Current Track: Blabb

\n I was bored so decided to write some random fan fiction. This is for the UK T.v. show Mongrels (the characters in this story are the property of the BBC)


\n Nelson is caught by Vincent and Marion in an embarrasing situation with painful results.


\n Dont forget to comment .


\n _____________________________________________________________________________________________


\n It was another long dull night; Nelson was sat in his den beneath the pub playing cluedo with two random mice that had just happened to wander in. "Right!" Nelson said feeling fairly confident. "I'm going to accuse Colonel mustard, with the lead piping in the conservatory!" Feeling confident of his victory Nelson slipped the cards out of the pack and read them individually. "Colonel Mustard....Lead Piping and......ROPE!!!! You idiot you didn't shuffle the cards right!"


\n "I'm tellin ya i checked them through carefully before i picked em out" one of the rats replied.


\n "Oh a likely story!" Nelson pouted. "You madam are a CHEAT! YOU KNEW I WOULD BEAT YOU SO YOU RIGGED THE CARDS!"


\n "No one calls my wife a cheat! The other mouse replied "Come on Elsie! Lets leave this rabid mongrel to vent his anger!" And with that the mice dissapeared out the den.


\n Nelson pouted and sat cross legged on the floor. "Rats!" Nelson sat there for 15 minutes trying to think of a way to amuse himself; suddenly an idea came to him, no one was around so he could do whatever he wanted; this was one of the very few opportunities he had to truly unwind and relax. The fox pushed aside a nearby shelving unit to reveal a hidden compartment in the floor. The fox reached in and took out a long red dress. Nelson loved to cross dress; he felt soo much more comfy in womans clothing.


\n Nelson tossed the dress to one side "Nah! I'm in the mood for something more relaxed." Nelson continued to forage through his secret stash.


\n "Perfect!" The fox said with a smile as he emerged holding in his paws a pair of pink silk vixen panties and matching bra. "Just the thing to unwind after a hard days work.....if i actually had a job."


\n The fox slowly slipped on the panties, smiling with pleasure as the silk caressed his balls and buttocks. He then slipped his arms through the straps of the bra and did up the clasp at the back, making sure to pad the bra out with other pairs of panties. When the fox was fully dressed he turned to the mirror and struck a series of alluring poses. "Whose a sexy little vixen? You are! Work it baby! Show me what you've got."


\n A couple of minutes later Nelson was in the mood for dancing; he put on a copy of the spice girls greatest hits and started singing and dancing along with his hairbrush. For half an hour the fox sung and danced the night away, changing the records and singing to all kinds of girly songs; he felt so free and easy.


\n Just then Vince and Marion entered the den while Nelsons back was turned; the loud music masked their presence. Their jaws dropped as they saw their friend dressed in womans clothing and dancing like a sissy.


\n "Dee-da-dee-da-dee-da doo im a super girl! Dee-da-dee-da-dee-da doo super girl!...."


\n "He is such a f*g!" Vincent muttered to Marion.


\n "Tell me about it." Marion agreed.


\n Just then Vince got an idea, an evil smile appeared on his face. "Get a load of this c**t!" He muttered to Marion as he slowly creeped up behind the dancing fox.


\n Nelson continued to dance completely oblivious to the presence of his fellow mongrels. Vince got closer and closer to the fox giggling menacingly. Suddenly in one swift action Vince took a firm grip on Nelsons panties and yanked them straight up the poor foxes back causing him to yelp with pain.


\n "WEDGIE!" Vince shouted laughing hysterically before letting go. Nelson breathed a sigh of relief as the pain slowly went away.


\n "Really guys! Have you never heard of knockiiiiiAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"


\n While Nelson had been recovering Marion had snuck up behind him and administered another hard wedgie. "Hey Vince you're right! This is incredibly entertaining at someone elses expense. HA! HA! HAAAA! Wedgie!"


\n Vince casually nudged the cat to one side letting Nelson recover again. "No no no c**t you're doing it all wrong! Ya gotta do it all in one swift action! And ya gotta work on ya wedgie cry! Your wedgie cry is what defines you as a wedgie giver! Watch and learn c**t!" Vince once again administered another sharp wedgie to Nelson stretching his panties so they came just below the bra. "WEDGIE!" Vince once again let go. "Now you try."


