Current Track: Blabb

Green fingers danced upon the black surface, pushing down the strings of the large mandolin. Melancholic notes filled the air around the orc, his other hand striking the cords with controlled strength. Alone in the forest clearing, with no one around to hear him, Naidel Silvertusk let his pain out in the only way he knew how. The music wailed for him, the strings dug into his thick skin and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Memories flooded his mind, a thousand phantom feelings stabbing at his heart. Words left unsaid, whispers in the dark, pitying looks and derisive laughs rose from the depths of his mind, all part of his old life, one he had thought he had buried years ago. They were all connected, the memories, his pain, the warmth tears running down his pale face. They all lead to an old friend, with blue scales and eyes the color of oaks.

Naidel's song turned bittersweet, with long drawn out notes that spoke of long days playing on the lake and swift staccatos of pain. A sour taste filled the orc's mouth as the images danced on his mind, all those laughs, those days spent without worries. Those dreams shared with the sunset as their witness and the long days under the rain. The strings sung happily of all the epic challenges of their youth that now seemed so small.

Soft left the orc's mouth when the memories of their last days together flashed through his mind. The music sped up, the notes coming like a flood. The strings dug into the orc, the physical pain drowned by the emotional one. A stream of memories dashed through his mind: betrayed brown eyes, blue scales stained with blood, bile burning his throat, pain bursting on his cheek, a broken tusk laying in the ground. Tear's ran freely down the Naidel's cheeks, pleading eyes staring at the distant moon.

Words filled with venom rang in his ears, digging into his heart like daggers. His shoulders sagged with guilt and a sour taste filled his mouth. The mandolin screamed with anger and hate, their cry swallowed by the woods. Nadiel's fingers burned with pain, the relentless playing taking its toll on the orc. He pushes on anyways, his mind set to pay with his body what he could not pay with his life. The strings swung curses at the orc, whipping his heart with sadistic glee. They brought out the conscience he had silenced for years, his selfish heart put in the rack to pay for his crimes.

Nadiel was sure he would never forget the letter, a dirty piece of paper he would have trashed any other day but read for the name on the address. He had lost no time in opening the thing, out of curiosity more than any desire to talk with his old friend. The black scrawls on that dirt brown paper had been burned into his mind, each word destroying him like rocks against glass. The world had flipped over its head, the colors had been stolen from his eyes. The last few lines, an appeal to a better nature he didn't believe he had anymore, were the only chance at redemption he could have had. But that was never meant to be, Nadiel had found that out the hard way. After months of planning and bribing he had bought a way out for his friend. By putting his life on the line, he had brought him back home, or so he had thought.

There was nothing left of the friend he had known, only an empty husk of what he had been remained. His scales no longer shone under the sunlight, his eyes were constantly filled with fear. There was no more confidence in his voice, the force of character that had inspired me had been beaten out of him by war. His moves were jerky and hesitant, his back tense and ready to spring at loud noises. Nadiel didn't know how he had managed that first week living together, where every error could end tint those brown eyes with terror. Like a bull in a china shop, he felt trapped, any move he made would lead to disaster.

The orc's song came to an end with drawn out longing notes, fading away in the darkness of the night. Nadiel fell to his knees, cradling the mandolin to his chest, and let the emotions wreak havoc on his heart.

“You still play." said a rough voice from the side, startling the orc out of his mind. Nadiel eyes opened wide when familiar scales glittered under the moonlight. The orc's throat dried up, his tongue grew heavy like lead. The dark blue reptile approached with trembling steps, thing fingers holding on the trees for support.

Nadiel could only nod, the waves of pain from his fingers confirming him he wasn't dreaming. The orc muscles tensed up, his heart fell to his gut and his blood lost all warmth. Nadiel bit his lip as the lizard man took a seat by his side, leaning his fragile frame against the strong oak behind him.

“I was surprised to see you gone." the lizard man said with a melancholic tone, “I thought something had happened or perhaps you couldn't deal with me anymore."

“I didn't want to bother you, you need your rest."

“I have done nothing but rest since I came back. I could use something different." the lizard man shot back with an edge to his voice.

Nadiel gulped, his hands clutching the instrument against his chest.“Like what?"

“A song. Do you still remember what old Dani used to sing at the festivals?"

“A crown of pearls? Yeah, I do."

“Can you play it for me?" said the lizard man with a wishful tone, leaning his head back against the trunk.

“Are you sure? Won't it, won't the sounds make you feel uncomfortable?"

“Maybe, but it would be nice to have something that reminds me of home?"

“Aren't you already home?" the question weighted heavily on Nadiel's mind, his stomach twisting into knots.

“Yes and no. This place is my home, my whole life is etched in every stone and every tree."the lizard admitted with thick regret. A soft smile was drawn in the lizard's muzzle, weak and bittersweet. “But it has changed, it has changed so much."

“Very well, just, remember it's been a while since I played it."

“I'm sure you'll do well, you always had a way with music."