Current Track: Blabb
Suitcase in hand, in a blazing suit, Max is headed to his place of meeting, the nervous step. By his side, a leopard gecko goes with him, in casual dress, the mischievous look. And although the two companions weren't on the same wavelength, both makes for the same destination.


“Well, that's it."

Both stops in front of the building and stares it on the first floor to his top.

“Whistleeee… Damn, buddy! That's huge. Business begins, it seems." Ernesto noticed, impressed.

“Yeah, I know."

Just thinking about it, I clench fists. I'm very nervous and I'm thinking that Ernesto saw it too.

“Don't worry, dude. Everything's gonna be alright."

“Yes, I just hope it won't be a ball-up."

“But no. Wait, I'm going to send you positive vibes."

“It's nice but it will not be necess…"

I want to reply but, facing that sight, I was right to be quiet. Because seeing Ernesto, push one kind of invisible power towards me with his arms, it's totally worth it, just for a good laugh.

“OK, OK, alright, you can stop now. It's really stupid but I appreciate the attention, thanks."

“You're welcome. Can I just make a small remark?"

“Go on."

“I understand you put a suit, you would be serious and all..." He observed carefully.


“But for the suitcase, I tell myself you've been doing too much." He continued.

“But no, I handled my stuff. This suitcase is not empty." I asserted, confident.

“Okay, you're the boss. We'll meet later as planned."

“Yeah, it works." I confirmed.

“On this, good luck."

“Thanks, man. See you soon."


With a wave of my hand, I let him go. Before entering and facing the unknown, I breathe deeply and exhale. “Here we go!" I tell myself, the confident look.


This is it, the big moment is coming. Lift door opens, and I'm blinded for some seconds before seeing the places. As I expected it, the floor is full of desktops separated from each other by a kind of gray opaque wall. Cool like ambiance.

To know where to go, I make for the reception. Under the desktop, a porcupine (handsome on the way) received me, kindly:
“Yes, hello?"

“Hello, I'm Mr. Furo, I have a meeting…"

“Yes, a second, please…" The rodent interrupted me, by pressing his intercom. “Hello, Mr. Rowards?"

“Yes, what's it?" A hoarse voice asked.

“The first candidate arrived."

“Really? This early? That's good news. Bring him to me, if you please."

“Very well, we're coming…"

“Great, great news." I had time to hear the boss tell before the sound is cut off.

“Follow me."

On the way to Rowards' office, I couldn't see them, but I could hear whispers and giggling from employees. What is annoying and distributing. Finally, we both arrived in front of a with a golden nameplate written on it: “Victor Rowards, CEO."

“Here you are. Just knock on the door, and he'll call you."

“Okay, thanks."

“Good luck."


After blowing it, I knocked three times. “Get it, please!"

I open the door and silence hits me. By closing the door, I can see Mr. Rowards stand up, behind the blinds' widow. On his desktop, there are sheets, one Rubik's Cube, a Greek statue and a kind of pendulum which balls don't stop knocking together. Weird decor, but to each their own.

Well, what do I do now? I sit? I wait, standing up? Since the boss doesn't seem to move, it would be better to sit down…

“One moment please, don't sit now…" I stopped dead by his honeyed voice. “I would look at you closely."

By leaving blinds' widow, he turns over and came towards me. If I can describe him, he has red-fire and golden feathers, a curved beak and his face are marked on his wrinkles. You're wondering how I describe him so correctly? Well, let's say, not only he came towards me, but now, he turns around me, while scrutinize my body, downwards. Man, I'm as stiff as a post, I was so nervous.

“Don't worry, I will not bite you… Well, well! … I like what I see… I have a feeling you will do great things, Mr. Furo."

“Yes, if you tell…" I replied, confused.

“Forgive my inquisitiveness, but I like to watch people than I'm working with… There's nothing wrong with this, isn't it?"

“N-n-no, not at all. You're the boss anyway." I assured on the same way.

“Yes, whatever… uh-huh… it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Furo." He greeted me, by holding out his hand.

“Indeed, mister, I think." I returned him, by shaking his hand straight away.

From the look in his eyes, I could say he's confident and determinate with my coming. This man's headstrong, I can smell it. So, I really need to calm my nerves otherwise it will be really a ball-up and more than a little.

“Now we have all met, I invite you to sit down, if you wouldn't mind."

“Yes, very well." I complied immediately.

Oh, the real business is starting now. Then, let us not screw up, let us not give in. While his pendulum keeps his constant jingle, I'm waiting for him.

