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Words and Light
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I had turned my head to look out the window yesterday, and I seen the sun dancing across my diary and sketchbook so nicely, so I had to take a couple photos of it. I had a version without all the stuff on this table, but it didn't feel whole. It felt artificial and hollow to me, to be so clear and void of the usual things on that desk. This version, with everything on the table, feels warmer and more natural to me. I tried my best to bring out the warmth I was looking at with the light, and the warmth of the image itself. I think I did a good job with it. I'm learning more with editing photos in Krita, and it's been an interesting experience with every image I work with. I really like how this turned out composition-wise, and the colors look great!
Photo by me!
First post (cross post, I've been waiting to get onto this beta to upload new work) on beta!
Photo by me!
First post (cross post, I've been waiting to get onto this beta to upload new work) on beta!
3 months ago
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