Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Midsun Frax


The rain falls upon our
heads as we gathered ourselves upon the doorsteps of the targeted building. We
gazed at the opened door, noticing quickly how pitch dark it was inside that it
was nearly impossible to see anything there without any use of a flashlight. I
stepped forward and through the opened door; the rest of my unit followed me
inside and the door shut. Sending darkness upon our eyes, I motioned to Zander
and Kyro who flashed their flashlight out, turning it on to illuminate the
darkness that now surrounds us. I looked around the place. Seeing that we were
inside a hallway where the staircase rose before our eyes, I turned my
attention towards the left and right sides of the stairs. “Heed there.” I
ordered everyone which took noticed and split themselves into two groups. Each
of them heading their own way as they disappeared from my sights, leaving me
alone to face the stairs ahead.


Taking a breath, I take
the steps. Rising in elevation towards the second floor above where I hit the
railings on my right as my eyes cast towards the impending darkness surrounding
me. Another short hallway was what awaits me however. Split off into two
different direction and heading off into their own destination. Four white
doors stands on either side of me. Only half of them were opened. The others
were closed. I turned my attention towards the left side of the halls and
walked to the four doors there. Peering my eyes upon the two opened doors, I
reached forth the knob. Pushed it further outward so the door would widened up
a bit and allowed me in. I looked inside. A single empty room was what awaits
for me beyond the door. Nothing was here. So I decided to shut the door and
leave it at that. Repeating the same antics with the other opened door, I
looked inside and noticed something interesting.


The room was designed
like a bedroom. A queen size bed was adjacent to the door. A nightlight was
opposite of the bed. Toys were scattered everywhere it seems which perhaps
meant that the children had not been cleaning up after themselves. Above the
nightlight was a window; it showed what the backyard looked like however.
Walking towards the window, I hit my toe against something hard. I had expected
there to be a wall and a nightlight there. But lowering my head, my eyes
widened in surprise upon seeing a golden chest before me. A paper was stick
against the front of the chest with a red large arrow pointing northward. I
rose my eyes from the chest to the window again, staring down onto the backyard
in silence. Then a few seconds in and I rose my walkie from my waist, pressed
the button and started speaking “Anyone there?” “Acknowledged, Ling.” Responded
Zander, “Has anyone tried the backyard yet of the building?” “There is a
backyard?” Interrupted Natty as her voice rose in response to her shock.


A pause of silence
followed before Zander radioed in again responding to me, “Acknowledged again.
I will go check it out.” “Bring Kyro and Natty with you.” I suggested, feeling
anxious about what the backyard would bring. “I am honestly not too sure about
it.” “The backyard? Its perfect fine.” Responded Zander with a light chuckle. I
only chuckle in response for him. Another pause of silence as I lowered the
walkie down and kept eyes upon the window and the backyard for a moment. Then
avert my eyes, dragging them towards the golden chest below me. I crouched and
extended my claws forth towards it. Opening the chest up, I looked what
whatever was inside. To my surprise, I spotted a half ripped blueprints. This half
only showed the Chaos realm. ‘Whatever was the other, must be that foreign
realm.’ I thought to myself with a soft growl pondering how they managed to
keep this hidden from everyone including their allies.


Though with the following
silence, I rose to my feet and turned around. However before I could head
outside the door, something caught my eye. Above the bed and between the two
pole edges of the bed lies a drawing of a circle with a line running diagonal
to it. A note was attached at the center of that circle too. I walked around
the bed and came up upon the side where I leaned forward, snatching the note
from the wall and heed back without falling upon the bed. In fear that it might
trigger a trap. Thus gazing at the note momentarily, I spotted four letters
forming into a word. All written in blood however. ‘Rack’ was what they spelled
which had lead me into different unique questions. Yet none of them were
related to the case we have today. So disregarding it, I shove it into my
pocket and started for the door.


I headed out and back
upon the hallways once again. I walked down the halls and towards the stairs.
Down towards the first floor I go where Zander Ozkun and Kyro regrouped. I just
so happened to joined them in. As I made my arrivaled to them known, their eyes
shifted away from one another and turned towards me. Whereas smiles reappeared
upon their faces and I reflected my own towards them, our smiles faded and
Ozkun quickly relay everything that they had found in the backyard. “There is a
dead blizeon lying upon the grass corner of the backyard. She seemed to be
pregnant yet her belly was cut wide. Inside her womb was an egg which was
already cracked opened. Inside the egg lies a code: ‘51220’.” “What does the
code meant?” I questioned them, curious upon their observation and suggestions.
But everyone fell to silent. Unclear of the code’s meaning however.


I exhaled a breath, shook
my head and responded to them “Maybe a code for a locked door or shed outside?”
“There is no shed in the backyards.” Ozkun responded, “There is not?” I
questioned, Ozkun nodded his head. “What about the locked door inside the
house?” “We have not heard Natty’s group yet.” Zander remarked, his arms
crossing rather impatiently as he stared upon me. I narrowed my eyes at him and
then spoke after a short silent, “Give me the code. I will find where this goes
then.” “We should wait for Natty.” Kyro protested but I ignored him and stormed
off as usual. I have already splitted from the group and around the corner
again towards another room. Here was where I stand my group as I stared around
the place, hoping to find something about that would keep interest as I search
for the locked door. But before I could, something popped into my mind. My
wings spread in thought as I turned around and headed out the room and back
upon the halls where Zander and Kyro was.


