Current Track: Blabb

                Roland’s jaws opened up in a large yawn as he followed behind the group, the tourist had been woken early by his group’s tour guide who had wanted to get out early. The wolf wasn’t used to waking up extremely early, so the fact that he had been woken up at three in the morning had gotten him a bit shell shocked. Roland had decided the previous week on a whim that he should go visit Africa, he had ordered a ticket for himself after requesting time off from work.

                “Before we walk too far into the African wilderness, I must warn you all to not separate from the group. Do you all understand?” Roland’s eyes widened as his tired reverie was broken by the tour guide, quickly with the rest of the group he nodded. The tour guide, a crocodile, nodded and smiled. “Alright, now let’s get going.”

                Along with the rest of the tourists, Roland walked through the hot sun humming to himself as he took a few pictures of his surroundings. As the tour guide’s voice faded into the background and Roland’s eyes slowly drifted down from tiredness the wolf didn’t realize that he was drifting away from the ground until his foot found the edge of a steep hill and it was all downhill from there.


                “Cough… cough…” Roland coughed out dirt as his eyes opened up. The wolf imediantly noticed that the sun was close to setting in the sky, “Crap…” The wolf muttered as he climbed up onto his feet, his gaze carried around the landscape that surrounded him. Roland grimaced as he quickly realized that his tour group was long gone by this point, “This is not good.” The wolf spoke out loud filling the dark with his voice.

                Brushing off his gray fur, Roland looked around to see if he could see anything in the darkness of the night. His eyes locked onto a small orange flicker in the distance, “Is that… fire?” The wolf questioned, instead of just waiting around for nothing to happen, he decided to do it himself. The wolf’s feet brushed up dirt into the air as he walked, the air was full of the small chirps of crickets hidden in the brush.

                As Roland approached the light he realized that the fire belonged to a village, a village of what he didn’t know though. “I hope they aren’t cannibals…” Roland half joked. After walking for what felt like a half an hour, the wolf finally reached the village. Stepping into the small enclosure of tents, the wolf’s purple eyes flicked across the campground carefully. His tail flicked quickly as tension filled up his body, Roland was nearing the center of the village when he realized that there were shapes coming out of the tents.

                The wolf looked around in surprise; the inhabitants of the camp were… lions. The inhabitants smiled at him good naturedly, “Hello, and welcome to our camp.” The strongest looking lion spoke. Roland looked at all of the lions and saw that they all wore clothes made of animal hide, the lion noticed his glances. “Don’t you worry wolf, my people don’t kill other sentient animals. We only hunt the dumb ones that roam the land.”

                Roland nodded, still cautious. “Sorry for intruding, I got separated from my group. Can you please tell me where the nearest city is?”

                The lions looked at each other mischievously, “Alright, we can do that. But before we tell you, why don’t you join us for a meal?”

                For a moment Roland thought about declining, but he didn’t want to risk upsetting the natives. “Alright, I guess I can do that.”


                The tribe and Roland sat around the fire, from the tents the lionesses of the village brought out food and handed the delectable food to the waiting men. The leader of the village motioned towards Roland, “Please, eat. I promise you, it’s very delectable.”

                Eying the food nervously for a second, Roland took a tentative bite. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but after a quick bite he realized that the meat was indeed delicious. He found himself unable to stop himself from digging into the food, with each bite his teeth started to length and sharpen.

                Roland’s hunger only grew as his lithe body started to fill out and his flat stomach started to pack up and become abs, his clothes started to stretch as he changed. The wolf’s fur changed from its fluffed out gray state to a smooth orange fur which fit perfectly with his changing figure. “How do you feel?” The leader asked Roland.

                Glancing quickly up at his leader… the leader, Roland answered quickly. “Good.” The leader smiled and nodded, watching as the changing wolf ate more. The meat that sat in his hands was quickly stripped as Roland dug into the meat more and more, his muzzle thickened and became more strong looking as Roland licked his blackening lips. The wolf didn’t notice how course his tongue had become in the brief time.

                The lionesses giggled as they handed their guest more food, not even taking a moment to thank them Roland dived right into the delectable food. From behind, the lions dragged their claws down the back of his clothing to reveal his newly formed muscles and tore off the clothing.

                Roland’s head shook slightly as hair started to fall from the back of his head, the black locks falling like a waterfall. His head being free of the heavy hair, a mane started to grow around the changing wolf’s head. His normally pointed ears rounded off as orange fur grew over them as well. As Roland’s changes finished the clan grinned as they wrapped a similar loincloth as theirs around his waist, the leader grinned at the newly made lion. “So Leonard, how was the meat?”

                Leonard smiled at his clan leader, “It was delicious leader, though I’m ready to hunt now.” The clan leader’s chest purred with pride at having added another strong warrior to his clan.

                “Good, now go with your brothers and defend our territory.” Leonard and the other warriors nodded before grabbing spears and running out into the darkness to defend their land.