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Successful Harvest
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When the Timescar collapsed the Baytown mountain on Kaerwyn, it created a tsunami that flooded the town, and many were killed. Even worse, most of the equipment was destroyed. Of those that survived, a new existence slowly took hold over the next several years. Richard, being one of the last surviving medical professionals, was partially tasked with foraging out in the wilderness to find plants to use to make medicinal powders, creams, oils, and salves. Here he is coming back from what looks like a successful trip. But...the Timescar sits over his shoulder in the background, threatening this delicate peace. He has to be wondering how much longer things will remain stable.
This was part of a Dark Future plot run by Jakkal on The Realm of Kaerwyn RP site, which is NOT CANON TO THE COMIC. They have separate storylines, so please don't ask her when this'll arrive in the comic. The Dark future has been averted through the heroic efforts of the last survivors of the blasted remains of the Kaerwyn Caldera, who went back in time to warn the town. Richard, however, was not one of those survivors. He still did a dangerous job, and he did it until the end.
3 years ago
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