Current Track: Blabb

When talking about tourist traps, people often mean establishments like expensive restaurants, casinos, or markets full of predatory merchants. While it was never explained in detail, some locals described an old factory as one of those lures.

While the group of newcomers wasn’t that interested in that complex of badly damaged and rather boring buildings, one of them decided to stick around, but for a completely different reason than admire the architecture. 

It was simply the fatigue.

Tired of walking for hours, the rather peculiar creature ignored the massive sign that warned about not taking a seat near the walls. Perhaps it was in her nature to not oblige any rules, being someone who was quite exotic not only in this part, but in this world as well.

A wickerbeast.

She was a rather short, white beast with long, pointy ears, a short maw, and a thick, strong tail. Some say they had the blood of both imps and trolls traveling through their veins. And nobody knew that she wanted to act like a normal tourist, just strolling in this unknown for her city.

Chris, since it was her name sewed into the sweater she currently wore, eventually took a seat with a gigantic wall behind her back. She didn’t know the purpose of the rather strange-looking oval-shaped holes built into the structure, but perhaps it was just a funny choice by the architects. Although since it was a factory, everything had to have its place.

She raised one of her legs, placing it above her other thigh, rubbing the sore toes. Chris didn’t care about the group anymore, knowing they are going to the nearest restaurant, probably overpriced like everything in this city. But somehow, she enjoyed this mundane event, even at cost of her bare soles.

The wickerbeast couldn’t ever in her life expect what would happen next. Through the hole directly behind her, a long, deep, and echoing sound could be heard, making her long ears ring. Like someone tried to be funny, scaring the poor and unexpecting creature, perhaps trying to punish her for disobedience.

Feeling annoyed by these blaring sounds she tried to stand up and leave, but something was preventing her to move as someone glued her to the bench, but that wasn’t the case. An invisible force was not only preventing her to leave but also trying to push her toward it. 

While the sounds increased their intensity and volume, she felt more and more of the strange and powerful force sucking on her body, pulling her clothes and limbs backward. The long hair flipped back, now going towards the hole, just like the material of her sweater and pants. It was so intense, even her skin felt that too.

She opened her mouth trying to call for help, but the suction made her skin stretch painfully, completely exposing her gums and teeth. The force twisted Chris’ arms, making them be pulled inside the hole behind them. The clothing started to tear itself apart, shred by shredding revealing more of her now naked figure.

The female wickerbeast didn’t care about being naked in this life-and-death situation. Her average-sized, pale breasts flopped in the severe wind. Most of her limbs were now inside the hole including her tail, but she still tried everything to escape of gruesome fate.

Chris wanted this feeling to end when every inch of her body felt like it was pulled by thousands of tiny hands, fearing it will tear her apart to shreds. And eventually, she was sucked in completely into the hole, right before the blaring sounds stopped.

After a few long moments of silence, only defeated groans could be heard from the long tube in the wall. Finally, after another minute, the wickerbeast emerged, naked and annoyed beyond belief, holding destroyed material in her hands. What I am supposed to do? She thought.


It’s sometimes hard to believe how some people are so incredibly patient, not asking too many questions in the craziest situations. The clerk in a local clothing store would never expect a white, reptilian beast in her establishment, but she didn’t call any authorities on her. Luckily for Chris, her wallet and credit card weren’t damaged at all.

Now wearing a full dress and a large hat with a wide brim, Chris left the store, trying to forget about the latest experience in the old, closed factory. But apparently and unlucky for her, it wasn’t the end of her problems.

You’ve got to be kidding me, she thought.

Maybe the building still wanted revenge or it was just a strange coincidence, but the sudden and powerful wind indicated that fate had sometimes a twisted sense of humor. Chris tried with all her might to fight it, wanting to get back to her group.

Once again, the skin around her eyes and mouth was pulled back, forming awful and ugly wrinkles and exposing the pink flesh, before her clothes were slowly giving up as well. Her hat flew away towards the nearest alleyway, where Chris eventually ended up too.

In the alley, wickerbeast saw something that defied all the logic and her knowledge about physics and architecture. An oversized, open manhole caused this mighty wind, sucking everything in its radius. Chris just like before, couldn’t call for help, forcefully pulled towards the absurd trap.

Not knowing what awaited her below Chris’ paws, she started praying for all gods she know, good and evil. She tripped on the ground, before her dress ripped itself apart, and siphoned into the manhole without any trace. She said her final goodbyes to this cruel world, feeling her legs and tail inside the hole below. But then…

It stopped.

While the suction on her naked body below the waist continued, her rather broad figure prevented her to be sucked entirely inside. Her bountiful bosom lay on the dirty ground, pressing flat against it. She was somewhat grateful it didn’t end up much worse, but the situation wasn’t ideal as well.

At least temporarily, she became a tourist attraction herself.