“Well, to pretend it's a common interview, I will ask some questions about your experience. And, in return, I will answer all your questions about the vacant post. It works?"

“Yes, of course."

“Great, let's begin."

Now, I see him a notebook and a pen. Amazing, it's clear he'll take notes. We really need to find a way to sell myself. No problem, I'm hot. I really need this job, whatever it is.

“Well, can I have your résumé please?"

“Yes, here is it."

Here, I know it was a good idea to take some papers with me. The bird took really his time to read all paragraphs of the paper. It's good to know, because I sweated to write it.

“Then, based on what I could see… you've accumulated so many jobs, I could almost say you've done everything. It's quite impressive. And all of this, I noticed you've been a model for one year. On this, I'd like to ask the following question: why aren't you anymore?"

Ah yes, it's true, I could mention this small detail, but it's not very interesting. So, let's dwell on that.

“Well, at the roof, I didn't think to be a model, but my circle who made me do it. And given that I had the suitable physique and it paid well, I didn't complain about this. After, it wasn't rewarding as a post. In result, I had continued until my engagement came to an end… And here is the outline."

“Okay, I see."

And he continued to write in his notebook. Alright, don't let you disturb and keep going.

“Now, tell me what your definition of the perfect job is."

Well, it's clear, he wants to see my frankness. Although the question is open, I already had a strong idea of the answer.

“To put it simply, it should be well-paid, pleasant to do and have reasonable hours… But if I can learn something and bring something to people in return, it should be really a plus. Because if a work can't be instructive on both sides, it's not worth it, no?"

“Of course, I see what you mean."

“I apologize in advance if I'm too much…"

“No, don't make excuses, Mr. Furo. On the contrary, I like a lot your frankness. Now, tell me… why I should offer you this post?"

“I'm a fast learner and this, whatever the task… Because I always want to learn and do my best. If we don't learn, we don't evolve and consequently, we don't change. Do you understand?"

“Yes, absolutely. Well, I will stop here."

“WHAT? I mean… sorry? Are you sure that only three questions will be sufficient?"

“You know, each profile's different and in your case, I won't need more. So, don't worry about this, I got all I need."


Fortunately, he is finished with his notebook. I don't know why, but I've a feeling he was writing the worst craps about me. Listen, it's just an impression. So, don't let you distract.

“Now, it's your turn. Well, I listen to you."

“How many questions should I ask you?"

“As much as necessary. Go on, don't be shy."

“Okay, first at all… how did you find my address?"

“I got back to your old agency. And if you're here today, it's that you didn't move on, am I wrong?"

“No, not at all."

Alright, it's a bit scary, but I guess it's my fault. I should be more careful in the future.

“Well, Mr. Furo? I'll wait for you."

“Yes, well… This time, I'll really get to the point. Honestly, Mr. Rowards, what is this work? What do you mean by “Husbando"?"

“In the modern language, this world means a male character (from cartoons, I think) who provokes a lot of reactions: affection, desire, conflict, obsession and the list go on. It's why we called our service by this word, and thus, we employ men who meet specific criteria."

“Alright, what kind of criteria?"

“Well, generally, our candidates are tall, young (around 20 and 30,) muscular, single, charming, bold and kindly. Cliché of the perfect man, do you see?"

“Yes, I see."

Well, guys… I won't lie to you, but all this doesn't bode well. Somewhere, I know I should be delighted. But somewhere, when it needs these kinds of criteria to have a job, you know that shady things will come.

“If I understood correctly, you recruit men for offer some services. But what kind of services exactly?"

“Let's see it as personal services."

“But does not this job require one specific formation, no?"

“Not here and that's why this work is special."

Oh man, troubles are coming.

“Sorry if I'm repetitive, but what kinds of services do you offer?"

“All kinds of services."

“Wait, when you say “all", you mean…"

“Yes, all kinds of services."

“Really “all"?" I insisted.

“Yes, really all…" He did the same.

“Mister Rowards, do you understand…"

“Yes, I get the message. Well, let's say it's rather rare that it happens, but it depends on…"

“Oh, damn it." I whispered, placing my hand over my face.

By seeing my reaction, he preferred to stop talking, and he's quite right. Since the beginning, this guy wanted to tell me this post involves, for example, helping people with problems and satisfying perverts who want to… But no kidding? WE MAKE A FOOL OF ME!!

“Look, I understand you're disgusted but…"

“I'm not disgusted! No, what I don't understand here, it's how this work can be legal. Do you even a license for this?" I asked, stunned.

“The company still exists for many years and our permit was always renewed until today."

