Current Track: Blabb


Finding One's True Self: Part 37

By Xan Steel

A door opens to a dark and nearly empty room as we see a small shadow like figure enter from the doorway, and walk towards the center of the room where a half circle of consoles sat facing four large screens. Once the figure reached the consoles, they become active and bathe this individual in a soft glowing light. 

Admiral Torid begins to type in a series of codes into the consoles, and a few seconds later each of the four screens turns on and displays four silhouettes. One could easily define the species in the silhouettes, two of which were Derlenian, one Phalynian, and the final one was Sylurian.

The Phalynian spoke first in a surprised, yet somewhat angry tone their voice stating they were male, "Who are you, and how did you contact us?" 

The far right Derlenian spoke next this one's voice denoting it as female, "That's what I'd like to know." 

The Sylurian spoke in a harsh voice tone with the S's a bit drawn out, but couldn't tell if it was male or female, "Sssspeak Ryconian." 

Torid stared at the images for a moment before answering, "Helfligger was arrested many cycles ago, on a very long list of charges by Internal Affairs." The silhouettes demeanor changed to one of uncomfortableness. 

The Phalynian spoke in a slightly nervous tone, "How much has he told you?" 

Torid looked at them for a moment before he spoke more directly to them. "What is your real purpose in controlling the Alliance?"  

The Sylurian laughed, "What makes you think that we would reveal what our purpose is to someone we don't know. Much less someone that didn't answer a question he was justed asked." 

Torid began to walk around the console, "I see then allow me to make some educated guesses as to your role." he began while still ignoring the Phalynian's question. "First to the two Derlenians, you want the progenitor, and you know that he is somewhere in this galaxy. Sadly he’s the only one and wouldn't be able to save the species as a whole, but you've likely figured this out and are likely only to save the most elite of the species. Sadly you're not going to be able to touch him because the GrandMaster won't let you have him."

Torid finished with the Derlenian's and then moved on, "Secondly, to the Sylurian, I find it amazing that your entire species was on the brink of extinction only to discover one individual. A doctor on an outcast colony, who managed to discover the cure, which broke down old prejudices allowing outcasts to return home and see their families again, all the while repopulating the species. Mind you he never released any information about this cure to anyone, but everyone took him at his word, strange don’t you think?" Torid's tone of voice made it sound like he was more thought provoking. 

"Lastly to the Phalynian, it seems as though you have control of the Rebel factions outside the Alliance, and are trying to push for a galactic war it would seem.” He finished while he stopped walking and turned to face the screens and said one last thing, “Care to add to that?” 

They stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity before one of the Derlenians spoke in a more calm tone, “You appear to have a wild imagination little Ryconian. Besides the GrandMaster knows he can’t interfere with the breeding ritual, as that was left to the Alliance to handle a millena-cycle ago from that era’s GrandMaster.” 

Torid  added, “Yet he seems to have a very particular interest in this single individual, that he is over riding you at every turn, interesting.” He finished.

The Sylurian spoke next, “The cure was a blesssssing to my people. We don't need to know how thisssss doctor figured out how to make it, we're jusssst happy he found one." She finished. 

"And yet there are numerous reports that since the last cured individual he's been on the run. Curious don't you think?" Torid replied.

“I must admit Ryconian, you seem to have a particular knack for some very confidential information on us, and yet we know so little about you, except for the Admiral bars you wear.” Torid could hear him shuffling some papers. “You wouldn’t happen to be Admiral Torid, would you?” 

Torid stopped walking around the console and looked back up at them with a smile. Only because this meant that they were watching over everyone in the Alliance. “At your service.” He replied.

Again more silence for a moment before the Sylurian spoke. “Sssso how did you manage to contact ussss?” 

Torid looked her, “Helfligger told me everything he knew for leniency and a nice quiet penile colony.” Their discomfort showed again, only this time they went mute, but he could easily see them talking or maybe arguing amongst themselves. ‘So…’ He thought to himself. ‘What's the plan if I can persuade them to trust me. Play their game, and only stop something that could be disastrous on a large scale, or stop everything without them finding out’ he finished his thought just as they spoke directly to him. 

