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"This power *IS* too great to exist"
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"...But I think I'm beginning to enjoy it, nonetheless."
So in a story that Lunarkeys has been working on, Vershaft accidentally came upon an individual that was a werewolf, as a result of a mad science experiment. He escaped and came upon Vershaft's ship, and then infected him with lycanthropy. Both shifted, they managed to evade recapture by mercenaries sent to reclaim them. Then began a buddy-movie as they traveled the galaxy trying to find a way to cure themselves, still fighting off the mercenaries that occasionally give them trouble trying to capture them. Eventually a cure is found on a distant planet, and while headed there, they are ambushed again. This picture happens as Vershaft's door is cut through and they see him already changing. "I AGREE, this power is too great for anyone to possess...however, this is my sixth time...and I'm beginning to enjoy it." he growls, as he finishes shifting and goes to rip them apart.
Drawn by Jakkal
4 years ago
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