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Christmas Bold Fek
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Fek trying to get George to come walk with her :D
Decided to go with a Christmas type of vibe since the story is supposed to be Christmas themed.
Fek is a Rogue Class Kobold and she will feature in a story currently being written by AP(ThisIsARealAccount), not sure what the title will be exactly but it will feature a Kobold(Fek) and a Human named George who is a Cobbler(Shoemaker/repair).
The story is supposed to be posted this month, and I for one really, like really want to read the story, so hopefully it will be posted soon.
AP's AO3 profile Link to his other stories:
Edit 1/1/2024: Okay so the story involving Fek has been posted, it's titled The Cobbler and the Kobold, and here's the link to the story:
Decided to go with a Christmas type of vibe since the story is supposed to be Christmas themed.
Fek is a Rogue Class Kobold and she will feature in a story currently being written by AP(ThisIsARealAccount), not sure what the title will be exactly but it will feature a Kobold(Fek) and a Human named George who is a Cobbler(Shoemaker/repair).
The story is supposed to be posted this month, and I for one really, like really want to read the story, so hopefully it will be posted soon.
AP's AO3 profile Link to his other stories:
Edit 1/1/2024: Okay so the story involving Fek has been posted, it's titled The Cobbler and the Kobold, and here's the link to the story:
11 months ago
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