packmates.*  Pausing to let his conditions of the battle sink in for a few moments he continued, *Any questions?*  With many headshakes and most unable to stay still, he turned and unerringly started to trot, *Then off to the fight we go!* He gave a low howl which was not only picked up by his attack-pack, but all the packmates staying behind, as a wish for all of them to return safely.

On the four-hour run, they discussed tactics, and how they wanted to start the battle.  There were some fast, stealthy wolves who had taken off ahead of the main group to try to find out the number of sentries and layout of the pack.  The official reported number in the pack to the Council of Alphas showed they had taken out over three quarters of the pack already.  Either they were foolhardy, and they did only have a quarter of the pack left, or the reported numbers were incomplete, in which case they had no idea how many were at the pack house.  For most of the last century, in this area, pack boundaries were generally fixed due to the number of humans around, since the coming of the railroad making it easier for large numbers to reach the area limited them from changing as they fought over territory.  The Inter-Pack Treaty in this area had the borders mostly fixed but with parts for expansion or contraction of pack sizes but had a set distance so they would not encroach on other packs without a specific agreement between the packs.  Pack numbers were how their neighbours knew if they needed to negotiate for expansion.

Reaching the edge of the official territory of the former pack, they had a ring of scouts watching out for any of the remains of the rogue pack to appear.  They slowed down to a walk, as they had expected more resistance than they were seeing.  Adam was seeing an ambush at every turn and at every thick spot, but there was nothing, not even any wolf tracks.  Not even any scents lingered, showing they had not been there since the last snowfall, and likely it was long before then.  They startled a fox and a coyote, showing there had been no wolf in the area for a very long time, as both of the smaller canines rarely were in wolf or werewolf territories.