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Digging For Love: "Teasing Matriarch Valentine's"
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This is belated however I wanted to get something out there before the month is over, and thought this would be a good opportunity during the month of romance.
It's of my raccoon hybrid Keenan looking rather flushed with the advances of the mature matriarch Jennifer Lobo during Valentine's day. I cannot say I blame her really.
This is the first time in several years to she actually got to spend Valentine's day with a partner, since the long passing of her husband. You can say that Valentine's Day is left more as an afterthought to Jen considering it all. Sure she has had gotten into relationships only they were short and some were considered just a fling. Big mama laid it down thick that her numerous suitors or suitress begging for more.
However, the percentage that she didn't even bother with soon realize that Jennifer is not a woman to cross. Jennifer Lobo is a force of nature. She demanded respect in every aspect of life and was deserving of all of it. But display good manners and you were already halfway into her good graces - display poor manners, however, and you would soon wish you had never opened your mouth
However, none seem to have gotten her intrigue until apparently, the very man her daughter dating ends up including her mother in this crazy rollercoaster of a relationship. Now it seems the dam that was holding back has finally broken loose and Keenan learning more and more about Jen. She is direct with advances as they come and during this Valentine's Day, you can say more affectionate even. Telling the very raccoon in front of her as she placed his hand on her breast. The smoldering voice in her Cajun accent speaks in her subtle, but direct hints towards the young man.
Keenan wasn't sure if it was just out of competitive spirit with her daughter or among other factors. Although, seeing that smile on her face and body language says it all with her tail wagging. She was in love ^_^
Artwork done by tatara94
Jennifer Lobo & Keenan Vale
It's of my raccoon hybrid Keenan looking rather flushed with the advances of the mature matriarch Jennifer Lobo during Valentine's day. I cannot say I blame her really.
This is the first time in several years to she actually got to spend Valentine's day with a partner, since the long passing of her husband. You can say that Valentine's Day is left more as an afterthought to Jen considering it all. Sure she has had gotten into relationships only they were short and some were considered just a fling. Big mama laid it down thick that her numerous suitors or suitress begging for more.
However, the percentage that she didn't even bother with soon realize that Jennifer is not a woman to cross. Jennifer Lobo is a force of nature. She demanded respect in every aspect of life and was deserving of all of it. But display good manners and you were already halfway into her good graces - display poor manners, however, and you would soon wish you had never opened your mouth
However, none seem to have gotten her intrigue until apparently, the very man her daughter dating ends up including her mother in this crazy rollercoaster of a relationship. Now it seems the dam that was holding back has finally broken loose and Keenan learning more and more about Jen. She is direct with advances as they come and during this Valentine's Day, you can say more affectionate even. Telling the very raccoon in front of her as she placed his hand on her breast. The smoldering voice in her Cajun accent speaks in her subtle, but direct hints towards the young man.
Keenan wasn't sure if it was just out of competitive spirit with her daughter or among other factors. Although, seeing that smile on her face and body language says it all with her tail wagging. She was in love ^_^
Artwork done by tatara94
Jennifer Lobo & Keenan Vale
4 months ago
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