Their attention was
towards me, but they kept quiet as our eyes met. I motioned them and heed up
the stairs again with them. Upon reaching the second floor, I ordered them to
tried the code out towards the four other closed locked doors around the halls
which they nodded their heads and attempted. But none of them unlocked. It was
clear where this code would be however and I exhaled a breath in ponderance
where Natty’s group was located around this time. For as Zander and Kyro
regrouped with me again, I turned my back towards them and headed down the
stairs. But as I had arrived, the walkie had already sounded. Natty’s voice
called through the radio. “We found a door that is locked. Located in the first
floor; far right side of the building.” “Input this code!” I heard Zander’s
voice called through the walkie, a short pause of silence followed before
something clicked and Natty cheerfully responded “Yeah that worked. We need to
regroup in this position.” “Acknowledged.” I confirmed, running right through
the halls.


We gathered up upon the
opened door. Natty and Albania were already waiting for us it had seemed. As
Zander, Kyro and Ozkun arrived upon our regroup spot. Natty turned her
attention towards me and nodded slightly. I nodded afterwards before grabbing
my pistol. Everyone else did so as well. We filed through the doors as one,
descending the wooden steps into the pitch of darkness that awaits for us
below. The walls were closing in onto us. A single light shines dimly above our
heads. But that was all that we can find as we step foot upon the cold hard
grounds underneath our feet. For a single large empty room awaits us. “There is
nothing here…” Kyro awed in surprise as everyone else had taken to silent. I
nodded in agreeance towards him, but my eyes was around the room instead.
“Spread out and find anything useful.” Kyro Zander and Natty heeded towards the
right side of the room while Ozkun and Albania heeded the opposing side of
them. Once again they left me alone to myself, but luckily I get to do nothing.


I kept my eyes upon the
single large room. Quickly noticing a white door on the other side; already
opened. But a sign was posted upon its surface. Written in red blood or
something identical, I squinted my eyes and stared upon it for a moment.
Whispering it rather to myself, I read it as ‘Static’. ‘What the heck is
static?’ I pondered silently, tilting my head to one side while I shifted my
attention leftward and rightward of the room before me. Zander had found an
electric feather that was lying upon a stack of brown boxes off to the side and
upon the corner of one room. Written around the tape that wrapped the
circumference of the feather reads those same words. I even heard Natty
muttered something out loud which sounds similar to the words that I just read
too. Just like that, everyone was confused for none of them were able to know
what this single word meant.


“Gather up!” I quickly
ordered as my voice filled the room again. Marching footsteps flooded the room
and drove away the silence that had stalked me. As everyone gathered up, all
eyes were upon me as if expecting an answer as to the single word too. But I
shook my head, admitting no answer for that word either. With groans, Zander
pouted and crossed his arms. Wings folded behind him as he ranted against me,
“Then how are we suppose to know what this word meant?” “We could guess.” Kyro
suggested despite the black dragon glaring at him intensity, I chuckled awkwardly
in response then shook my head afterwards before questioning theme all, “What
do you think? Static means? Everyone else had a different answer as to its
meaning which I was greatly shocked upon.


Ozkun suggested, “Maybe
had to do with the electric dust feathers that we found around the basement.”
“Could be the electronics that are around the Order Chaos realms and the
foreigners have gotten a hold of it now?” “Wait wait.” Kyro growled
interrupting Zander who turned his eyes over to him. “How do you know that the
foreigners have gotten a hold of the electronics when they are here to begin
with?” “Well he does put up a good point however.” I responded and smiled a bit
adding, “But we could say that these feather dusters are… as we say, beta
testing.” An agreeance of murmurs waved around the small crowd as the
suggestions continued. For after a while of suggestions, the atmosphere have
gotten silent. I breathed a sigh, closed my eyes a bit before opening them up
and gaze upon the room. I took in the scenery around me; taking in the details
around before directing my eyes back upon my coworkers, “Well.” I said after a
long silence, “I think if we were to find this last clue. It will shock us and
maybe the viewers as well…” “What do you mean?” Kyro questioned me with a tilt
of his head but I remained smiling as I pushed through them and walked across
the room. Reappearing in front of the white door that I had noticed earlier


I entered. But barely set
my foot beyond the line underneath me as my eyes shifted towards the
surroundings of the room I was about to entered in. Like the room behind me,
the room was also empty perhaps also cleaned out as well. Nothing was here. Not
even a small hint or something. While I pondered about the cleanaged of every basement
room we had been in, I never heard someone’s footsteps crept up towards me and
tapped me upon the shoulder. I turned around in response, gazing down onto Kyro
and Zander who somehow followed the red dragon. Their attention was towards the
room I was now watching, but their eyes shifted towards me as if they were
expecting something from me. I just kept quiet and sidestepped which allowed
them in. They take it and entered, disappearing from my view.


