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Contest Time XVII Winner Nice - Christmas Nom
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[B]Contest XVII Nice Winner: Fox-Rachel -- "All Wrapped Up"[/B]
Chosen because.. I forget why... so I just drew this.
[QUOTE=Fox-Rachel's suggestion was]
So strictly speaking of christmas, your character discovering my character with an advent calendar, with all of the doors open as she noms away at the chocolate. (Or reverse the characters with mine being furious that yours would do that because she loves her advent calendars something fierce.)
To look over what other people had suggested, click here.
This did not take that long to get done, once I sat down and actually did it.. I keep getting interrupted with EVERYTHING so again, this took far too long to get done. I had also burnt my had while doing this.. nothing severe, very minor, but its the two fingers of my right hand where I hold my pencils..
Naughty Winner
Chosen because.. I forget why... so I just drew this.
[QUOTE=Fox-Rachel's suggestion was]
So strictly speaking of christmas, your character discovering my character with an advent calendar, with all of the doors open as she noms away at the chocolate. (Or reverse the characters with mine being furious that yours would do that because she loves her advent calendars something fierce.)
To look over what other people had suggested, click here.
This did not take that long to get done, once I sat down and actually did it.. I keep getting interrupted with EVERYTHING so again, this took far too long to get done. I had also burnt my had while doing this.. nothing severe, very minor, but its the two fingers of my right hand where I hold my pencils..
Naughty Winner
7 years ago
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