Current Track: Blabb

Some say it was all folklore, of the sort civilizations

Will sprout like fungus from the leaking seams as they grow senile.

That those who live like wolves among the ruins may find comfort

In tales that make the wolves out in the wastelands to seem noble.

Some call it an expression of promiscuous subcultures

That overlapped to bring to birth, like unwanted messiah,

A metaphor unwieldy, and a clumsy allegory

For the poverty and pathos of our queer cthonic kindred.

Some say that it was seidr, to be written on the chaos

Of the universe's backstage, and be bullied into being.

For if the world is shadow puppets on a wall, you change it

By crafting shadow puppets, whose forms the world must echo.

And some say it is true. Indeed, some hold it really happened.

That the pack is out there somewhere. They yet love eachother fiercely.

And any day may be the day a young and earnest werewolf

May call the names of you and I to turn, and be his packmate.

I'll offer no opinion here. The text supports such readings.

My own interpretation is my own. The tale is ended.

Go in whatever peace you can afford, and may your journey

Be easy on you, ere it reunites us in the sunset

Like wolves, at rest from grieving, all their pack at last together.