\n Marion stepped up behind Nelson and administered another much sharper wedgie than before "WEDGIE!!"


\n "Now you're gettin it!" Vince chuckled.


\n Nelson was in incredible pain, his panties which he had once loved were slowly becoming his worst enemy. "Ouch!" Nelson gasped in a whisper. "My....busterior!"


\n "I've got an idea" Vince said as he moved in front of Nelson and griped hold of the front of his panties. "On three!"


\n Nelsons eyes were already beginning to water. "Mommy!"


\n "THREE!" Both Marion and Vince yanked hard; lifting the fox completely off the ground by his panties, crushing his balls and cutting his ass.


\n "Ouch! My dignity!" A teary Nelson said in another painful whisper.


\n Vince and Marion bounced the fox up and down laughing as he begged and pleaded them to stop. The duo dropped him on the floor and Vince yanked the back of the foxes panties up to the bra strap and attached it to the clasp giving him a bra connection wedgie. Nelson started crying "Honestly! You guys are just....big meanies!"


\n The duo burst into another fit of laughter. "Wow Nelson!" Vince chuckled. "I always knew you were a f****t! But this just goes beyond all things f****ty!" Vince grabbed hold of the back of Nelsons panties and dragged him out of the den.


\n "Hey!" Nelson shouted through the pain. "Stop! OW! OW! Stop it! You're ruining my panties! Marion do something! Ow! Oh god these stains will never come out! OW! OW! These were my favourite pair!"


\n ***


\n The next day


\n Destiny walked round the corner to the bins nomming on a doggy biscuit; Kali who was perched on the pubs fan unit up above called down to her.


\n "Oi! Destiny! Up here! Check out the new decor." The pigeon said giggling.


\n Destiny looked up and laughed at what she saw. Hanging beneath the fan unit were a dazed and confused Nelson and Marion. Both had been tied up and were both hanging from the unit by a pair of panties with weights tied to their foot paws, giving them both the most painful and humiliating hanging wedgies possible.


\n "Shame we don't have a crowbar and some blind folds" Kali chuckled. "Then we could have a pinyata party."


\n "UUUUrgh!" Nelson sighed still dazed and confused. "Destiny! me!"


\n "Awww dont worry Nelson, it's cool" Destiny mocked the fox. "I think you look good really fetching in silk. But Marion, pink is so not your colour."


\n "Wait a minute!" Nelson said, as he noticed Marion hanging next to him. "I understand why im here, but why are you hanging as well".


\n The dazed Marion looked at the fox. "Errrr....well...."


\n ***


\n *Flashback*


\n Marion and Vince had just hung Nelson from the fan unit and were walking away laughing


\n "Hehehe; i've gotta hand it to you Vince, that was incredibly entertaining".


\n Vince stopped suddenly and turned to Marion with a displeased look. "Did you just call me a c**t?!"


\n *End Flashback*


\n ***


\n "Ah yes, good old predictable Vince." Nelson sighed.


\n "Hey! Divas! Over here!" Kali shouted having moved to another position. Just as the hanging duo looked up the pigeon snapped a photo of the two on her phone. "Right! That's the christmas cards sorted then!" She said laughing.


\n "Oh you have got to bluetooth that to me!" Destiny said as she took out her phone. "This picture is gonna be everywhere before the day's done!"


\n "Oh come on Destiny be fair!" Nelson shouted but she just ignored him.


\n Within minutes message bleeps could be heard throughout the area as every animals phone rang with the picture of Marion and Nelson, the receivers forwarding it on to their friends. Within minutes a crowd of animals had turned up around the bins pointing and laughing at them.


\n Marion and Nelson just hung there and accepted their fates; they dangled and took the abuse with calm but annoyed expressions.


\n "Nelson" Marion said calmly.


\n "Yes Marion?"


\n "I think i'm enjoying this a little more than i should be".


\n The fox looked at the cat with a puzzled face.


\n Marion turned to Nelson. "You wanna be my wedgie buddy?"


\n Nelson paused for a moment before he let out a sigh "oh go on then!"


