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Kiss of Life
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Khalil possesses the power to control wind and air pressure, so he knows quite a few tricks at staying underwater for extended periods. His lover Silara, not so much, but these two know how to share ;) This is just one scene out of many when the two Aurans were courting.
I expected this piece to take a while, though I did not think it would take as long as it did. I'm glad to have finally finished it after all that time. Not only is this the first time I've ever drawn two characters kissing, but it's also the first time I've ever colored Silara. So here she is, confirmed a red head (with a plume of gold on her bangs). Enjoy!
Silara Aphias & Khalil Dasar copyright Aelius (me)
I expected this piece to take a while, though I did not think it would take as long as it did. I'm glad to have finally finished it after all that time. Not only is this the first time I've ever drawn two characters kissing, but it's also the first time I've ever colored Silara. So here she is, confirmed a red head (with a plume of gold on her bangs). Enjoy!
Silara Aphias & Khalil Dasar copyright Aelius (me)
11 years ago
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