Current Track: Blabb

There’s beauty beyond these sands,

A guarding bar that never stirs, cold

In its rebuke to my attempts of passage.

Despite efforts, and my ceaseless prayers,

The world beyond is yet still withheld to me.

I know a love beyond these ceaseless dunes,

Where the sun makes rise each day

Among a wide sea of stalks that do sway,

Soft in murmur, the songs of a thousand stars.

And there among those rites unspoken

Of the earthen cradle, perhaps it’s a dream;

But a shivering glimpse among the fumes.

Tho’ maybe there I can peel time back, folding

In turn with each piece of my supple flesh,

Until the whole world is reborn in kind, and I,

Unblemished from my being’s essential scars,

Can tread that earth anew, and embrace its days.