“Why was every room gotta
be empty?” I heard myself muttered to myself as Kyro answered, “There is a
reason for that however. Maybe it had to do with our raid.” “Did they hear it?”
I turned to the red dragon who turned up upon the opened door, leaning against
it with his arms crossed as he shook his head “I doubt it however.” I grunted
but said nothing else in response as the red dragon huffed and said nothing to
add to the conversation. As we both fell silent to the atmosphere surrounding
us, our ears perked upon hearing Zander said something else. That our attention
was towards him. He was spotted on the far left side of the room; his claw was
raised and pointing downward into the now passive hallway before him. Kyro and
I stopped for a moment and smiled briefly, gathered up with him and walked down
the stairs together. The light was driven away by the pitch darkness of the
hallway as we descended. The walls were narrowed, the steps underneath us were
small which forced our legs together and tightened our movement.


Overall, it was very hard
to get through the stairs. A tight one at best however too. But we made it
towards the bottom. The bottom of the basement. “I never thought that there be
one after the basement.” Joked Zander, chuckling afterwards at his own joke
while Kyro glared at him shutting him up. The few moments of silence was all I
had needed to look about and as I searched, I had quickly noticed that the
entire room was much like the previous two however. “Empty.” I confirmed, Kyro
and Zander nodded their heads. A small frown escaped their lips but said
nothing otherwise as they turned back their bodies, heeding up the stairs
again. They disappeared from my view, I turned away from them and returned my
sights towards the room before me and searched again. I walked to one side of
the empty room. Having not noticed a stack of brown and pale boxes here. Red
dotted arrows pointed upward to the ceiling above me. I looked and spotted
another. Pointing downward which perhaps meant the opposing side, I followed
its directions and heed the other side.


Upon arriving, I stopped
when I had noticed something upon the ground. A piece of white paper that was
blank on one side, but when I turned it around, something was written on it.
Written in red it had seemed. My head was tilted to one side as I took noticed
and snatched the note from the cold grounds of which it laid. Rising it towards
my face, I peer my eyes upon the written words there and read it towards
myself. Four words stands upon the paper. Half of them was crossed out. Of the
words, only three I recognized however.


“ Tuwil, Rinichi, Yang…”
Tuwil and Rinichi were crossed out. But I had pondered why were these three
words were written here of all places too. Thus began a series of questions in
my mind as I attempted to head back the stairs. Up then and back towards the
basement where the other members was waiting for me. When they noticed my
arrival, they greeted me. I responded back in kind before handing them a piece
of paper and questioned them, “Why are two names are crossed out? Why is Yang here?
Who is the fourth person/character on this list?” “Too many questions.” Started
Ozkun with a chuckle as his eyes shift towards the paper that Natty was now


After a while of silence,
I heard Zander spoke out loud to himself while his head rose towards the
ceiling. He tilted his head a bit and exhaled, Kyro turned to face him in
question. Though the two had not spoken anything else additionally. As I
watched them however, I pondered overed what Zander had said and avert my eyes
away from my coworkers and towards somewhere else. To the white wall that
governs the empty room that we were in, I sometimes wonder if Zander was right
about it after all. I felt a tap upon my shoulder. I shifted my head towards
the source, having spotted Ozkun whose head was tilted to the side in
ponderance of whatever was on my mind. I smiled only briefly before relaying my
thought to him. Hoping that he would understand or carry on additional
information that perhaps we had missed.


“I believed what Zander
had said was true.” I started things off, Ozkun nodded his head agreeing with
me while turning back towards the black dragon behind us, “I do believe you are
right.” “How so?” I questioned, urging him to clarify. A brief smile drift from
his snout till it disappeared afterwards as his head turned back towards me,
“Well think about it for a moment. Why are the top two names on that list
crossed out and Yang is not? Could it be a present? Birthday present?” I shook
my head at the word mention, adding in “Both our birthdays is not until
somewhere deep within the month.” “True.” Ozkun agreed, nodding his head. We
fell to a pause of silence again, turned our heads over to the other officers.
Yet our eyes were pinpointed towards Zander who seem to be preoccupied with
himself. “Zander.” I called, the dragon in question was startled but
nevertheless he turned towards us and walked. Catching up as he planted his
feet upon the ground and stared upon us. I initiated the conversation and
included him, “What do you think about the two names being crossed out?” “Two
names are crossed out?” Zander questioned me with eyes raised to the skies,
“Where?” “On the paper, idiot.” Ozkun growled, stabbing him in the chest with a
claw as his eyes narrowed upon him. “Oh that? Well it does indicate two things
however… One, it  could mean a birthday
bash. But I know that is out of the question because Ling and Yang’s birthday
is somewhere in October where the initial story had started, twenty years ago.”
Ozkun nudged him with a wide grin, I only grimed at him to silenced his warm
friendly smile.


“Second. This perpetrator
might have killed both foxes and left Yang for last.” “That is the second point
to consider, Zander.” I started with a nod as Zander turned his head to me and
nodded, “Do you think that the foreign realm had anything to do with the
killing?” “They do not even know whom those two are.” Zander objected with a
grim frown as his eyes darted from me to Ozkun, he even added “I think it was
one of the members in Chaos.”