“Really? Great!" I mocked.

“Yes, indeed." He simply said.

“That's not really…"

“Mister Furo, I know what sarcasm looks like…" He responded, derisive.

Man, such a… No, Max, keep cool, don't let your emotions get to you. Well, it's a bit late to say it but whatever. In short, get it over it.

“Okay, if we leave aside… this “detail", what is going to happen if, and when I accept this work?"

“Within a week, we'll meet again, and I'll tell you all you know about the first customer."

“And err… how do you choose them, your clients?"

“We don't have strong preference here. It's why we're focused on their age, gender, location and court file."

“And until now, you didn't encounter any problem?"

“Maybe some people dissatisfied but nothing more."

“Yeah… Oddly, I've doubt."

“Don't worry, you don't teach an old bird how to make faces."

“I hope for you." I whispered, spiteful.

“Of course, I say it. You don't have an acute sense of hearing." The director asserted sarcastically.

BUT GO F… Never mind, let's drop it!

“Otherwise, is it possible for you to know beforehand asked services?"

“Not really. We can have some instructions but it's the customer who know the most. So, it will be with him you must arrange."

“And are requests numerous year-round?"

“Yes, and it's not diminishing, hence the robust profile control."

“Okay. And if I must move around, how would I do if I can't afford it?"

“We can advance you transport costs."

“Really? And might I pay you back?"

“No, you won't have to. You know, we have so many donors, we reach millions almost every year."

I didn't pay attention to it, but this company is loaded. Guys, it's crazy!

“I had intention to ask you that first… how much is this job paid?"

“$500 per month." He announced in a neutral voice.

“PARDON?" I yelled before keeping it down. “Are you serious?" I questioned, still flabbergasted.

“Yes, very serious. And it excludes tips clients give you in addition."

However, this pendulum's annoying sound, I hear the slot machines in my head, saying I hit the jackpot. Now confusion's gone, more and more reflections are coming from everywhere. What a headache!

“Mister Furo, I can feel all this information worry you. If you want to stop here, I will understand."

“No, not yet. There's one thing I can't explain until now. How did men my age decide to take this work?" I questioned him, still troubled.

Without telling me, the bird gives me one thick album from his desk drawer. I was a little puzzled, but he encourages me, softly: “Come on. Have a look, if you please." On the cover, we could read, written in gold: HUSBANDO YEARBOOK. Thus, under the impetus of the director, I begin to flip through it and all I saw staggered me.

Men of all types, all ages, all species, all shapes, all colors, all origins are listed for every year. Both fascinating and frightening. But, they're all good-looking, we won't lie.

By lingering over details, I heard Mr. Rowards tell me: “As you see, we have a catalog well stocked. You're wondering why all these men accepted this job. Unfortunately, I can't tell you because it'll break director-employee confidentiality. But all I say, it's each of them had their qualities, their faults, their ambitions, their fears… but each had a reason to sign up."

Finally, I close the book and turn around the bird, who is waiting for me. And then, he resumed his speech: “Well, I've shown you what's behind the door. At present, it's for you to get the key to pass through it."

“And if I refuse?"

“We'll call the next candidate and so on, until one of them accepts the post."

“How long do I have to take my decision?"

“You have one week. After the deadline, if we don't have answers, we'll move to the next candidate."

Well, pointless to continue. For now, I know enough.

“On this, I don't have any questions right now." I confessed, all in.

“So, let us stop here. I thank you for giving me your time today."

“Indeed, mister."

“I don't know if we're going to meet again. It's why I'll say… goodbye." Mr. Rowards took his leave of me.

“Well, goodbye… mister."

Without waiting, I packed all my things and I left.


Sigh, what an interview! Now I realize I shouldn't have to get angry with this man. He's just doing this job, but after… how could you react by learning this kind of news? How? I'm curious to know, but it's not like you can answer me. Though? Anyway… That's always one thing out of my list.

BZZT! BZZT! Oh, messages? Let's see.

Hey Canela! Ur done?

Oh, I almost forgot our little session. So, wait compañero, let me answer you…

Yes. Coming, time to change. Begin without me.



Clearly, this session's just at the right time. I really need to switch off before taking my final decision.


The contemplative look, Victor stares his pendulum with a straight face. Then, by a sudden move, he stops balls' balance and silence regain its place. “I'm almost sure he would ask me to stop it." Mister Rowards thought amused.

And by looking the sheet of Maximiliano's profile, he asserted: “I have any doubt about that. If this kid accepts the job, he'll do great things this year."