The Derlenian on the right spoke first, “I must say Admiral Torid, you seem to know more than you’re letting on. However, that could be an advantage to all of us. We want the progenitor so we can begin the breeding ritual as time is running out. In a short twenty cycles, it’ll be too late for the species as a whole.” Torid nodded to her and understood the importance of this ritual, as he turned to walk around the consoles again, but before he did, he noticed she flipped her right ear. Helfligger never mentioned this particular signal and wondered if, in fact, this was a way to see that she was lying.

The Sylurian spoke next, “You’re right about the doctor being on the run. He has all the information on the cure, and we want to examine it for ourselves. Sadly he won’t cooperate.” 

Torid took this moment to bring up some scientific theories that have been discussed in recent cycles. “You’re not going to mention that the Progenitor might be involved?” There was a definite shift in the silhouette. 

“If you’re talking about the scientific community claiming our ancestry is from another galaxy and that this progenitor is our descendant. I would suggest that you not worry about it, as the claim is unfounded with no real evidence.” Torid thought this was strange because he had seen information to the contrary, from two separate sources, both trusted. 

The Phalynian then spoke, “I’m not sure where you heard about me being in control of the Rebel factions, but I can tell you that is completely untrue.” 

Torid countered him, “And yet through my own research I’ve discovered that it was you that removed me from Central Security and Intelligence.” The silhouette froze on the screen as Torid spoke again. “Just so you all know, I have eyes and ears everywhere. So I’ll find out when you are lying to me.” This was a power play move on his part, he figured that if he revealed some unknown information about himself, that they might start to trust him knowing that they couldn’t hide everything from him. 

They muted again and talked among themselves for a bit as Torid went back to walking around the consoles. It felt like an eternity before they got back with him as the Phalynian spoke, “Well it would seem as though we might be at an impasse. I’m not sure what your intentions are Admiral, but rest assured this will likely be the last we see of each other.” 

“Oh, and here I thought you needed another individual to act as a go-between since you no longer have Helfligger.” 

They stared at him for a bit before the Sylurian spoke, “You would, potentially, forfeit everything you’ve worked hard for in the Alliance, to act as our mediator with everyone else?” 

Torid looked at her, “What's my alternative, follow strange orders that come from nowhere, or work directly with you and know what is happening.” 

The first Derlenian made a friendly comment, “Then it is agreed upon?” 

“Yes,” Torid replied. 

“Good, your first order then, is to approve this change on Captain Julyna, and her crew, to Rebels.” The Phalynian said as he watched Torid read over the information. 

Torid, was not expecting this and realized it was a test. This was also likely because Julyna never found the Spy on board her ship. Torid did notice one thing about this order change that would catch everyone's eye, who was paying attention of course, that no reason was given which is required. He placed his handpaw down on the scanner to confirm the order. He would need to send someone to Altair telling him to call off his relationship so that he wouldn’t get lumped in with this Rebel status change. Once that was finished, they said to him that they would contact him directly when they needed to see him for updates, and new orders. After which the screens blanked out.

He walked out of the room and was greeted by his top agent, a female Bulorian by the name of Trii. “Sir, I just received word that the Kestrel and her crew are now Rebels?” 

“That is correct, I need you to tell Altair, to cut ties with his current mates, so he can continue working behind the scenes, and he’s to tell no one. Also get the rest of Midnight Order in from the field. We have a lot to discuss.” She nodded and hurried off. 

While walking back to his office, he was deep in thought. The Midnight Order was a network of his most trusted Spies. He made sure to keep it operating after he was removed from Security and Intelligence. Many might call him paranoid, but he followed his gut when something didn’t feel right, and right now it was screaming at him for being apart of these four individuals, but he needed to know what was going on behind the scenes.