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Tiptoeing Into New Things
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Ace barely made it home before the tropical storm got too bad for flying. After he dried off, he and Martin set down to wait the storm out in the relative comfort of the workshop they call home.
But while they were sitting there, Ace decided to try something on a whim. Martin initially reacted with confusion and the wolf offered to stop, but the doberman’s curiosity won out and soon Ace could feel first-hand (ha!) that Martin was into it.
Amazing, the things you discover about each other when you have nothing else to do.
Ace London and Martin Torque from [i]TaleSpin[/i], © Disney Animation
But while they were sitting there, Ace decided to try something on a whim. Martin initially reacted with confusion and the wolf offered to stop, but the doberman’s curiosity won out and soon Ace could feel first-hand (ha!) that Martin was into it.
Amazing, the things you discover about each other when you have nothing else to do.
Ace London and Martin Torque from [i]TaleSpin[/i], © Disney Animation
5 years ago
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