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Drakivos the Light Collector (loincloth)
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Drakivos could hardly wait for nightfall… it was the night that all three moons would align in the sky. It is about to get very dark in the coming months. Soon all three moons will be covered in shadows and the forest would be plunged into complete darkness… and darkness means death. It is when the most vile of beasts make their prowl. The dark colored K'raathuutiir knew what happens in complete darkness for once one of the beasts had jumped him many seasons ago. It had left scars all over his body. He was lucky that there was still enough light and was able to pierce the beast’s heart with his spear. But in complete darkness the beast would have devoured him… the same kind of fate that he has been tasked to prevent. Drakivos absorbs the light from the three moons when they are aligned… as only then can he feel their magical properties. He then uses this magic to light the moon-lanterns in the village. These lanterns need to last for several weeks until the light of the moons return. The world seems to be cast in an eternal twilight for reasons the K'raathuutiir aren’t quite sure. There are ancient stories that have been passed down for generations about otherworldly visitors and of accounts how on their world the darkness was completely cast away by the light for hours on end. Drakivos wasn’t quite sure if he believed these stories. “Light completely casting away the darkness? Impossible!” he would think. Only by the light of the moons and stars of the sky are we given light.”
1 year ago
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